Posts for June 10, 2021 (page 9)



Four & a quarter years
my heart’s been a fist. Clenched
so tight
no amount of massage
allows memory of uncurling,
lets fingers seek interlace.
Four hundred something
thousand souls –
the other marker of the day: gone.
Most passing without skin-to-skin touch,
contagion forcing isolation….
Tonight, my heart is lungs. My hands
a respirator: forcing breath by gentle squeeze.
(there must be a softness coming; I need for there to be)
My heart is teeth: bared, rictus-grinning,
jaw aching for relief.
My heart has forgotten how to be a heart. My heart
turns tears to so much steam. My heart
begs this ‘fist’ to be: chrysalis
begs opening,



How many times
will the storm clouds
threaten the good
and decent people
throughout the world?
All the while,
the wicked seem
to flourish, and mock
those morally sound.
Only God can see
beyond tomorrow.