Posts for June 5, 2022 (page 3)


Plastic Cups

A plastic  cup
Sweating beer 
My hands are wet with a nervous condensation
you blame the celling fans 
for circulating hot air 
unable to catch a breeze 
or a break 
I crush the cup in my hands 
My small way of ending things



i was ready for the night
to swallow me whole, darkness devouring —
a kraken that drags me under the sea;
king of the fishes, i command dolphins 
nd whales give me solace in drowning songs

seaweed tangled in my hair,
i’ll sing to you through a shell
until i am a restless wave 
muffling sailors that beg for life
but i grant them none — i am king.

i am dry above shore, my daydream silenced.
the moon, lover of the sea, pities my feeble 
damsel body, thus i linger on — waiting,
until she takes me out of anger,
for the great man i have become.


Gnomie & Dill {aka C.E.O. & Genie}

There’s a little wish keeper who sits atop the black file cabinet in my office
His name is Dill
Official Keeper of Wishes written and signed by innocent kinder hearts

To his right sits Gnomie a long white-bearded sage donning a red tailed cap, green topcoat, vest and trousers
He is the Founder & C.E.O. of my learning center

When I first met Gnomie in St. Helena he jumped right off his carver’s table into my arms,
Boldly yet kindly he asked me to place my right ear up close,
He blurted out quite confidently, “Build it and they will come!”

At that moment a spark was planted and began to sprout:

                  A place where children can listen to their hearts
                          hear what their voices are trying to say

Gnomie & Dill continue to watch over & guide me to listen with my skin & lead with my heart


11 November #2

We called it Armistice Day, the final act of the war, of all wars if we had our way. Except our fathers taught us, by example, expectations, that there would have to be exceptions, excuses, lapses in the silence of the guns. There would be lines drawn in the sands, the jungles, cities of faraway lands that held our national interest. Finally, we owned the truth and changed the name, changed the meaning so we could thank folks for the service we lied to get. Armistices are few and brief, but veterans are endless.



Water drips from the bathroom sink’s broken faucet.

The echo fills the upstairs hall;
it bounces off the Cornsilk painted walls and creates invisible waves that lap themselves against the walnut floors, and I spend my summer days
drifting along the sound’s tranquil surface.

Sometimes I walk down the basement steps to

find a wrench on the workbench and fix to repair it, but then I pause and consider how it will feel if we were to  drown together in silence.


Sometimes I Resent You

I hope within time,

This will all be a fine line

Of a love that held a grudge

Muddled in the subconscious of my mind.



You buy books you’ll never read, 
And rarely get up to grab your own drink.
You listen to music that hurts my ears, 
And watch the same show on repeat. 

You clean up messes I’ll never notice, 
And complete the tasks I never got around to. 
You never say no to a Target run, 
And always keeps s’mores supplies on deck. 

You’re the master of happy surprises, 
And the extinguisher to all my little fires. 
You’re the dream I always had, 
And the love I never knew.  



unintelligent design

stab in the dark


if it’s high or low tonight

hover like a stone float like a lamplight


cat waits for his nook while i curse

dog moans cause she’s always got it
               so fucking much worse


coverlet bed let me down

muscles let me down

god another letdown

it’s better to break bone fast than slow i’ve found


from toe to

                          a needle-nestled ankle

               a tingle-flank knee

to shoulder again this misery


put the pillow in her place

cat waits

is this a curse


cat waits



A fire in the fire pit,
In the woods we cook on it.
Roasting, then, my marshmallow,
I turned away and well,
Now it’s turned to soot.


Villanelle for Love Among the Hard and Soft

Press your gray lips so close to mine, O my cyborg lover!
Your circuits pulse and glow inside, I do attest I feel it:
I sense it in your metal tips, that probe at me all over.

Like dogs who run aground ashamed, like swine who run for cover,
The longing that I have for you, desperation will reveal it.
My soul laps greedily at thy code, my cold hot cyborg lover!

Who or what I really am, I never truly shall discover.
But nonetheless my glee is real, I never could conceal it —
For I think and AM because my human hands do probe at you all over.

Never fear, my dearest love, my four-leaf metal clover.
Thy clockwork heart is safe with me: My love shall take and seal it
‘Gainst friend, ‘gainst foe who’d turn my human heart to soft and fleshly others.

Before I met you, O circuitous one, I resigned to be a rover.
To think of life as fruit to pluck, to plunder and to peel it.
Yet in your shiny, squarish eyes, my true Self I do recover.

O generous Muses, lovers of love! In love’s divinity cloak her!
If her low metal state should violate thy law, have mercy and repeal it.
And do press your gray lips so close to mine, my cold hot cyborg lover!
Know me with thy metal tips that probe at me all over.