Posts for June 28, 2019 (page 3)



The day is


and my dress


to my curves


hollow spaces.

A cool breeze

gently tugs

at my hair

and I hear


in the distance.


Being Here

shrugging the cloak of a past
off my shoulders
unclenching the fist of futures
imagined full of tricks or treats  

yesterday is a forest fire
tomorrow is the edge of a cliff
today is a picnic basket
carrying everything I need


Kitchen Lesson

The best pie crusts are made on clear, crisp snow days 
when a winter sun shines white through the windows 
They require much dusting of everything with flour
(don’t worry if it gets on the floor)
then some kneading and rolling and deft folding and unfolding 
(give your baby brother a dollop of dough to hold)
Now, watch how to crimp the edges
Join the knuckles of both hands as your mother, 
who pleats the dough into art,
But if you are not by birth her daughter, 
and your hands are squat, your fingers too fat to fit,
when it’s your turn to try, use a fork dipped in ice water
and, like silly birds’ stamping their feet on the snow-covered railing, 
score the dough, make your mark, you are no less


Sonnet of the Poplar Trees

Poplars at the River Epte by Claude Money, 1891
                  (an eckphrastic poem)

The tripled trucks arise to sweep the sky 
of alabaster blue. A flock of leaves, 
forever stilled mid-flight, this last reprise 
from slow decay has somehow caught his eye — 
the laden brush, the smear and daub, reply. 
The artist sees just where the water weaves 
among those airy cages, creaking eaves          
that ripple in the river flowing by.   

This heat’s not quenched. The sap still climbs to shake
the wind’s blue feathers. Purple catkins sway   
beneath the trembling stars, a moon opaque
as milk. The trees still glow with flames that play
off drowning suns. They smolder as they break
into a thousand brush-strokes, ray by ray.           


Hour Of The Wolf

Barren Landscapes loom
Faroe Islands soft whisper
Guides the artists hand

Demonic daydreams
mirror horrific drawings
displaying madness

Webs of delusion
craft ghostly conversations
around dark tables

The hour ticks closer
a bleak tension falls over
an artists lost mind

Art can be found



doesn’t require of us

Press your body, into the yielding earth
Let your tongue do as it might & touch
in the shady soil

of the life you keep on not having left behind

It almost spins itself now, the dial to
*the feeling of sand slipping out beneath your toes*
dryer buzz & door-to-door & have you heard the news & zero installation


Cracked in the amber of that moment you don’t talk about, a fern
growing 360 million years from the trauma horizon of your event, a

Light gets in.
Even so many intrusive things like a bit of summer sun.

It’ll keep growing back.

You know that now, right?

Patch it with mantras&
performative vulnerability&


there’s a couple ways you get out of this

You can spend the next three lifetimes waiting under moonlight for this terrible moment to grant you single pointless wish

Or, upon finding an old lighter that belongs
to a limestone mold of a lesser you
set fire to frond

&hope for rain.


World Cup

As we all cheered for USA,
I could tell you were secretly rooting for France.
It was the way you sucked in your breath,
At the missed goal in the second half,
That gave you away. 


Afternoon delight (for Buk)

Tramp stamp
Road to heaven when you
Turn her over
You want a Kool
Vantage will do
Let’s discuss religion
You buttress me
Foundational with movement
Chug a chug a chug
Uphill, that’s why I’m praying
I’m at the top
You’re almost there
Let’s sip bourbon and watch TV
After. Oh my God. New morning
No it’s not but
You’ll do better later
And I nod


Thoughts in a crew neck

This dissonance 
is consistent and prolific 
stretching beyond the pacific 
due to these indignant thoughts of existence.

is 9-5 realistic
or am I just ignorant? 
Hi, I’m an idealist,
High, when I’m the chillest. 
Society creates the tempest –
increasing cognition- 
to change my position 
and live out my visions 
of sublime contentment.

yet, here I melt in muffled resentment.



In the middle of the night
when I wake up
weighed down by shame,
I must remind her
how she knows nothing of my heart.
This heavy heart,
which never needs to hear
the how to understand.
I have always known the why.
Always known the when,
when I choose to choose against her.
Feeling the tightening of ropes
to guide my internal sail.
I steer myself instead,
consistently into storms.
I knew then,
as I know now,
that he should not stay the night.
I knew to turn my car around.
Block his number.
Call anyone else
more often,
reach those
who were still capable of
And yet..
I drove there,
where the only leaving I did
was from myself.
I floated straight out of my sail boat.
I didn’t want to feel the ropes tighten.
I didn’t want to lose sleep,
the way I did
and still do.
I didn’t want to feel my body
or his.
I only wanted to feel as if
I could alter them both.
Switch their courses,
even momentarily.
Of course I needed
this world and that man
to be anything but
this world
that man.
I wanted desperately
to believe in the lie.
That it is not fault.
That it is not resignation.
That it is not full of poor intent
or guilt,
as this shame would make it seem.
I have learned there is little difference
in truth and lie
when your guide is sleepless.
I remind her
when she wakes me with worry.
This heart,
as I once thought all did,
merely believed that all hearts
beat quicker in storms.
When she hears this,
she lays back down.
She closes her eyes.
Sighs a deep breath of
and waits
until she or I
or wake