Posts for June 3, 2018 (page 6)


Jealousy (From a Young Girl)

I wear it 
like a winter coat

Every other girl’s 
is my failure/ugliness

There is not enough 
for all of us

This is the


road to twin creeks

i am a dog 

with my head out the window

on a highway of ecstasy 


more at 11


Bodies Reject The Idea That Because Of Their Maturity They Must Stop   Growing Taller
(bone presses against the red parts of soft skin
testing to see how long it’ll stretch itself into tent home,
how many more minutes it can stand to contain such an audacious tenant)

It’s where the finger bone connects to nail bed that the growth is winning;
I would watch it carefully to make sure you don’t escape you skin.
That happened once to a girl down the street, you know
she was so busy watching how she was growing sideways
she didn’t noticed that she was growing up and down again-
Her bones popped right out of the bottom of her feet and no one’s seen past her knees since




June 2010

In Ben’s inherited ‘93 Ford Explorer
with the maroon leather seats
and white exterior that made the SUV
a vehicular cousin of red velvet cake,

the four of us cruised through Somerset
subdivisions boasting million-dollar houses,
rolled into Eagle’s Nest and Wood’s
Edge bumping LMFAO, rapped along
to “Yes” and gossiped about
bankrupt families who lived there.

We rising seniors spent our summer
goofing off in a slow-moving
small town, turned transportation
into double dates, searched
for side roads and backroads
to make the trip ten minutes longer.


Night Lights

Fireflies and stars intermingle,
until she didn’t know whether to make a wish
                 in  a Jar. 


scared shaveless

“if you just shave, your hair won’t grow back as thick next time”

“if you shave, your hair will grow back twice as thick!”



I’d like to know
once and for all

is karaoke
supposed to be
good or bad
or just fun?

It’s hard for me
to do anything
just for fun.

This doesn’t seem
like karaoke’s problem.

Next time
I’ll sing. 


Low Country Death of an Asshole

What few relics I’ve kept tied up with me, thru the migration of me in search of me, now surround me and stare back at me devoid of meaning. At least I retain their archaelogy of occupied space, enough for both my home and my salvation, the funeral party for all my dreams died now of old age.

I shall retire now to the kitchen!

I shall live the rest of my Life in this landscape of my dead and broken dreams. I can do this with you now in mirthful muted reverie.

Let’s tie a collar round my mortality and make her as our pet. And when she fails ill with bellyache, she’ll go outside and eat the grass until she vomits, and then we’ll be ready again for the next outing

to gas station or
grocery store.

Maybe perhaps the playplace under the gigantic M. It’s easier anyway and they’re still happy people  beacuse people go to people and our nonpaying customer status still offers on its value of popular use.

And now for something completely different:

A Poem for June 2nd. 

Do you still drink milk in a glass

Moan when you have allergies

Did you send your children to Sunday School with their sunburned shoulders showing

Do your favorite pants tie around the waist

are you still sleeping in socks, 

Bc your a total lackey peaseant and I love it babe.  ams


Fur Certain

Fur Certain  

an American mink cannot be positively
identified without seeing its skeleton,
but if it has no white patch on
its chin, it aint English.

i have touched the white on your black
chin like it was a power switch
that i could never turn off.  

they warned me on you- said you came
from Eastern Kentucky. most of the stress
landed on the word East.  

it used to be you could bring in five dollars
a pelt, you told me; now nobody is buying.

you released a coon had been trapped three
days in a cage to your father-and-son German
Shepherds, in broad daylight.

the dogs did not compete, they took turns,
working as a team, unconcerned with how
long, just like we did, before the weather

the undercoat is where you find the thickest
fur, and lush. it is the most practical part to
use for a coat.

we were warm the night you lay down
in your garage and cried because
i had given you a globe, so you could see
where you had been all your life.  

my eyes were wet too. i laid on you
to keep warm. we made a pile,
working outwards, from belly
to torso.


altar for june

feral girl bleeds out on someone else’s
white sheets fingers the wound and licks
it up like no mortal food would sate her

paganism is listening and hearing
just yourself