Posts for June 3, 2024 (page 13)

Registration photo of Laura Foley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Karl the Kludger, they called the man–
the quiet, smelly sort–
Lady picked him up in Ibiza
when last we were in port

Lady had been fitted
for coal-fired steam–
the crew feared to go near it,
’cause of the first-mate’s dream

Caspar, the first-mate, said,
“I dreamed I saw us die–
Lady blew into a thousand bits
beneath an angry sky”

So the captain hired this Karl
to keep the boilers hot,
“We have to make this crossing,”
he said, “so get to it, you lot.”

We rarely seen hide nor hair
of Karl or his tools
He spent all day in the engine room,
talking to it like some fool

Then, one day, as a storm approached,
Karl run onto the deck,
“I need bits of rope and wood,”
he said, “all the scrap metal I can get.”

We all stood rooted and watched the man
grab handfuls of this and that
When his arms were full, he’d sprint below,
and shortly would come back

First-mate asked, “What the hell is this?
Are we all going to die?”
Karl said nothing, but we could see
his face, which said, “Goodbye.”

Black smoke poured from the funnel,
as the smell of burning did rise,
storm clouds fell upon the ship–
cold rain, the waves too high

All hands took to secure the deck,
then huddled we below–
the heat like mid-day tropic sun,
as disquiet began to grow

Then captain came into the room,
said, “in hours the storm will pass,
but Karl the Kludger,” captain said,
“is dead from smoke and ash.”

When storm and smoke had cleared,
we come to where poor Karl lay
surrounded by his tools and junk,
then stopped we all to pray

The engine was decorated,
as a Christmas tree might be,
with bits of rope and metal and junk,
but she brung us ‘cross the sea

Karl the Kludger, the quiet man,
we buried in the deep–
we knew this man had saved us all,
we prayed his soul would sleep

Registration photo of Sav Noël Hoover for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.




cold rags

two deep wells

etched into hollers

coal mine headache splits the slate rock 

this green river floods inside the hillsides of my mind 

Registration photo of Arabella Lee for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Only Cats Can Understand My Dramatics

Meow meow, meow meow meow….meow
(I tear dirt up with my teeth, my molars cake with clay)

Meowww…Meow meow meow….meow
(In these efforts I create my own grave.)

Meowowwww meow meow…..meow
(I’m lonelier than god, I’ve decided. Despite my standards being entirely lower than his.)

Meowww….meow meow meow….
(Call me dramatic, catty even. But I just need some solace.)

Meowww….meow meow mowewwwweow.
(It’s a humid June and yet I see no place colder than this.)

Registration photo of Mike Wilson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Light Bulb

I hurl frisbee death stars,
shuriken eyes

You hug every comer,
exhausted copulation.  

Current in the filament
feels like life.  

Not as complicated
as our stories make it  

Registration photo of Arwen for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

the daughter at midnight

the daughter at midnight pulls
down the blinds and pushes 
curtains together after rotating
the lock on every window and door
it stops the nightmares, she says, 
to know that she has locked things down
with her own two hands.

Registration photo of Tom Hunley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


This song keeps following me around.
Stalking me. Not even a full song.
A snippet from a funny movie:
“Forgetting Sarah Marshall.”
Jason Segel’s character sings
Everybody hates you. Everybody wishes you were dead.
It cracks me up. Which means it makes me laugh.
But The Crack-Up by F. Scott Fitzgerald
is about depression and despair.
Why does my head throw these lyrics
like rocks at my head? I can’t tell
if I’m cracking up or cracking up or both.
When my head is clear, I know I’m not
important enough for anyone to hate.
The only one who ever wants me dead is me.
I stay alive in spite of me. I’m full of spite.
In “The Orchestra,” William Carlos Williams wrote
[I]n spite of the wrong note,
I love you. My heart is
I’m full of wrong notes. Ask my bandmates.
I love to play anyway.
Jillian, Cy, old schoolmate, I love you
and your poem, “Despite,”
in which last night’s man
says he’d kiss you
despite your disability.
That ending! I know
that word. It means
the desire to hurt someone.
And now I’m disabled.
I can park anywhere.
My immune system thinks I’m a disease.
Thinks the cure is, first, to hurt me, arthritis
all over, then, by fusing my spine and vertebrae
to form one big bone, to turn me into something
like a turtle. Most of my life, most places
I’ve gone, I’ve felt like a turtle
out of water. Upside down.
My immune system doesn’t
hate me. It’s a misunderstanding.
But it does wish I were dead.
I stay alive in spite of this.

Registration photo of Brady Cornett for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

A Pity

Oh yes, I’m violent.
I’ve killed myself so many times.
Not the death of a pulse,
But choosing to let a past-self die.
I’m quite literally invincible.
I don’t need anything.
I awake and face the day,
Better than I was.
Christened by the pain.
A sculpture of self-sadism,
Every hit of the chisel,
A standard impossible to measure up against.
I’m already perfect.
The child in me still hurts.
Feels as though he is never enough.
I’ve retired the care in my age,
But who I’ve been is still suffering,
Looking for who would notice me.
In fear of dying alone,
Rotting and smelling in a thick black bodybag,
Full of someone overlooked.
Full of potential.
A capacity for beauty and goodness.
A pity.

Content Warning

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Registration photo of Toni Menk for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Fritillary Butterflies

On wild hydrangea
All take off as I approach 
Return as I leave 

Registration photo of Katerina Stoykova for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

K.S. has firmly decided

to impose on the generous readers
something every day, no matter
how inane benign or uninspired.
Her goal is to stay in the game and besides,
it’s been quite a while since she
actually wrote a poem. She’d like
to blame the silence on her
full-time job, or on the fact that
she has other books coming out, but
she knows better. She teaches that stuff.
In any case, she is thankful to whoever
has read this far, and she must admit that
it feels good to post nonsense
with flair and abandon. Yippee!
The thrill of clicking submit
and never looking back.

Registration photo of Kevin Nance for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Rembrandt Tanka

Rembrandt liked to paint
dogs shitting in the corners
of his big crowd scenes,
maybe just to take us all
down a peg or two, okay?