Posts for June 13, 2019 (page 3)


Poetic Reality Glasses

with the help of my poetic reality glasses
I can
taste the billowy flavor of a cloud
feel the bristled texture of the day
smell the leavened essence of a memory
hear the dissonant chords of a coral reef
see the pearl’s luster while still inside its shell


Today Poetry Is

a well-crafted cocktail
booze forward to burn
balanced by acid
and just a bit of sugar




It’s just 
a bunch of
English words 
you say out loud, 


Perspective and Choice

Perspective and Choice
Birds can swim
Fish can fly
Birth your voice



I packed a mason jar
of dirt back to Oklahoma
on my last visit home
before I became a mother.
It felt wrong to birth a child
anywhere other than
over Kentucky soil. I sat
it on the bookshelf in the
corner of our kitchen.
As it grew closer to my
due date, I moved it near
the carefully arranged
hospital bag by the
door. When I went
into labor, I forgot about
it in the rush and chaos
of new life. I remembered
when I held my fresh
baby in my arms
and I wept.



Meandered south into the foothills.
Houses lined the highway. We had lunch
at a gas station. The land erupted in woods,
perfectly-tucked homesteads and newer homes
built to sit upon the land like little forts. 

The hotel smells like chlorine and coconut. 
I wonder why they never change, soften
their Technicolor coverlets and bleached sheets.
Tomorrow, sitting in traffic and waiting for breaks,
in between their shopping, the trees clouded
in smoke.


Silent walking

“Follow in my Steps”
Deeper through the shadowy oaks
toe to heel we go. 
Each step is chosen
placed upon the earth with care
gently gliding along. 

Grandmother learned
from her mother
to watch and leave not a trace. 
The lushness of flora
slide lightly through her slight fingers
as she whispered truth. 

Greeting each plant
by botanical latin
my ear has since forgotten. 

Present day drifts away
as I journey to the past
of loved ones who have traveled on. 

The moral of her story has yet to be told
while pearls of wisdom
slips from comprehension
waiting to be discovered again. 


Hard at Work and Nothing to Show

The Bluegrass Fair
presumably going strong
across the town
on a beautiful day
the perfect day
for carnival fun

Text messages sent
Let’s go to the fair
while the weather’s good
gather zero replies
after two days waiting
and I don’t want to go by myself

Today has seen
several poems started
and zero poems finished
just trying to make something good
out of a lonely day
that gives nothing back



i wish 
i wasn’t flattered 
by the paper crown 
woven through your eggshell hair

i wish
i wasn’t flattered 
by the amber saliva 
dripping from your peppered tongue 

i wish 
i wasn’t flattered 
by the flowering impulsiveness 
writhing against your dried eardrums 

i wish 
i wasn’t flattered
by the seasoned goblet
gripped between your slender fingers

i wish
i wasn’t flattered 
by the sightless venom 
slithering towards my bare ankles 

because we all know flattery is for the weak. 


break in case of elder gods

tocsin spreads throughout
valedictory to the hierophants

an arrival of levigation