Posts for June 18, 2019 (page 8)


I Love


I love  

The cling of the chimes
The soft and gentle breezes
The smell of newly mown hay
The eternal rhythm of the seas
The lustre on the new fallen snow
The promise of better tomorrows
The love that goes and comes around
The pitter patter of rain upon the roofs
The feel of cultivated dirt under my feet
The power of the thunder and lightening
The beautiful feet that bring “Good News”
The soft whispers of “love you for being you”
The squish of the earth after the fullness of rain  

Oh Lord, I love you!
Oh yes I do,
No other will do!


old dogs

don’t start talking shit to me
about the kids these days. 
i don’t want to be that bitter broad. 
save your jaded observations
for the hipsters at the bar. 
i’m sure they think you’re brilliant 
about four beers in. 
i think you sound like your bigoted Daddy
in a slightly slicker package,
still frightened of things you don’t understand. 
don’t come at me like – 

“where do you find the patience?”
it’s a stupid question
and you’re the one stomping soundly
on my last nerve. 
you’d try to train up young’uns
like stray, pitiful, puppy dogs. 
i’d never make them sit and stay. 
there’s enough obedience going around. 
i’d rather see those kids got feral
and form a loyal pack
to roam the countryside
sniffing out condescension 
and tearing it right out by the throat. 
i’m ready for this generation – 
self-reliant and on the prowl.


Tarnished Gold Frame

Tarnished Gold Frame

holds two items,
a picture of my father
in Italy during WW2
and a cancelled check.

It holds more than those two items,
however, for it guards the life of my father
and his father on a day in 1952,
their signatures on that cancelled check.


Survival Class

In many fields:
students politics
business entertainment
the worst actors get the most resources—  

Dappled fawns stay
hidden in leaves and sunlight.
Soft-step mice gather seeds 
they need to survive.
Stalking foxes & other strays
stick to the sides & shadows
nibbling at necessity,
foraging for better futures.

Leave kernels of knowledge out for them.


Advice to Myself at Eighteen:

Quit asking google
how many carbs 
are in one inhale
of breadstick vapor.

Quit asking google 
how many calories 
are in a pea sized amount
of toothpaste.



“Sangria. It quenches the thirst of those who drink it. It quenches our secret thirsts too. They call it the potion of oblivion.”
–from Fellini’s Juliet of the Spirits

eventually it reaches the brain, but begins
with the heart, the blood acting as medium,
il sangue. that night, I felt I could travel
through to reach you, could move within
a world of spirits, to communicate directly

without speech, without touch, in order
for you to find me. the truth is I was drunk
on the little potion I imbibed, a little bit
of love. maybe it was the moon, the wine.

or perhaps it was the sweetness of fruits
afloat in their bath of acidic night, mosquitos
seeking their share of what was tasted
with tongue and lips: that which we wanted
to remember, that which we chose to forget.


Comfort Food

Comfort Food

I had to look at the label twice.
They made a color for my favorite
food: “macaroni and cheese.”
A steaming bowl of those creamy
yellow elbow noodles would taste
amazing about now.  I know
what I want for lunch!
I wonder if the crayon tastes
as good as the real thing?