Posts for June 1, 2024 (page 6)

Registration photo of Meredith McCurry for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Like Grandmama’s starter
on Saturday morning–

water, sugar, potato flakes.
The key to bubbling is warmth. 

It takes time and knuckles
to knead for ten minutes. 

I’m still learning to like this part.
Recipes don’t list hard work,

but I’m rising 
and this week you can wave. 

How do you measure a flutter?
Is hope enough?

One day I’ll believe you’re real
and still wonder how love made you. 


Soak It In

My last few days,
I soak it in,
I stare at all the trees below,
I stop and smell the flowers,
I take in the blue, blue sky,
I look at all the people’s faces
And see the joy in their eyes,
I feel the pain in my feet,
See the freckles on my nose,
Touch the stinging sunburn on my cheeks,
I soak in this feeling
Because it will all be wrung out,
But I will still be damp with memories.

Registration photo of Ashley N. Russell for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

34 Counts

Guilty guilty guilty guilty

Each word blasts through the thick air
Like the ring of a church bell
Each a pebble dropping in a still pond
Rings left in the wake 
Guilty guilty guilty guilty
Eyes from around the world 
Are centered on this moment 
Television sets buzzing 
Volume dials inching louder 
Guilty guilty guilty guilty
Women nationwide are still sore
From being sold the fable 
That sexual harassment 
Is an endearing sign of leadership 
Guilty guilty guilty guilty
Finally they draw a sigh of relief
That justice doesn’t always 
Evade a man
Even if they’re crafted of old money 
Guilty guilty guilty guilty 
The cacophony of outrage begins
“Jesus was found guilty too” 
Haunting words of warning 
“The real trial is November 5th” 
Guilty guilty guilty guilty
A felony may bar you from voting 
But we quickly learn 
It has no bearing on your ability to man 
The helm of the largest warship in the world
Guilty guilty guilty guilty
How quickly the flame of hope dies
When smothered by the fear
Of looming tyranny 
How quickly the smoke of panic rises in its stead
Guilty guilty guilty guilty
Suddenly the words blanch and lose their meaning 
They have no power here, it fades like a mirage 
This is dejavú, history repeating
The reminder that heroes merely exist in fairy tales 
We return to this dystopian nightmare

Registration photo of Kiitan Adedeji for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


i guess this is it,
the synth track turning up
sun shine & sweat
bittered blood
bitten tongue
the amalgamation
of all i was
of who i was supposed to be

my mother won’t get any notecards
in the mail
my father won’t get a teary goodbye
i won’t get that deja vu feeling
that this was all it was for feeling

there won’t be scrapped knees
or twisted stomach aches
regret following me in twisted ways
shortcomings are banned from being
painted in my heart

this is it, summer
set free, everything,
of what i wanted to be
growing up from where
my soul was planted, 
away from the totality
of what was wanted
for me

Registration photo of Lennart Lundh for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

she dreams

white-covered landscape

brighter in the rising moon

yet pale before it


I was alone in a place

where I understood nothing

could not expect the future

in my wedding gown


I’d gone where you went

taken your family as mine

forsaken my self

left everything to chance

with no sign of my passage


(after an untitled photograph of a bride in a snowy clearing from the book, “Wife During Quarantine,” by Chris Sorensen)



Registration photo of Arabella Lee for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Elegy to a man you could have been

If I sung my hate to you, my discomfort. My sadness, my fear.

And the beat dropped with every stifled sob,

Could it reach your stomach, punching you in the gut the same way?

Would you bang your head to the sound

of the thrashing waters that shake my head in every moment?

If you could grind my hatred, roll my anger, wet your lips on the filtered end of my grief,

light the childlike love I once had,

Would you smoke it to fill that void you call a stomach?

You are not a bad man. You are simply no man at all.

You are a brother, a drinking buddy, a kick-ass uncle, the last to leave every fucking party.

You are a boy, a baby, a good soul at heart. You are guilt. You hurt.

You are a hungry hippo. You are the windchimes knotted together at your mother’s grave.

You do not change the flowers. You will not make the trip.

That small town died to you when she did. You died when she did.

Daddy I mourn you.

You may have not died, but you are reborn.

You are a teenage boy stuck in the flesh of this Man. This teenage boy did not know me.

I was not part of his plan for life. I am stuck between knowing you, loving you,

And being unknown by you. You are a wound I have patched all my life in

Temporary sensations. Empty loves. Starving art. Starving. Art.


Portable Paradise

Blue water
Dried seaweed
Sluicing off salt 
At day’s end
I can conjure this at will
Closing my eyes,
Breathing deeply
Rolling optic muscles to my third eye
This portable paradise
A much needed pause.

lhmartin 2024

Registration photo of Morgan Evans for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I’ve had a hard time regulating my emotions
Especially lately
A lot is going on
I’m estranged and worried about paranoia
I don’t understand
They still talk like
I’m not angry
How they breadcrumbed their way into comfort and
Had no remorse after I said
What happened
I walk around certain towns like an obstacle course
And I’m still not sure where
I’m supposed to be
But I’m content in this moment
In this right now
I’m becoming comfortable in knowing that maybe it’s okay to
Not know
To start over again
And to keep in mind that we all die off eventually and time is a tiny arrow that
Goes around the same way and with the same number system
I’m going to do whatever I want 

Registration photo of Samuel Collins Hicks for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

24 Hours In Front Of My House

My afternoon porch muddied with your FedEx envelope.
X-ray vision tells my tummy what happened – “You’ve been served”
Not a warrant or a bill collector,
but a feckless threat from a neckless father.
Day full of loading screens,
            mouse clicks,
                    and hold songs.
No way to know if I’m dying or just hungry.
Pie charts showing what I owe and how far (not far) I’ve come. 
Feline premonitions preempting anxiety attacks with headbutts and tail thumps.
Butcher paper slick with wax and vinegar – lunch meat satisfaction.
Restless feet overpower week knees and drag me outside.

Bakery bread made with the same chemicals as yoga mats,
as stars.
Burning for a father’s love – any father but mine.
Grateful for a too-warm sun which reminds me
that God sees me when Man refuses to look. 
Love surrounds me and attacks without warning; I am hopeless against it.
Stormtroopers and Sith Lords lie terrified before me,
but showers are too cold these days if you forget to get hyped first.

Tumble weeds of ginger hair plucked with vanity or to scratch a deeper itch.
The deep peace of sharing a stranger’s smile. 
My morning fortification of a Crayola breakfast.
Yielding to a mother with a stroller is no sacrifice.

New sneakers, crimson, all arch support and clean laces,
cushion my ever forward fall, until I land where I ought to be.

You cannot take this from me. You do not have anything I want. 

I am. 

Registration photo of Jennifer Burchett for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Ode to LexPoMo

Here you come again.
Dolly’s voice has whispered in my ear all day.

Shall we dance?
Will you spin my butt into its chair?
Prance my fingers across their keyboard?
Choreograph a pas de quatre with sight, smell, sound, and taste?
Encourage that magical waltz with heart and mind,
that catches words before they escape?

It’s June.
Another chance to trip the light fantastic.