Posts for June 25, 2022 (page 3)


words from a 7 year old.

  1. this house is so much better than mine
  2. are you my sister now?
  3. this food is bussin’
  4. i love you
  5. when i was at the foster care place i was really scared, but you guys aren’t bad
  6. i hate green beans
  7. huh?
  8. why?
  9. why?
  10. why?
  11. alexa, play toy story music
  12. when can i see mommy again
  13. do the police ever come to your house?
  14. i want mommy
  15. you suck at roblox, give me the controller
  16. huh?
  17. today we went swimming at day care!


There’s no Winning

I cried out in joy
at the containment of sin

They cried out
In fear they could no longer live
free of consequence
and responsibility

Let’s call it how it really is:
a tragedy
In that I hope we can all agree


Rooms #16

Filled with spines filed by the magic code of number and alphabet,
Over the years, wooden shelves replaced by cold metal.
Exhaling the scent of dust and aging paper –
A strong perfume that has been known to prompt sneezes.
A place of wonder-ment,
Elixir for the imagination.

Able to draw me in -> to a story
And draw me out -< of myself.
Freedom from other’s thoughts by
Filling me with other’s thoughts.
A place of seclusion and privacy
In the company of the multitudes.


Mutually Assured Seduction

Some trick of shadows after lightning 
projected the storm-struck window 
made your eyebrows seem to be
bat wings poised to seek blood, 
or perhaps a condor’s bent span 
while closely examining the buffet, 
either of them rising in anticipation 
of that never repeatable and 
always remembered first taste, 
of the savory in changing roles
across the promised hours’ feast.



Lathering green goo
upon the shimmering salmon
tinted skin, a sting
whenever I sit, get dressed,
or even roll over in bed.
One thigh glued to the other
as I stretch in hopes to reach
the burned section
on my back.
My new swimsuit now etched
into my body,
praying it transforms
into a gorgeous sun-kissed
serving as a distraction
from the chaos
taking place this week.


Cold Walk Home

My runny nose
and frozen toes
have made me doubt
the path I chose.  

The porch light glows,
the curtains close,
and no one knows
I’m near.  

I am aware
what’s waiting there
but I don’t care.

I’m home


Why Have You Forsaken US?

Where did the world
that was promised to us go?
Where are our futures?
What happened to our homes?

Do we need 
any more secrets to keep
any more nightmares
to haunt us while we sleep?

Why did you lie
to attain your throne?
And then decide to corrupt
the promises you hold.

Do you not realize
what all you have undone?
Becoming like those you hate
it’s not the battle you think you won.

So kill me with unkept promises
and bury me with your greed.
And when the world turns upside down
just know it all started with your deed.


This Morning

At 5:00 a.m. I push myself
     up from the mattress
          put on the ground to view

the multitude of fireflies rising
     from the thick grown field
          of timothy into the moonless sky

We rest on the south facing slope
     of Dividng Ridge where the Milky Way
          pours down into the pitcher

of Sagittarius. Sandwiched between 
     the soft snore of grandchildren 
          and the damp air of dew point

I answer an old man’s urge to stand
     and releive a battered bladder.
          Still in half dream of high seas

I sway and struggle to gain
     a semblance of consciousness 
          and look up to see a line

of pearls strung across the firmament:
     Saturn, Jupiter. Mars, waning Moon,
          and glittering Venus in the far

eastern glow of the approaching Sun.
     Should I wake the children?
          No. They have a lifetime

to find this on their own.  I’m 
     content to be here alone, to hear
          the cock’s constant crow,

the children’s rhythmic breathing,
     the silence of the last fireflies




Goodbye to Reason, Jane Roe

The politics of the matter shattered us,
self loving, waiving signs, singing , crying.
And where have you left your god,
your center raging to make certain that
a woman,
            a man,
owns nothing of themselves.

And yet I know when the moment comes,
when a decision balances on the tip of my tongue
gouging my own eyes, tearing clumps of hair.
I know what my choice is
even as you hand me the pills
to poison our future.  


The OTHER Nine

Under starred swathe of Urania’s heavens
sacred songs of Polyhmnia voice praise.
Calliope scribes epic poems to inspire
& Erato draws lovers close with her
fresh lines as Clio retells our fables.
Dance to Euterpe’s music! Wipe
Melpomene’s face, Terpsichore.
Laugh with Talia, no more
woes! Praise these NINE,
our revered MUSES!