Posts for June 2, 2024 (page 12)


But I wonder, when was the last time you played in the rain?

Sitting in my car watching the drops fly down

I wonder where my umbrella is

I put my hands over my head so my hair stays curled

I rush inside so to not get my clothes wet


Funny how life is like rain

It’s happening whether you want it to or not

You never know when it’s going to stop

Whether it will be a sprinkle or a downpour


Will you rush through it

Or will you stop and play?

Registration photo of Debra Glenn for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

smiled to myself

I saw you walk 
unbeknownst to you
     out the door
I smiled to myself, as it was most likely a clear as mud sign
a hello from the Universe 
more of a reminder, if I’m honest
     end of May and time to 
well, time to watch you walk out the door 
it makes sense, on to the next
which could, I assure myself be…
     virtually anything, as here I am at a crossroads
mostly in time, as it’s a new season
I smiled to myself as well, because I know, only a bit more 
yet it’s something and that’s a milestone

Registration photo of Melva Sue Priddy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Wild Cherry, Maple, Mock Orange, Holly and Blue Spruce Trees Nearby

There is a bird pecking outside 

the transom window

attempting to build a nest

where one can’t be built. 

There is a pile of twigs, dead leaves,

faded blossoms on the porch floor below her.

Some things birds don’t seem to learn. 

Is it the glass that draws them

or the narrow ledge that looks so promising? 

Or the edge of despair?

Registration photo of Laverne for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Therefore But For

She began in spoken word 

she had yet to place on the page 

details pain 

all the seeking 

the unknowing 

the relentless back-&-forthing 


& when I attempt seduction

into the arena 

she falls back 

shame & fear overtakes 


sending me her poem


she’s not willing

to step into the gaze 

of the not-knowing 

seeking answers 

only poetry provokes 

when tensions peak & border on unbearable. 

Registration photo of Tom Hunley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

What I’m Good at (and for)

Giving, maybe.

Maybe forgiving.

Neither cheating teachers

nor teaching cheaters,

and not much else, according to good authorities.

Authorities on goodness.


Letting other people’s poetry wreck me.

Like last night at the reading.

Like today in a book

in a coffee shop

half-drowned in rain.


Loving my wife and everyone else

who lets me in. Even you,

who tried to ruin me.

Who tried to destroy me.

I can’t help thinking of you fondly.


People like us don’t belong in the “real world”

or in the Godforsaking simulacrum of it

that Academia has become, but out of spite

I drag my broken-down body and soul

through the burning sands of both.

Maybe I’m good at forgiving.

I want to be good at giving.


Listening to music until I think

the notes of the song are my own thoughts.

Watching a movie so many times

I enter it and can’t find the exit.

I hope, many years from now, to die

in my office or in the classroom,

and I hope the stench is horrid.

To tell you the truth, I’m good at telling the truth,

good at enduring the cost, and there’s always a cost.

Registration photo of Bethany Robinson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


You remind me of a fresh peeled orange

The sweet tartness like the bite of your tongue the jester you are

Though soft and delicate hidden behind your peel

Your tenderness I long to have rolled along the valleys of my tongue

You allow me to breathe in this refreshing spark of something I’ve longed for all day, all my life

The acidic sweetness of your skin upon my skin

Dried into the ridges of my fingerprints

I wonder if you hunger for me the same

Desire to peel away at my hardened peel

To nestle me within your hands

My sweet smell lingering still on your own fingertips

The simplest of juice sliding down to your palm

Registration photo of Lennart Lundh for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


And this marks the depth

of our lasting friendship,

of how gently we guard each other,

how we each regard the other:

Feeling fully safe and comfortable,

we dare to meet not wearing masks.


(after the painting, “The Hummingbirds,”  by Christian Schloe)


d train

i fell asleep on a stranger on the subway
he followed me off the train
and I followed him home
we each belonged to others but a song began to play that was only for us and this is how we danced

in disguise we tangoed in a tiny bed
with stolen steps we waltzed through dark alleys 
under the guise of strangers we cha cha’d in conductor cars
we sneaked the steps of a bossa nova along darkened piers
we were like the richest wine that warms as it goes down and leaves you heady and subdued

we drank each other in greedily till the pain of being together overflowed from every opening leaving us drenched, debauched and dirty and still dying of thirst 
we were all at once generous and selfish giving just so much and never enough and I hated you as much as I loved you and I loved hating you and I hated you for it
and I don’t know where we began I just know it it never really ended
i am haunted by our ghosts that continue to sway though the music has stopped and the lights are dim 
And again we belong to others
“My cards are on your table My dreams are in your bed Oh, if I was able I’d be there instead” -george michael


Man Vs. Bear

The forest holds its breath, a symphony of rustling leaves and snapping twigs. Fear here is primal, a bear’s roar in the night, a flash of claws. But the city’s fear is a different beast. It slithers in a smile that doesn’t meet the eyes, a footstep too close behind.

We scan faces, not for fangs but for something hidden, a darkness lurking beneath the surface. A bear attacks, a burst of violence, predictable. Men’s darkness is a slow, insidious creep, a whisper, a threat, a hand that lingers too long.
The bear’s hunger is easy to understand, a primal need. Men’s cruelty is a labyrinth, a confusing maze of power and control. We carry this weight, a constant assessment, a wariness etched into our bones.
We dream of a world where shadows don’t hold a threat, where trust is the air we breathe. But for now, we walk with a vigilance that never sleeps, a silent prayer that the monsters we fear will leave us be.

Registration photo of PBSartist for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

thinking behind the thinking

a list of questions this morning
they seem to never end  thought and question
is this enough to be called  alive
what if there is something behind first thought
what if the reaction were not the real story  just
a seasoned reaction  learned over time  taught
is it pure physical to stay horizontal  inclined
toward calculating  judging  labeling      hating
there’s more beyond this plane of the body

the gift has been given