Posts for June 1, 2024 (page 11)


Hologram Girl – tanka prose

Hologram Girl

Eeriana wa born in a bubble, fired by a thousand lights. All the colors of the universe glowed through her translucent skin as her kaleidoscope eyes learned to twirl.
When she was seven years old, she pricked the bubble and flowed out into the blue light of a slithering moon.

skipping work
to read Anne Rice
time travel
of my mind

Tanka prose is a haibun that includes a tanka instead of a haiku.

Registration photo of Liz Prather for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Carbon Budget

for Amos

The sky has a nervous stomach.
This spring of shattered estates
and salad bowls tossed on hillsides
where mercy chefs bring porkish
mac and cheese and new friends
with chainsaws rid the pool
of sweet gum branches. The wreckage
of joists and complaint of wires, poles
all frowsy and dinged. Give me
your hand in these hot smudge days
and let’s whisper the best
available myth of ourselves 
to the ringing grind of bulldozers
who herald the coming currents,
the barren calm of our old earth. 

Registration photo of A.R. Koehler for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I’ll cut my hair, but I’ll still miss you. (Haiku)

sweet, cruel summer leaves

my hair and us the same way
splitting at the end



trip into the kaleidoscope, 
auras leap and eddy
pirouetting in sfumato splendor
each hue a revelation
a mirror into the rhythm
commonplace becomes extraordinary.


Shoeboxes Under The Bed

The wristband from my first concert

A faded picture of my grandpa

An old friendship bracelet

And a hotel key


My first cars keychain

And a ticket from the theater

A wrinkled love note

And my mothers old ring


Sometimes we forget they’re there

But we know their tucked away safely,

I drop my remote off my bed

And find myself lost in a world of what used to be


I wonder how I’ll fit all the memories I have of you

Into one of these


Diamanté 1

cotton candy
create childhood memories 
sparked by endless dreams
spun with visions
of monumental 

Registration photo of Shaun Turner for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

To A Kentucky Earthworm

Taste of dirt and the everpressing dark–

the worm’s long body is a tongue 
underground. It sings
one hundred thousand secret songs
you and I will never hear: alone,
not lonely, in the loaming. 

Some nights, the worm arises from soil
in a thankful wash of the moon.
Its ringed body makes an arc–
fades again into the stillgrass.

Registration photo of K.A for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

old young bones

i’m a southern girl i can’t help it.

black too. means my bones

are sad & rotting

in a field full of sunflowers. 

born in Virginia

raised in North Carolina,

my body is full of love & racked

with oppression. i can taste

it in my mouth, it rolls between my

teeth, airy a hotbreath i can’t shake or

rinse from me. a history lives in my bones 

that proceeds their creation & i don’t know

how to stomach it.



Dolomite dynamited
for the sweeping curve of road
that extends like graceful
swan necks into the Salem
red dirt drives gashed up hills,
over-sized flags
waving next to gun shops,
highway rest stop at Laura Ingals Wilder
RV Park where mythical pioneer wagons
have flush toilets and satellite 

New Chapter Book Store
houses long shelves of musty tomes
settled there for thirty-five years
and the owner checks her free map
of Missouri for cat shit,
in front of Wingo’s Cafe
a woman campaigns for state rep
on the shaky porch
and asks us all to lift 
our hands for the pledge,
I go on in
for the hand-job ice cream
and slip the waitress a sawbuck
because she’s so pretty
in her blue tank top,
her left arm tattooed 
with red roses
and her right shoulder
blade with two white


French Revolution: The Women of Wild Ones

the women have gone wild
leurs roses de verre envahies par la végétation
& in the brambles bleed his moldy bones
de l’eau pour le sol, Grand Nord
her belladonna of sadness in bloom
nuit d’été collante, détendue d’une vie arrogante
call to death church bells and brimstone
pour la liberté qu’elle appelle, elle aime
like no other man of vermine forestry &
frères timides dans les boiseries
this flag, waving in the wind, burns
Le Théâtre du Siècle
undoing of gold, wedded between hare moons
il y a du bois de chauffage, beaucoup.

the women have gone wild
elles tuent leurs maris

they read
ils veulent

they fall
ils mordent en retour.

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