Posts for June 3, 2022 (page 3)



the red came down
down, down,
down — i bathe in your heart.

the sun beat hot
and hard, spilling 
into my skin —
melting me into the pavement 
like cream, that you watch
slowly boil, then curd — 
morphing a nest 
for ravaging ants —

my mouth is open,
awaiting for flies, with a 
kiss from you. 


The Ballet of Oppression

How many strangers do you know?
Is there one hiding somewhere in you?
The one in me told me to ask you
They said you’d understand.

How many brushstrokes would it take to capture you?
Can you escape the static
The static landscape that distorts you?
Your voice?
Your needs?
Must we invent a new art of synthesis
In order to quantify your pain?

Her strange face
Painted in his familiar way
Stoically she begs for us to see her
See every argument
See every fight
See every struggle that she’s ever had.

His violin the gateway
The gateway to her music
Her stars the road
The road to his secrets
But the path is deafening.

She turns away
Her back exposed
Her skin forsaking the usual flesh tones
Yet her energy radiates with color.

Thoughts drip from her presence
My ears hearing what can’t be heard
Her words forbidden to be spoken
But everyone who walks by can feel her
Can be intimate with her
Can touch her in places that darkness attempts to hide

We are all victims
Victims of her violence
That violence the aggressiveness of her colors
But through that violence,
We catch a glimpse of ourselves.

Your simplicity too complicated
Too complicated for us to ignore
For your twisted truths war with our stereotypes

Our paradigms disintegrate
Disintegrate with every glance
Our aroused minds penetrate
Penetrate with every dance
The Wild Beasts pant
Pant to drink from your spontaneity
Yet who understands?
How many have drank from your fountain?

Because of you
I’m imbued with serenity.
I begin to rip apart the perspectives
Tear away the curtain of accepted style
I want to know what lurks underneath
What in me dies to live?
What area of my existence hides itself for me?

Am I a deliberate incompletion?
Whatever shall be
Shall be in me
And it shall be born from the solitude
The silence
The absence

Because of you
I shall climb out of this maze
I shall hang on the walls of scientist minds
For the oppressive climate of war stirs me
Births me
And at times even curses me
Yet who can deny the ballet?
The ballet of oppression



With stone lips chapped and parted

A slight smile shows
Chipped teeth that lost it’s polish
With every faded 



I Hope You Never Know Peace

They say every seven years

Your skins cells are renewed.


It’s been eleven,

And I still feel your touch


Into my skin.


I was just a child then.

Because of you,

I will never feel whole again.


Readin’ My Way from a Suburban Porch Smack Dab into My Mama’s Lap

Holler talk refrains
Curve round my brain,
Fire up a itch for the shadow and glow
Of country folk broken and brought up by coal
And winding kudzu-covered roads.


A Snowflake in Reverse

Something primordial and writhing,

Slumped across the throne of creation,
Orders yet another lazy cloud day to proceed.
I am mere misbegotten murkwood,
Wormbit and whittled by incompetent hands;
Ever known to fail trials by fire,
Collapse as so much ash at the foot of it.
Gently floating into the air, 
A snowflake in reverse.
I sublimate yet again before the great mouth,
An altar where grand ornamental teeth chew to the heart of the matter,
And embrace with all the love, grace and humor of a half starved crocodile.


Sea Shell

Once upon a time, on the ocean’s shore,
There was a beautiful shell that you couldn’t ignore.
It was the color of a distant horizon line,
When the sun sets beyond it and daylight is dying.
It’s been carried, once, by many things,
Within it were echoed the sounds of the seas.
And within it are whispers of things yet to pass,
It sees each blooming flower and each broken mast.
Yet these wisdoms go unknown.
The shell was cracked, these thing unshown.
Now no one knows what’s yet to be,
Just another shell within the sea.
Perhaps one day, though now impaired,
It is needed and repaired.
But now it drifts from shore to shore,
Leaving one to find one more.
Carried there along the tide,
The world’s secrets locked inside.



I will be gone
to the beach. 
May poetry
follow me there.
I won’t be
driving that fast. 


Questions for my potential therapist

Who do you specialize in treating, and can you use my pronouns?
What modalities do you practice? Will I hate it?
Do you take my insurance?
When will I be better? I need a specific date. Really. I’m not kidding.
Where will I put these pocketfuls of trauma when we’ve exhausted them? 
Do I recycle them? 
No, not the trash; they were each such terrible, personal gifts.
Why must I learn to stay in my body? It’s dark in there, haunted, and full of bad presents.
What if this persistence is just the price of never being good enough to rest?
What if I never know if my love was big enough to deserve them?
How can I ever say for certain that I was enough to deserve anything at all?
Does your office make reminder calls? When do we begin?


The City by the Sea

I’ve never been,
but I need to go
to the city by the sea.

My toes long to be buried
in warm rocky sand. 
My hair craves to be windswept
by a salty hand.

I’ve never been,
but somehow I need to be
in the city by the sea.

The skin on my cheeks
wishes to be burned away
to make room for sunkissed freckles. 
My tongue aches to be sweetened
by the soft embrace
of café strawberry ice cream.

I’ve never been,
but still my heart cries out
for the city by the sea.