Posts for June 2, 2024 (page 6)

Registration photo of Sophie Watson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Anti-Ode to Connecticut

The rain dazzles me half-unconscious 
and I dream fevered of haunted things:
the blue Connecticut woods, my body 
rolling under a gap in a barbed wire fence,
catapulting hellbent through a thin river 
in the dead of iced spring, running fire
up the bank, a wolf nipping my heels,
kicking her downward as we both fought
teeth and scream and spit, skin to skin,
until I fell back into the frost and she stood
above my head with her hands on her hips,
and the cops yelled in the blue distance,
cut off by the arms of barbed wild roses,
as ticks crawled a halo around my head,
while the trees swam spirals above me,
and the light cracked open my cold veins.
When my eyes unsheath like daggers
aimed at my bedroom ceiling, I wish
it was all a dream. I wish it was all a dream.

Registration photo of Madison Miller for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Silencing Grief

My grandmother calls me over and over.

Pain rattles in my pocket to the tune of do not disturb.

My phone is set to allow repeated calls through, assuming that someone so desperate to reach me is always worth answering.

I check my voicemail hours later when I trust she has forgotten me again.

She does not know how to hang up the line anymore.

I hear her worried feet shuffling and pacing.

She tells a nurse she wants to check on that little girl.

She wonders how her dance class went today.

Her persistence so close, I feel her lips on my cheek.

The smear of oily crimson, the smack of her doting mouth on my skin.

“I’ll kiss you to the bone so you can’t rub it off.”


day 2. it’s not a disaster, but it’s not good, either.

i’m too tired to write a good poem. but even if i was awake, who knows if it would be good?
i know how i want to feel when i read it. but i don’t know how to make it happen.
this is not poetry. this is writing stuff down.
i don’t know how to interact with the page anymore.

i don’t know how to approach the page anymore.
i don’t know where it is.
when i find it, i don’t know what to do, or where to go from here.
i don’t know how to interact with my own mind. i don’t know where the good words are.
i’m surrounded by cacti and tumbleweed, but i’m not from here. i don’t know what to do with it.
i don’t know how to respect the desert.

i used to keep a diary just for me. maybe i shouldn’t have stopped doing that. i want to get back to that. but i don’t know how.
something just for me. not for self-improvement. not to prove to anyone i can. not to prove that i’m okay, not broken. just for me.
so i can remember.
i want to remember the good things that happen to me. i used to cherish them by writing them in my diary.
i don’t have to forget, but i don’t want to remember. it’s too painful.

i’m not as extroverted as i thought i was. i’m tired. i want social connection. i don’t know where to go. i don’t want to miss out. i’m scared. i’m exactly where i need to be. help.

backlog. i have to get current.
i have too much unexpressed.
i don’t know where to start.
it’s not fair and it’s too overwhelming.
bookshelves double- and triple-stacked, vertically, horizontally,
but there’s too many stories.
i can’t see what’s behind there without a lot of work.
i learned to obfuscate from my parents
and now, i can’t be transparent with myself.


The Dull Woman Surveys Her Jewels

I’ll be happy if
My emerald tomatoes
Turn into rubies  



Experiments in Refabrication,

Bearing better fruit, 
Bitter at first, but blessed and sweet.
We find ourselves, at times, savoring them,
As marrow.
A merry mercy made moreso among those here.
It’s good to be here.

Registration photo of Wayne Willis for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Questions Afterwards

It was her dog…
We never wanted it,
Discouraged getting it,
But she promised
To take care of it
With no help from us.

But as we all expected,
She often didn’t.
An emergency call to 911, 
Her radio screams,
And she races off.

So we took him out,
Fed him,
Took him to the vet
As needed.

We helped take care of him,
But she was the one loved him,
And her kids
Loved him.
This huge puppy
Who zoomed and bounced off the furniture
And chewed up the shoes and toys
And loved to lick the faces of the unsuspecting.

But unexpectedly,
Our daughter is gone,
An infection she never knew she had
Attacked her organs.

It was my wife who made the 911 call,
And Suz’s colleagues showed up, 
Shaken, but on task,
To try to do that which could not be done.
And our world came to an end,

After the sobs,
The hugs, the rites of passage,
The grief beyond words,
In the midst of the endless sadness,

The dog we never wanted
The dog that she loved,
That her kids love,
That tries to lick me on the face,

As does the mundane question,
That must be asked
Over and over,
What do we do now?

Registration photo of K.A for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

p a n i c

i feel the vibration under my feet

the loose bones rattling

the quick cadence, quiet rattlesnakes

overtaking me slowly

i find myself here &

feel the fast succinct

breath of panic unleash itself on me

hot & heavy

Registration photo of carolyn Pennington for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I cannot give away 
My birth–I came.

I cannot give away 
My body–it carries me.

I cannot give away 
My experiences–they built me.

I cannot give away 
My memories–they layered me.

I cannot give away 
My future–I have to go to it.

I cannot give away
My death–it preordained me. 

Registration photo of Kel Proctor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I Want to Go Home

Sometimes, when I do my compulsions,

I’m 14 again. I’m in Ohio

and I’m telling myself, 

“I want to go home.”

I should have known something was wrong

when I returned to Kentucky

but kept repeating that phrase.

I was in my house,

but I wanted to go home. 


I forgot about that compulsion 

until I was 21 and returned home 

from college, and upon my arrival 

repeated the phrase that laid dormant

in the recesses of my mind. 

I identified it quickly, now more knowledgeable 

on my own brain, yet,

here I am today, repeating it, 

knowing full well

I’m making things worse.


But I’m in my house

And I want to go home. 

Registration photo of K. Ka`imilani for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Double-Edged Ramblings Over Morning Coffee and Daily News

People shouldn’t need
to beg to be human

and a bomb isn’t a lullaby
rocking away hunger
or comfort or love

I could care less how you hang your flag
because when you wake up it’s still a flag
probably sewn by Betsy Ross in China
or maybe tiny fingers from sweatshops
in Indonesia or maybe in the USA

And for those who pledged their lives
to a flag that never represented them

whose history is banned from Public schools
so that generations of the other Others
wouldn’t have to feel guilt about the Truth
that turned cotton into gold
generational purses fueling rhetoric

I’m confused
Surely Justice is just blind-folded
May the Real America stand up
Who is flying the flag up-side-down
Who is sending bombs to rock sweet babies

Where is the hero when you need one
I need to go to the woods
“to lose my mind and find my soul” (John Muir). 

June 2, 2024