Posts for June 28, 2022 (page 8)


Ink blot bronzes

Rodin began with copper and tin, with phosphorus and aluminum added in

to render the bronze in his furnace. He stoked the fire to a rage 

not the idle luxury of normal men, spelling danger.  Thoroughly brooding

today, he made a wax cast of a person thinking.

It received the fire water like a drunk thirsty for redemption.  

Just one drink, I’ll prove it to myself today.  The bronze cracked the mold

as it cooled and expanded furrows of the minding man, the cast of his knuckles

bare fists readied for buffeting the next ill guest bringing láthspell and omens.

There’s an empty lake trumpeting the songs of the swans.  I want you to color 

this sketch with your full imagination to fill the reeds by the side of the water,

have you?  See them fully and coax shadow to lend dimension, but only in ink!

There’s no art to be had in pencil–uninterrupted brush strokes instead.

In Japanese calligraphy there is no rumination because one might tear the paper

with deliberation.  Bashō worked his haiku with a pen. 







The mountains are calling and I must go.”

John Muir


Peach light breaks over waves 
of peaks. Crow caw, woodpecker rap.
I drink tea in the the noisy silence.

Spent leaves a soft carpet 
over stone. Deer shift, shadows  
through trees, uncountable.

The path rises rocky. 
I place my feet with caution.
At the summit, two valleys, a breeze.

Skyline drive twists through 
fog, sunlight, fog–mystery 
and revelation trading places.

Golden eagle rides
thermals, his shadow passes
over, blesses me.

Winter-stark mountains
turn soft overnight, wear
a necklace of red-buds.

Last evening. Music wanders
into my ears as mountains fade.
A skunk trundles by.