Posts for June 3, 2019 (page 10)


How Chris and Bronson spent their weekend

Sitting at last on the parapet

Two exhausted Knights


Not seeing the blood and offal

Crusted upon each Royal tunic

Swords and axes chipped and dull

Cast down in disarray

“It’s over” they whisper just to themselves


But the bell begins to toll

Passwords urgently shouted,

The Call made, the Echo forgotten

The people are screaming while the slaves rebel

Refusing their labors


Those two, 
Battered Knights rise to the call

Not for glory or fame but innate chivalry

They rise together

And quickly move

To rejoin the battle


Safe Passage

Our lips meet between
anxious breaths

they part in shared anticipation

My mouth
too full
tasting your sweetness

To notice your sorrows
empty into it

They seek refuge on my
acquiescent tongue

One luscious swallow
grants your despair
safe passage
to my unsuspecting heart


Two Squirrels

spiraling up a tree,

two squirrels jump into

a mass of mauve leaves,

last night’s rain shaking off

in a shower of droplets


they are free, dull, happy

content to chase one another

unaware that our

burning fate may come

more quickly than we want


but for now I will enjoy

this afternoon, the sun is out

and I am pulling down the universe

into my hands, crafting prisms

and shooting visions

through them


She Found Peace

On high voltage lines 

Sits a Robin 

At peace


Like the morning

My thoughts are foggy 
Like the morning
she said 
They were getting divorced
Like the morning 
You carried a flower
That wasn’t for me. 

I sit with coffee and wait
For warmth
And the strength of the morning sun
To burn away the mist 
Till I can think clearly


Ode to a Toaster Strudel

i’ve read of many tragedies,
of pain beyond words–
hundreds, thousands, millions lost
“left alive were just one-third”

the stories echo throughout time
and are written in The Book
so none who come after
will forget when Gaia shook

my story, in this context, may
seem, to you, so trite
but for me, who did live through it,
it was my darkest night

for i had risen with hunger,
stomach hot and cruel,
the toaster beeped, my treat popped out–
i dropped my toaster strudel


Lightning Strike

BOOM CRACK as you sit
there listening

to the rain as you 
gently sip your 
hot coa coa as you
wish it where sunny
waiting by the fire
half asleep. 
you get up and 
go to 


dad said “…. did you know if you feed a bird triscuits, it’s stomach will explode

dad said “…. did you know, if you feed a bird triscuits, it’s stomach will explode”

wife number three
/girlfriend number ‘god knows’

came with a squawking parrot
two kids
and a drawer full of harley tees

lasted all of three years
two, of which’ were spent split between she and
hopeful number four

that daughter of hers, i always felt bad for
i guess she was my step sister

that son of hers
they moved him to the basement bedroom

that bird of hers
a few days before
the divorce papers arrived

a box of triscuits
in the trash


I should go

                   I should go

I should go to visit  my ninety-
one year old uncle and write his stories,
his life, his war, his wood in his blood poetry
that reflect a life lived well.
He will talk about fishing
for trout below Wolf Creek
dam or talk about the next time
the Braves play the Phillies. I should go.

I know.
I should write poetry with hidden rhyme
if I go Sunday or mid-week.
I should go and put to rest my wishing
to hear his voice. When I leave him, I must tell
him I love him, and turn to see
the look of surprise on his face. To hear the stories
he has not told me, I will be the line he

jigs in the cold trout stream of words. I will go.


Jan.21,2017-I WALK

I WALK      

I walk with ten thousand through downtown streets.
I walk to protest and resist injustice.
I walk in civil disobedience.
I walk to tell truth to power.
I walk to remove the ills of my own shadow with every step.
I walk open to insight and to find skillful means to enlighten and liberate.
I walk vigilantly and fearlessly to protect and help all that are in harms way.
I walk for the earth, the environment, the plant and animal kingdoms, our home our starship.
I walk with women, our nurturers, our wisdom guides, to honor their rights. 
I walk with men of courage and understanding. 
I walk with children, our bright lights. 
I walk with non-judgment and compassion for those of different backgrounds, lifestyles, races, and faiths. 
I walk to heal.
I walk in love, not hate. 
I walk in peace. 
I walk in kindness towards all.