Posts for June 2, 2024 (page 17)

Registration photo of Samantha Ratcliffe for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Southern Hunger

Middle Aged Kentucky feels like:

The buzz of all of us
carrying home the deli packaged
limestone limbs, tasked with unwrapping
our jowl bacon potential,
useless alone, base for smoke.
Limited ingredients; just salt.

Always fearing the meat will turn
before we make it, the beans will burn
on our watch; How many southern bodies stand
as evidence aligned in wait
Longing in parking lots, in slow moving traffic
swallowed up by apathetic urgency on 75.

Heavy appetite to get “home” and hide
hungry for more than mountain mourning.  
Too tired to brew a future,
Freeze the meat again and sleep to dream of
sustaining dishes. The stuff of safe memories.
Grandma gardens. Enough hope to plan
for safe keeping. Mason jars in the dark
what it means to be hungry.

Where do you find southern living?

Registration photo of Leah Tenney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


when April comes

I cannot be expected to do



but listen,

and watch

the world be born


everything is young again




the birds are singing at least a dozen songs

and I’m trying to learn the notes,

to find new sounds

in my winter throat


the gnarled

arthritic apple tree

I had feared was dead

has finally put forth

a timid bower of pinky-white blooms


right at the top

right where she’s closest to the sky


bees come to greet her and

dance in the scant petals

they marvel

they thank her for insisting


I was foolish not to see the life still in her

thoughtless to fear she had nothing left to give


after all

she couldn’t have died,

someone I love


in her roots