Posts for June 2, 2024 (page 3)



That big pine tree by the pond 
Came down hard this morning 
It’s thick, olden trunk was no match
For the harsh, March wind

Pinecones cover the pond surface
From bank to bank, no water visible 
I wonder if any light shines through
I bet the fish think
It’s Armageddon


to look Up at our ceilings

wooden blades cut air in circles 
air in circles waft curtains across the window 
curtains across the window leave my eyes blinded
my eyes blinded by the beauty of rainbows coloring the sky
rainbows coloring the sky remind me of summer nights
remind me of summer nights so that I never forget
that I never forget to love
to love

Registration photo of Kathleen Bauer for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

field notes in experimental poetry (i)

and this, she said, this is everything, her right arm reaching in the direction of the great & the good & the way down to the (un)burgeoning river while her left stretched out to carry mine. that was in the last days on the threshold of the storm season, back when she still carried her arms, back when they themselves possessed the ability to reach. when they could follow in what vector her words let out – and so the tire-dead asphalt unfolded.

and what was it that unto her retained meaning?

when she spoke it was my voice; when she reached to take off her skin she wore mine underneath. none had ever seen her honest features before and still neither have i.

this, she reiterated.

who? but already she had turned away, hands still reaching in their opposite diagonal. the limb of her left suspended itself in air as it unwound from its host, fingers into claws wrapping around my own. it had all turned cold, as the blood was rushing back to the body, to where she walked, unsilent, indefinable.

this. what was this?

and to what end carried the stale earth its beings on its spined back, cranking out rotations while she abandoned her ability to grasp what is new forever? something of incandescence; of what was it her invisible lips preached?

everything, her resonance had declared over the earth and the seven seas. everything is this.



pretty boys
with ringed fingers
curling around a pool stick
lining up a cue ball
the sharp smack of
a good hit

pretty boys
with pretty scars
and years lived,
thousands of memories
i couldn’t ever know

pretty girls
with blue tongues
and gold makeup
and green wristbands,
trying to be a yinzer

pretty people
with tie dyed shirts
and holographic handbags
begging the sun to go down
so they can dance


Nirvana, OR

we walk to
balk at the steel doors

sly glance to
corner cameras
very sly

giant red cross sign
you need IDs?
lazy weed lovers

in days gone
we almost giggle

edibles? sitana?
body buzz, or mind?
Two minds please

Registration photo of Courtney Music for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


We took our sixteen year daughter
To mark off a concert 
From a every teenage,
“bucket lister’s dream” list

We had to part at the gate
Too many things we’d carried in
“Rules had changed” they said
Unbeknownst to us

Lost in a sea of people 
Drenched in the cold rain
You made the trek back 
To the car to drop off 
Our too many things 
She stressed we wouldn’t find you

I felt the vibration of music 
Move up from the earth 
Through my feet into my chest 
The minutes you gone dredged on
It always feels this way 
When we’re apart

I looked on eyes wide
As we moved through the crowd 
“Hopeless” she said 
I gave reassurance. 
To which she didn’t believe. 

We stopped to take a breather. 
I felt the rain on my face. 
Breathed in the humid breeze. 
Decided to “feel” my way to you–
I exhaled and opened my eyes. 

There was no stress, 
No wonder….
I just knew. 
I knew I would find you. 

As I continued to move through the crowd, 
she followed behind me, 
near near tears, holding my hand all the while. 

Everyone else faded away…
As I turned the corner of a vendor tent–
Standing in the rain, 
there you were. 
Green eyes wide, 
Curls soaking wet, and 
falling down your shoulders. 

My heart smiled. 
Just like countless times before…. 
When all I see is You. 

Registration photo of Renee Rigdon for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Following my ease

First, I 
Home, I think.
I imagine, as
—jauntily as I might wish— just
lavishing myself with deep, gorgeous 
moments of this endless, effervescent, restful

    Over twelve million adult reported serious thoughts of suicide.     
    Over 40% struggled to access care. In 2023. At some

point we have to reckon that we can’t just ask the 
quiet to come.

Rescue us. We can’t girlbossmanifest our
salvation if the
tools are out of reach to
Us. We
vacillate between 
wanting to save ourselves and
(e)xtinction. Then we try
Yoga and Sunshine and Endless, Pleading

Mental health stats:

Registration photo of Pam Campbell for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

American Sentence XXV

The poet tunes a stringless guitar harmonic, sorrowing a song.

Registration photo of K. Nicole Wilson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Disrepair (version one)

Nothing in this house gets cured,
except paint,
and I’m so afraid it’s absurd,
my mental functions ain’t.

Except paint,
the only reprieve’s in lines of poetry.
My mental functions ain’t
what they used to be.

The only reprieve’s in lines of poetry.
I’m always revising
what they used to be,
open wounds I’m excising.

I’m always revising,
and I’m so afraid it’s absurd,
open wounds I’m excising,
nothing in this house gets cured.

Registration photo of Cody Evans for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Wrapped With Plastic

How many layers of plastic do I need now?
Is it still one?

And where do we draw the line, anyway?

It isn’t the garbage,
Or the mud

I think it’s the blood-ties

We ate there
We slept there

And now there’s one more
Cardboard table to throw away,
Into this world wrapped with plastic

And back out of this world
Just the same