Have you ever been to the Desert ?
She was so unsure of herself that she never learned to drive.
After a while she was too embarrassed to ask.
She had just the right amount of confidence to take the bus.
She attended a ten week course to become a dental hygienist
She got perfect, porcelain teeth- just like her parents.
It was on the bus that she saw
the ad for the course, now that you mention it.
Her Co -worker texted to say, “Have you ever been to the desert?”
There was so much promise and possibility in those few words.
What she didn’t say was she had been looking her whole life
For porcelain veneers and garages, comfort.
All the while, ALSO searching for a spiritual experience.
A true one. So, yes,She did want to go up to the canyon this weekend
While there she had a vision ,
A vision on the true sense of the word-
Of a white deer.
She said to the deer, “An answer is not
the same thing as a solution, is it? “
And the deer said,
“I don’t know. I don’t have the language for this.
I’m a fucking Deer. “
“Donald Trump is President now”
“are you really surprised, though? ” said the deer.
“Are you really surprised by anything anymore? “
“Back to reality” she thought.
Whatever that means.
One day instagram will be deleted.
Then she won’t be a model.
But right now she’s posting
A pic of the desert sunset.
And the canyon makes her think
Of crashing meteorites ending dinosaurs
And giant ground sloths
But she posts anyway.