Posts for June 11, 2023 (page 2)

Registration photo of Sophie Watson for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

One Day I’ll Buy a Gun

Because I don’t need protection,
from childhood’s stalking
at my heels.

                        Never again, every
park jaunt where the lake becomes
a pool of red, honoring
                               the sunset’s
                               violent suggestions.

                        Never again, every
grocery store day checking the back
of knives and cereal boxes,
                              mirror images
                              writhing in my periphery

where wicked things gather
in the back of a blue eye, 
bleached as sunlight.

I’ll turn my head and the blood will drain
from the photograph in my hand, 

                            Never again, every 
version of myself will close their hearts,
like a wound, crystallize untouched
                              new skin
                              new ways to live.

One day
I’ll keep these horrid thoughts out.

One day I’ll buy a gun
for good. 

                              Never again, every
claim to be ingenuous. It is strength
armed within my body, proving
                                I will not do.

One day
I’ll quit weaponizing my life,

and it will never be
my version of 6 pm anywhere,
never noon replayed on the floor, 
dreaming of corpses haloed by
calla lilies, veiled by soil.

                               Never again, every
day I ruined just to feel half-real again.
I will not give myself up for a half-life
                                wasting away my time
                                wasting away.

One day
I will not dream of suicide and name it beautiful,
weighed heavy by every consolation prize.

One day I’ll buy a gun
and prove I won’t kill myself with it.


Fifteen Steps

I took fifteen steps 
down the hall
to the principal’s office.
I counted each step
in English then
in Spanish.
The Spanish names
of numbers
came easy to me
when nothing else did.
But that didn’t matter
to the principal.
It didn’t matter at all.

Registration photo of Katie Hassall for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Rainy Sunday

The alarm went off at 5:30 this morning
I was not ready, my sleep was restless
Getting up and running full speed to fulfil 
an obligation, I was dragging

One of the nice things about Sunday is
that after church, we usually don’t 
have anything scheduled, so it is 
the only day that I can take a nap

And boy did I take a nap,
two hours of hard sleep that helped
my exhausted body recover from a busy week
or maybe it’s just a busy life

Taking time to slow down, take care of myself
isn’t always a priority for me, but
it’s even better when it’s a rainy day,
rainy days can be refreshing

It is very calming to watch the thirsty earth
embrace the cleansing rain as it comes thundering down
you can smell it in the air, the refreshing smell
of rain and earth mixed together as the ground soaks it in

I think a restful rainy day is exactly what I needed
not only to refresh my body with a nap, but to refresh my
mind with time to read, think and just be
for me, rainy Sundays are restorative


there is no right choice

choice choice choice

left || right
good || bad || grey
storm cloud on horizon
make a choice
left || right
to the chase,
to hell,
to ten centuries from
now you’ve done it, 
screwed the pooch,
picked some arbitrary/imaginary
point to evaluate the effects of 
your decision
to drink sprite,
just this once.
you think carbonation is free? 
you think you get to live without guilt? 
you think sugar doesn’t rot your teeth and you think
you get to have a treat?
choose better next time. 
pick something that doesn’t kill you, 
that doesn’t kill plants in fifth grade science fair experiments, 
that you’re okay breathing,
like water:
breathe water
your breath should be water
in and out thick condesation
heavy in your lungs
how it should be
how it feels
to make the right choice


the coroner at 3 am (Trigger warning: death of an adult child)

Trigger warning: my son, Lumumba, died on October 17, 2021 of a drug overdose. He was only 32 years old. If the subject of drug addiction or poems about death are hard for you to read, please skip these or take care of yourself if you decide to read on. I love you.–c❤️m

the coroner at 3 am

the coroner came bearing pictures
that cold october morning.
the time was 3 am.

he told me and abbie
to brace ourselves, 
that they would be hard to see.
then one photo at time 
he took you away from me.

the first picture was your tattoo, 
a tree, black creeping branches
sprawling up your arm like veins.

the second was the red t-shirt  
i watched you effortlessly 
slide on that day.

now a pause 
before the hardest of them all:
your undeniable, sleeping face.

god, how i wish i hadn’t seen 
the coroner at 3 am,
with his grim and breaking news
ruthlessly changing everything. 



In my garden light plays hide and seek. 
Shadows crouch in corners then jump
out, darkness chasing the light,
back and forth, dark and light. 
Light wins, then dark wins,
epic battle, 
dappled shade
of my 



Strawberry Blonde

Curls for days

Blue eyes filled with wonder

Freckles sprinkled

Across your perfect skin

You’ve “grown a foot”

Over the weekend

Feels like I haven’t seen you

In ages and ages

A couple days of sharing

But it feels like forever

Your sister seems so grown too

Her long red-brown hair

Green eyes glowing

But so tired from “big sistering “

She’s let her soul age

Beyond the point of no return

In just a weekend’s time

To say I’m glad you’re both home

Would be an understatement

I’ll hold on to every single day

All the moments in between

Until I have to share you again

No matter where you go

To me, you’re all mine

All the time.

I’ll be forever waiting.

Registration photo of Ann Haney for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Ready to go

Buttons, Zippers, Snaps
Elastic, Velcrow or Straps
Stretch Polyester


Lonely Rain

The smell of warm, humid rain,

Pitter-patter on a tin roof

The slow movement of cars,

And slightly wet hair


Laying in bed lonely,

Wishing you were here

To listen to it with me


Untitled (Haiku #1)

And then comes the rain
Soft raindrops fall slowly with
Low rumbling thunder