Posts for June 16, 2023 (page 10)

Registration photo of LittleBird for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Night Sky

Last night I made you walk outside
In your socks
Across the rocky asphalt of the street outside our house
So you could look up and I could hear a glimpse of wonder in your voice as we spotted the waning crescent bejeweled by Jupiter and Mars.
Catching the tail of a dying star as it streaked across the sky,
We felt alive.

for Max and Ella❤️


through the hourglass

where did the time go
wasn’t it just yesterday
when you played with dolls

weren’t you still in school
color guard in marching band
every friday night

then you came to me
told me about a young man
broke my heart in two

walked you down the aisle
then performed the nuptials
held back all my tears

college behind you
teaching job in special ed
made your dad real proud

came to talk with me
a little boy in your class
wanted to adopt

was i there enough
wasn’t i both mom and dad
i’m your biggest fan

where did the time go?

Registration photo of Sam Arthurs for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

bottle up the alluring scent of summer

breathe in so deep
do you smell that?
that is summer in
eastern kentucky
honeysuckle vine
fresh cut grass
wild flowers and
june apple trees
if I could i would
bottle it up so that
I can have it with 
me always, taking
it wherever I go