Posts for June 16, 2016 (page 2)


Cat Sitting in Iowa City

Before leaving me in charge of her clowder of cats,
Avis took all of them for one last walk behind the trailer park.

I’ve forgotten how the cats and I fared that week in the trailer,
but I’ll never forget that day in the meadow,
the cats following their owner among the tall grasses,
a spectacle silhouetted in the setting sun,
the tips of 11 tails sticking up in the air.


Those Times in Zurich

Facebook post
sprinkler rainbows
French for “hobbyhorse”
Russian for “yesyes”
Stir it melt it congeal it

Hugo Ball:
I let the vowels fool around
so I can ae and o you
so I can delay weed
wacking the driveway
so I can unfold the laundry  

Tzada Tzarin:
Intelligence is an organization like any other
infiltrate create guerilla cell structure
in gorilla cell shots ring out
cells perish and monkey man  

posts dewdrops
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