Posts for June 8, 2019 (page 3)


June 2

300 steps,
vertical to a magnificent light
a DNA-like staircase where the banister is gripped,
all composes a structure that has guided countless ships in the night.

The top is sad,
a reminder that providing safety is a lonely endeavor.
We’re all fatherless children with a single-mother lighthouse serving as our shelter.

The keeper
but a boy without the sense to lock up,
leaves the sanctuary open to a thrill seeker,
who shuts out the light and makes sure this sailor never wakes up.


Orion’s Radiant Fog

Diffuse emissions
nebulosity cluster
trapezium core

Verdant hues hinted
crimson conditions contain
Great violet visions

A spectral wavelength
molecular dust dispersed
complex fog forming

First attempt at Photographing The Orion Nebula Fujifilm XT-3, William Optics Star71 71mm f/4.9 Apo Imaging Refractor & IOptron Cem25p mount.


Heaven in the Bluegrass

I stand,
drinking in the delicious
hues of green
rising and falling in the distance.  

Face laid bare
to the setting sun,
my head tilts back –
ever so slightly –
eyes close momentarily
as warm summer wind whips
my hair
carelessly against my cheeks.  

There is a gentle hush
that falls at dusk
on June evenings.  

I stand,
and revel,
and lose myself
in the embrace of a warm breeze.


something happened here

i try not
to reread
the texts you send

we both act
like it’s fine
the subject
moving on
and pretending

there’s nothing
u   s


A Different Memorial Day

Remembering the safari films the local pharmacist would show to various groups on Friday nights: I turn away before the shot comes. When they are gone, when in our greed we’ve killed them all, what will we kill next? What happens when we come to us, alone but for livestock and pets?  

How does any parent, even in anger at their partner, accidentally beat a four-year old girl to death? How does anyone dump that body, entombed by a black garbage bag, in a rural roadside ditch?  

If you don’t take your own life before the police bring you down, please tell me how the eight people you just shot caused you to lose your job, your house, your spouse and children, a bet, a fight, your temper, your humanity.  

Argue as you will the merits of war. Of self-defense. Of a hierarchy of evil. Tell me of blind rage  and insanity. I’ll grant you every foolish reason, just to clear the smoke from the field.  

Now, stick to the question: In our daily lives, how do we come to this?  


Hang On

Like a sloth hanging onto a tree

Like a person standing on the subway

Like a kid going down a fireman’s pole

Like the customer service person says over the phone

Like standing on a boat in a stormy sea

Like the quote you read on tumblr said

Like a kid holding that $3 balloon

Like I keep telling myself

“Hang on”

To the good,

To what matters

To the life you want

To who you want to be

To hope

To whatever you want to hold on to.

Hang on.



it’s called animism, she explains
her eyes wandering as she tells me
how everything has a soul
the mixtape i made her
skids, skimming to the next song

her house is all things
a history of her, scattered
i even grow to love the dust
in her window sills
it’s proof she was there

i go home with two worn books
thinking of all the hands
that have cracked their spines
i ask her, are you sure it’s just one?


Stolon Glances

the unnamed one, I mean The Unnamed One, I mean, Chlorophytum comosum
AKA Spider plant
also known as arachnid, tarantula, wanderer   

of the
smeltery, distillery, a being … posed.
positioned, just so,  to know
in the flow of their mane of spiderlets
and tendrils
and bottomless grace

–and terrible–

If you ask The Unnamed One what kind of animal they want to be,  you will feel the faint tickle at the nape of your neck. 
Like a lover.  Like a snuggle.

But cold.

They know there is power in the naming of things.  Of displacing the norm of disclosure of trivia.

Only a

Goes where everybody knows their name.

On the sacred and profane, they keep their own counsel.

… you know, I’ve not fallen once since they came home?

If you ask me what kind or animal I want to be, I might end up giving you my social security number.

I am not great at this game.

The Unnamed One waits.


And does not waste their time with games such as these.


Sometimes, in the silent web

us in their orb of unimaginable protection

It’s too quiet to hear, but almost …
–I am a lion, already–


Prayed for Rain Arrives 

After two days of rain,

one and a half inches,

the strawberries are seated

and readying for next season. 

The new asparagus roots

reach down and up 

at the same time, 

something we do every 

monday and wednesday 

in downward facing dog,


the basement is always dry.


Be Kind

There are different versions

of yourself that greet the world

In their own time

Revealing every intimate thought

Expressing what you believe is right

And just and meaningful


Be kind to those narratives

That walk through your memories


Leaving traces of the

People you used to be