Posts for June 3, 2023 (page 2)

Registration photo of Charlie Kennedy for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Neverland (Hold On)

Hold on
Wait by the window
Hold all your friends close
Wait for the sun

Hold on
I’ll be out soon, love
I’ll be out soon, darling
Just don’t go

Time is marching on
(Oh no)

Come now
We can go far south
We can go far from home
Anywhere you want

Come now
You’ll get a nice fluffy bed 
A place to cool your head 
Anything you want

Time is marching on
(Oh no)

Hold on
Wait by the window
Hold all your friends close
Wait for the sun 

Registration photo of Томаш Витя for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Close for Comfort

Done a lot of stupid things 
under the guise of comfortability, 
allowing yourself to slip between meanings, 
normalizing the unnormal.
You look back with a twinge of disgust. 
Not yet regret, but a pang
of foreign sickness. 
Not prideful enough 
to think your actions go
without consequence,
universally blessed. 
But just egotistical enough 
to assume in that moment, 
everyone was looking at you. 

Registration photo of Maggie Ruth for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.


ginkgo with the yellowing leaves
new to concrete cracks
no beetles or bees can find the home
you offer so willingly



in the depths of a shivering forest, 
an insect burrows itself in the white
underbelly of a fawn. both miniature
in nature, the fawn is unaware of
the unique sting of the embedding, 
and the insect believes it is welcome.


To the last drop

I carefully titrate my caffeine
to peak midday and not midnight.
Somedays I miscalculate. 
My heartbeats race, then trip. 
Jagged handwriting. 
I lie awake,
4 am,


Stream of Consciousness

Thoughts flow thru my mind
Like an old country stream 
A slow, meandering brook
Following the same trusted path
It has for years

Then with no notice 
The stream becomes a raging river
Overflowing it’s banks
Sometimes frightening 

And just as quick
The waters recede
The calm returns
I wade in again
But not too far



I’ve been here 5 years
and there are still boxes
under the stairs.
Things I’ve collected
And i think of my friend
who told me
everything she treasures
stays in a backpack.
Always ready to flee
if necessary.
And I think of myself
and how not a damn thing
would make it
into my pack.


to the girl with the other A name

You dyed your bangs red.
You’re alike enough to be loved.
I want to do that.


The General You

all these issues
what can you do?
it’s not you really
it’s The General You
not The Private You
in your own home
your own life
it’s one or someone
or somebody, not you
it’s The General You
certainly not The Captain You
in charge of others
productive and instructive
no, it’s The General You
not The Corporal You
who gives to The Salvation Army
or The Lieutenant You
who volunteers at the soup kitchen
and feels close to the front line
no it’s no that you
It’s The General You
who lets you have some space
see things from a distance
with him, not everything
has to be explained

it’s not about you,
all these issues,
so relax 
and take off your shoes


Limits and Liabilities

A green wagon late model
that carried her in the lanes
couldn’t stop the bus either. 

When three bodies cratered up on the bank
& public pure-white sheets
covered over on slate gray asphalt, 

did she drive wrong? A mangled hub cap
from her frame shimmied while another car 
with blinkers danced across the lines

her four pads of fingernails trapped
in the crackle of glass through
blood metal. Morning dew light

made magical mirror out of bumper
& panel. She semi groaned when
the damaged door caved on her 

like a noiseless tongue wagging down memories.
The sound of red sirens hailed her. 
She lay here, waiting

her labors in everything:
perhaps a child’s toy & blanket
torn apart like a utility bill 

I want her to walk again, 
to dance on floors, 
to be twirled by notes

that would rock her like two-step
but she only laid in a gasoline pool
like a rare & tender chair