Posts for June 2, 2024 (page 15)


June Again

It’s June again,
sweet young girls in cotton dresses,
church bells chime at dinner hour,
jonquils lifting up their trumpets,

and you and I,
slipping into the winter of our marriage,
the cold shoulder and frozen stare,

I watch you undress and ready for bed,
slower, yes, and battle-scarred, but beautiful,
as defined by these eyes
with their softening focus,

and think how fortunate I am
to be spending June again
with you.


Under The Assumption We Love

i knew you
in another life
& hated it;
finding myself,
in between your eyes,
thinking in new water,
we’re the last ones left
unable to take deep breaths;
bleeding from the mouth
till the heart softens over 
& our carved wings lapse
            (to fall)
from mounted cattle
we hung pride by the door
this side of the Kentucky river
i think about wrong times &
the dilema of dying young
Anything but being a victim

Registration photo of H.A. for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Morning Again

Waking up from this dream isn’t fair,
because I can still taste you when my tongue’s tip traces my bottom lip

The morning sun pulls me from memories of us together

We are our most primal selves in the cover of the night
but I want you here next to me
under these linen covers
darkness shrinking, becoming small shadows on old wooden floors
where I want us both to step barefoot from slumber
towards elsewhere together


Dreaming isn’t fair,
because it’s not with you.

Registration photo of Tabitha Dial for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Song Requests for Evan Odd and Even

Begging Sweet Revenge Changes Friday

Bloody Mary Ella Baila Sola 
All The Small Things March of the Pigs
Disorder Fear the Reaper
Hail to the King Come and Go

Registration photo of Arwen for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

the cat in the morning and god and me

Tell me, he says, with his tail in the air,

If you know how much I love them,

Why sometimes there are lil’ soups

And sometimes there are not?


It is simple,

I say to him, It is because good things

Do not always come easy and sometimes

 you have to catch a mouse.

Registration photo of Linda Bryant for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Settling Down

I grew tired of counting places,
leaving town a year too late. I’ve settled
now where the slow twining creek is clay

brown & ripples through the wildwood
like a wedding train. I grew tired
of counting places & so I turned to

stable shelter, prayed to tame my gypsy
course. I marked the proper names, studied
the bottom of the slow twining creek.

Burrowing mayfly, speckled hellbender.
Alabama cavefish.  In water, how their lacy-jelled
eggs trembled. I counted their places under

river rock & branch. Dreaming, grit-brown
water rolled over me like a wand
& in the slow twining creek I transformed

to slick-shelled mussels. Nudged
by dust & gravel bits, cradled by mud,
I spit pearls from trouble & count my place
in the slow twining creek & its slack embrace

Registration photo of Karen George for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I am a mountain
my head the crest
hair long fog clouds
that float slopes
valleys where deer leap
feed on supple leaves
that vine my feet  

I am a woman
with a winter tree rooted
in my crown. I capture
a silver sliver moon in the lacuna
of my black briar-branches
that pierce the loopy blue, blue sky      

~ Inspired by the art of Amanda Clark

Registration photo of Coleman Davis for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

After the Net Has Been Drawn

She’s all invective, hesitation.
Hooked to her aphasia
like an incomplete albacore.
The way her pale marbled skin
invited the gaff and then rejected
it’s piercing draw toward ice.
There is no recovery from this.
There will be only the deep
into which, the sharkbit
living corpse is tossed
nonchalant and remebered
then to swim limping away.
Only acceptance now
a lifting into new selfsame 
wholeness. Her, no longer
shining star of the sea.
Pieced together in this new
recognizable school, still 
she writes her name in blue 
light shafts splitting into greens.
Way down there in her eyes
there is the spark like glint 
of a new coin from the bottom 
of an abandoned brackish well.



Everyone that I know has had relationships finish

Some had amicable closures

Others were hurt, but still got answers

Our ending was not so kind

We were torn from each other

In a motion so violent we were torn with it

A life line that was cut too short

Rope fraying at the lacerated end, its twine reaching out for the missing part of it

Exposed nerve sensitive to even air

Everyone else has closure

Everyone gets to move on

But I still seem to find pieces of you in me

Like we were so tightly bound I lost myself in you

Like I don’t know who to be without you

Registration photo of dustin cecil for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

stump speech #2 (haiku

ignorant and poor
vote for him and stay that way
twenty twenty four