It’s the 13th of June, another currated cable channel news story day.
I am minding my own business, doing what is needed, trying to stay out of the way.
And at lunch break we all converge back inside the office for a bite.
Announcement on the intercom – keep political opinions to yourself – please be polite.
And then it said, we need to remain civil even if we can’t see eye-to -eye.
Today’s emotions are raw, both sides sure the other is telling lies.
But how can it be both sides are telling such grand and horrid lies?
Seems the moles can see better, and they hardly see the light of day.
The New Testament was ushered in a long time ago; we no longer take an eye for an eye. We all see a little short-sighted when we treat our fellow humans that way.
Don’t even start with me, I know Kindergarten taught you how to be polite.
That sandwich looks good, maybe go ahead and take another bite.
I once trusted, stayed neutral, didn’t see the need to fight, fuss, or bite.
You were my friend and ally before; I dont’ understand why we can’t let sleeping dogs lie. My silence may have said volumes – still trying to remain polite.
Finally, we rose speaking entirely different languages on that day.
Both fearing the others language, woke and queer words got in your way.
I have become invisible to you, and it seems you shut tight your eyes.
Business practice teaches us we do better when a team has all colors of eyes.
When we combine our clever coding singly into joint megabytes.
Contributing to the whole, learning from each other along the way.
The purpose and performance keep us focused; we don’t notice tangential lies.
I guess that is textbook theory created for a passed day.
Out of vouge ideals of synergy, ethics, communication, and just generally being polite.
When our blind mole friend wanted to be social he evolved to remain polite.
His nose became starred, and he no longer worried about his offensive eyes.
He learned to read electric impulses; he got better at it every day.
With twenty-two retractable tentacles he felt the vibrations towards another wormy bite. He just follows the electricity in the mud or air – the insects can’t lie.
Yes, when he couldn’t see it, he just developed another way.
Another taste of lunch and we realize we can’t evolve that way.
My opinions make me dumb, you talk down to me – it hurts and its not polite.
And that disrespect, I guess, is really the overall biggest lie.
Because you used to hear me without hate; you looked me in the eye.
You shouldn’t have to block my ideas; politics shouldn’t change us – this all bites.
What’s the point, I guess admit we are both wrong – yah, that would be the day.
But do we not make our own new day? And determine the best ways?
I will share with you my remaining bite for it cost nothing to be polite.
We can’t be harsh, look into my eyes – we all sometimes tell a lie.