We were in sevens you and I
Smack-peck, Smackpecksmackpeck
You kissed me. Smackpecksmack
Quickly, you kissed me. I don’t love you kiddo…
But your cute is contagious.
Take all of me— I take you only,
More than a friend, not A friend at most…
Cutsie in a little box. You’re cute, I think I’ll
keep you, keep you.
You’re adorable.
Take all of me,
Take my all. Take just what I am,
This kiss burns. That kiss burns when you
cling to me.
I don’t have time for this. Give it just a minute.
You’ll never know.
I want to know how (You don’t have a clue.)
To win you.
And why this? It’s just that you have to ask.
You have to ask!
I know what you’re feeling.
Not a lover—
Striking Striking yes, but then,
Lonely like an anvil. I told you I was lonely, and
Those sparks. My heart. Waiting on the fire.
It’s not you.
This is unkind. Waiting is kind.
And love is not yours I have love boy, and
Or mine. It is mine.