Posts for June 3, 2024 (page 6)


When death

                    When death

When death threatened you and me
and took you, my sister,
and my cousins Ken and A V instead,
I did not wish I was dead.

As for me, 
I fell in the floor and my sister
found out she had leukemia, and A V is dead,
David texted me yesterday, and Ken died, was dead
and buried, for he wanted no funeral, said

he wanted no one standing over him,
them staring down on him, even a sister,
and telling how many women he had lead
astray and how many kids he fathered said

he was a wrestler, one Gene said
you couldn’t beat him in a fight
unless you killled him,
Mister Death.

Registration photo of Sophie Watson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Dr. Hill

If I could slit your throat
I would do it with the nail
of my pointer finger.
I would make a blade 
of my body. My body 
is not your wound to heal.
My body is not some 
proof of my ills, is not 
your sad acceptance or
a death wish or helpless.
And if I could starve
down to the bone,
I would pop your jugulars
with my ribs. I would 
make you see what I see.
I would be so beautiful.

Registration photo of Lori Taylor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

A Mom’s First Steps

Graduation balloons strewn, blue and white 
confetti cake iced, confection delight
warm family hugs and hearty congrats
agreeable nods and atta girl pats
Afterward, Papaw sits in his easy chair
sipping coffee without much of a care
though his health declines little by little
He swears to us all to be fit as a fiddle

All of this will take place today, you know
from welled eyes the tears begin to then flow
You text with much angst you feel like a creep
as you gently rock your newborn to sleep
Guilt for missing the family outing
Guilt for self-care, baby and doubting
that your choice to stay home does feel alright
But darling, don’t doubt your new mommy sight

Ev’ryone gets it and sends you their best
You and babe are home, safe and sound, now

Registration photo of Carrie Elam Spillman for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I read my grandmothers eulogy 
with the same eyes she had 
and the same expression as I moved my hands 
like she always did 

her eyes are closed now 
and her hands are folded 
cold and unmoving 
her expressions being played 
memories on repeat

old vhs tapes
and scratched cd’s

gospel music fading into the white noise
static and silence 

I read my grandmothers eulogy 
I wish I didn’t have to 
I wish words ceased to exist

I wish I could wail into the abyss 
and maybe if I’m lucky
it will wail back 

Registration photo of Jerielle for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Pt 2. Cold dinner for Late Breakfast- What I also could have said

I was thinking about dance, music, sculpture, having some interesting conversation, my heroes probably dropped in to watch, Durer or Michaelangelo, I think Van Gogh was surely there, was it also Frankenthaler? Rothko? Bacon? (I don’t care how they may phrase it, they obviously were reaching for the divine under the names of beauty and truth.) I was thinking about the german fellow who melted away the flesh and sculpted-plus-hardened the remaining arteries…how these arteries are the structure upon which all human life depends, these frozen red rivers and streams and trickles beneath our skin, giving our soul a park in which to roam. Air to breathe. Truthfully who could remember all that I was thinking! Obviously a lifetime of searching weighs into it…some cursory knowledge in energy direction, the flight of the eye around the points of focus, the connection with intuition, the desire to allow rather than create.
I’m typically having some conversations with some spiritual visitors too, dead friends or relatives…
These really tangy chips-what on earth is this flavor!? …my incredible luck to live here, in this time, born to this landscape
the incredible mind blowing beauty of the trees, how they grow into Art Nouveau arches, Rackham eat your heart out, “tree museums” are my refuge and church, how amazing the food and talent of the now defunct sandwich shop, that I honestly had a hard time telling people about because the name was hard for me to remember, but the quality of every ingredient in every thing I ever ordered there is a rare and valuable-sometimes even an award winning thing. And yet here, it’s lost. Lost in a sea of mindless mediocrity. Have you seen the movie by Wem Wenders “Perfect days” ? I shall commune with the trees and the light and the colors, the chefs who made my food, the friend with which I am sharing the beauty and who has brought me the beauty of water so that I can go on communing ruthlessly without stopping because I am so joyfully alive. The artists and friends who are all my heroes and my reason to live
How time bends
How much I am grateful for my friend, understanding and enabling me to paint with undivided vigor by bringing me lunch, (because while chasing a painting it’s hard to think of everything) keeping me in cheery company as I attempt to harvest all the juiciest bits of the scene in front of me, inspiring me more by making art beside me, the color of the sunset
The tones on the tree, the magic which I don’t try to shape as much as I mine, or even nourish as it appears in watery pools of color or bent by the bark or taking form like earth is carved. It’s movement sweeps me up and takes me along.
I just say Yes Yes Yes

And she had characters drawn long ago on her black book that she was embarrassed about but showed me anyway, and I often wonder where the stretching vastness of amazement and shimmery brilliance will ever end? Is it not eternal?

It is a moment I can’t get back, I won’t try to force or recreate later. It is actually happening right now.

I sometimes fancy myself a reborn Monet…except instead of fog in this currently female-bodied internally mid gendered no longer young but never old descendant of Aztec and Mayan and Celtic roots, am now interested a bit more in the paint on the canvas both becoming and unbecoming…so that it is showing you a now and a how now that is open to you, and to how it also truly appears to me. Because the painting is to capture the subject. When I feel I have captured what I wanted to, I stop. So if it appears unfinished to you, you really ought to just look at it longer, look at what is there. That is the subject that I wanted to capture. It is enough, it is enough. Don’t riot like Philistines to the Rite of Spring. Dont bemoan the absence of explanation. It is like silence in music, it’s necessary. In this case it’s nearly a frenzy or a mirage. Safety is sometimes overrated But I don’t need to offer any explanations.
Just look at it, just listen
The planets have aligned today.

Like my heroes I have a hard time putting anything above art, but then I find that it also raises everything to the same level of spiritual. Hilarity is also spiritual. And while I paint I love the feeling of it automatically happening. I’m in a trance, sometimes I don’t recall any of it. Or it will come back in pieces.
Sometimes I am visited by a creature or insect or human and it’s always a bit of forge fodder. I guess I’m just stoking a gigantic forge (god, sounds so ugly now) a raging fire? I don’t know, my Mercury is in Aries.
It doesn’t really matter, I am sure I like my paintings more than you, it’s not so surprising now. It’s clear that you have to, you have to love them all. If you didn’t love them you wouldn’t stick with them, nourish them…your gifts that is. And ironically these gifts are meant for sharing. Absolutely must be shared. So far I’ve learned that that is of equal importance. So no worries if you aren’t convinced to have my picture in your living room, bathroom, hall way, t-shirt drawer, fridge, above your bed, your mantel, your sofa or any other dark bend.
So far I’m not worried. Every picture isn’t for everyone but it most certainly is for someone. Some people have no sense of humor, or take everything literally, or cling desperately to self importance or familiarity. I get it…I ain’t even mad that UK refused to give me my degree because my painting instructor was insisting I needed to have a subject and hiearchy. Lady, last I checked art was not moved forward by people following rules impressed upon them by degrees! But if you insist on showing how backwards the university can be by allowing you to throw your presumptuous weight around, be my guest?
Oh that’s very old water under a long fallen bridge which I digress into only by falling out of the moment.
I was likely thinking about the importance of parks, how we really can’t have enough parks, how all the more my heart aches for the lost sanctuary of wild birds and beavers and otters and snakes, flickers and foxes and kingfishers and wood ducks and so much more that used to be a shimmering part of the legacy trail as it joins Newtown Rd. The fact that the city did not buy this once park from IBM, and sent Amazon packing off to a less beautiful and less curated outdoor space, perhaps anything closer to a wasteland? God I dunno where, next to Cosco?
God damn Amazon warehouse. And as insulting as that loss to all of us is, most people don’t even know about it, but even years later as I go to the Nandino post office occasionally I see them carting off ruins of trees. My heart sinks further. I already can’t face that once magical space knowing what we lost. It was my most favorite park (though that word falls so short) in all of fair, quaint, charming, grand old Lexington. But let us at least think about how we can make up for it (even though we can’t. Let us mitigate the damage) let us all care a little bit more about birds and trees.
Music, good sandwiches, friendship and art.
Here now, is a tree which is really a tree. Oh my god yes. This tree and all it’s surroundings. Just beautiful, just because. Hahahaha! Like you.
And not, unfortunately, that Amazon warehouse.


It’s not a gift

Should you look back through me work here you’ll see
I boldly claimed the gift of prophesy
I was right, unfortunately

Cities burn and people die like a dream
anyone can pitch evil to our screens
Nobody should have to consume all this hatred – know what I mean?

Registration photo of D'Rose for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Medicine Woman

She breathed a moon flower’s essence
on dry bones buried deep,
asking her ancestors’ healing
on land she now will keep

On land once tilled, drummed and sewed,
raped savagely by greed of white man’s code,
land hers to have ~ and now to hold
held firmly in hands of those owed

Ancient ritual ~ medicine ~ brown skin cure
drums balance rhythmn makes sure it is pure
sacrifice offered upon this sacred place,
no trace, no haunt, of white man’s disgrace

Registration photo of Liz Prather for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Hot Yoga Is a Lie

In the 113 degree yoga room
the animal bend of my body peers
through time until I see flashing swords
pointing the way to the tree of life, 
Eve slicing peaches for Rilke.
We cannot know. We love our voids.
I walk home, my hair and belly wet,
I see a not right man knit his arms
around a lamp post. I see a line of babies
tied to a rope marching into a park. I see
a giant dog taking a shit on a pizza sized
patch of grass while his sorority girl
in a pj set examines his straining.
I am reminded once again
our lives begin and end in bondage.

Registration photo of Shaun Turner for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

A Confession

I want to kill the long-lived spider
who lives in my window
and reminds me of death–impending.

Spider charlottes secrets from the shadows,
traps and shyly eats the bugs
that enter from the gaps
in between the crooked frame. My heart
creeps at this spider. Its tiny silhouette
occasionally casts spider big at golden hour.
Sometimes, it’ll peek through a slat: a reminder
that spider’s there with me all day long. I shudder. 

We’ll share another supper together
in wary peace,
but I hope one day–it finds a window crack
and goes away.

Registration photo of atmospherique for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

In This Economy / what Silenos said to Midas

i am a man of means, so to me it means nothing to host the most well-stuffed, well-blissed, well-blottoed of the twice-born’s retinue

Pappa Silenos

wears a chain of hellebores around his triple-neck, splayed upon his charming potbelly, tucked near his wine-pinked cheeks

i am a man of means we may

feast through ten days until May in my rosy garden

and it would be like nothing to me

no strain on my kingdom, on my Plouton-sacred gold, on my god-pleasing worth


my people, they are happy

they led him

to me

in his flower bonds, drunk and dripping all of them with merriness and wine

it is a fine thing to be a Phrygian


it is a fine thing


to want for nothing



to me it is nothing to pour him more wine and to pour him

more wine and to pour him

more wine and

               i have a wife and a daughter, though

              perhaps they are nothing to you

              but props with which to wield

              my misery


for ten days i ply the satyr with all i have

and in his misery all he yields is


this through wine-kisses still stained upon his face


this through jaws ever-aproned in smiles


              “It’s best to never be born. Failing that, to die anon.

              “Now, why make May melancholy with the fruit of knowledge

              “When the fruit of libations is here to liberate?”



              i have a wife and a daughter

              my people, they are happy

              i lead them from this flowery drain


when the panther-cloaked god comes, he arrives like bells


and soft at once, and for kind treatment of his foster father, for

my nothing, he offers a gift of my choosing


immortal Bakkhos, born once of a mother and once of a father

is there only one thing in this world

that counts?