Posts for June 7, 2020 (page 9)


Dear Tracy, I Will Send My Team of Superheroes 

CNN says Turks have seized the country’s
largest newspaper & Syrian troops have conquered
the neighborhoods of Aleppo. In a suburb
of Nashville today, my cousin decides
between spending her tax return on a thigh
tattoo or a spa day. My neighbors squabble about vinyl
siding.  I clip coupons for pot pies, detergent

& frozen pizza. Two days since a 15-year-old
tramped into a cafeteria in Benton — 50 miles
down the road — & sprayed
bullets into 14 classmates. Like a deadly
Black Mamba I want to attack this brutality —  bite, bite,

bite it in rapid succession until I transform into
a 500-year-typhoon with three superpowers. Wham. The Big One,
9.6 on the Richter.  Bang. Pow. Kaboom. We make
the change & I call in my crew.  I have one power,

Batman says. I never give up. On Facebook my friend
Tracy posts:  I’m not OK. Can anyone help?  A white
supremacist has shot her first her cousin Vicki
dead in a grocery store parking lot. What can
I give her? My anger as fiery & robust as a rocket
booster? My will to act? Tracy, my team is here & we’re

on our way to Louisville. Wolverine bellows,
If you cage the beast, the beast
will get angry. Catwoman purrs,
Before I put on this mask,
I was afraid of everything.
Wonder Woman spits,
How dare you?



I marched today
beside the dreams of young men
and young women

I marched today
beside brothers and sisters 
that have endured the burden of
others’ hate

I marched today
for the lives lost to
hatred & racism

I marched today
to put an end to a generation of beliefs 
that should have been buried long, long ago

I marched today
because my students are courageous, and bold
Not remaining silent, but rather, sending out a battle cry for change. 

I marched today so that MY children will
answer that battle cry without question or doubt.

I marched today
behind a father holding his daughter’s
hand, fighting for her innocence and hope

WE marched today in solidarity. With compassion. With remorse. With hope. With love. With the blood of Jesus covering past sins.  We wept, we sang, we proclaimed, “No justice, no peace.”

We marched today for this justice— for peace, for mercy, for life, for equality