Posts for June 4, 2024 (page 11)

Registration photo of Alissa Sammarco for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I wouldn’t lie to you

But it seems I have done just that,
Set out a course of incredible dishonesty,
Treated you sweet and lovingly
When all my heart was filled with fat
And slowed in a creeping crawling vat
Of molasses and honey and sticky
Mouths, opening and closing before
Lips say more.

I have lied that inside I am true
I have lied that inside I can hold out for you
I have lied that me heart doesn’t melt from the top
Of Mt. Rushmore, dead presidents saying a lot
And you and I are happy.
How can I be happy.
How can I believe
All of us is what we seem?

I love you even though I’m so very mean.

Registration photo of Kel Proctor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Dwelling on Dreams

My poetry collection lays 
discarded on the bathroom counter 
where my sister left it,
forgetting to bring it home. 
It didn’t bother me, until
I dreamed about it last night. 

In my dream state, 
my consciousness recalled
a friend with tears in her eyes
as I handed her a copy to keep.
“I’m honored,” she told me. 

My dream then shifted 
to my sister. “There’s a poem
in here about you,” I told her. 
“Cool,” she replied, sitting 
down the thin green book
and never picking it up again.

And I’m not mad, I’m not, but
my dreamself was. And though
I don’t trust it, for once,
I’m inclined to listen. 

Registration photo of Leah Tenney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Handholding (life with GAD)

“My life has gotten a little bit easier”, she says, “the anxiety has eased up a bit this week.”, and I hear the lightness of her voice, a twinge of hope I haven’t heard in her before. 

I’m glad for her, hoping it lasts this time.  Praying the same for myself. 
That’s all we want, for things to be just a little bit easier, we aren’t asking for the moon. 
Is he relaxing, finally, his ever-present grip?
On her? 
On me?
His fingernails sharp, too long untrimmed
dirty, wretched, ridged like off road trails, yellowed from lack of sunshine.
Those nails dig deep, curved scimitar like cat’s claws- 
you can’t simply pull them off without tearing away the flesh as well. 
They must be slowly unhooked, one by one. 
He is the nastiest of friends, but the hardest one to let go.
“I’ll keep you safe”, he promises with fetid breath, “I’m the only one who can.”  
I know he’s lying. 
I know it.
At least I think I do
At least, sometimes I do
in the bright of early morning when all the shadows have been chased away by starfire and hot coffee and birdsong. 
But when the sun goes down, and the blood sugar drops,and the ghosts of all my conversations come back to laugh in my face, and my heart does that strange dance, and my hands get shaky
the first thing I reach for is his hand. 

Registration photo of Karen George for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Collect the Dots, String the Needle

Start the story with water
a canvas of blue silence
cut an opening
sneak in a lover of irreverence
drift on your backs like a kite in the wind
a way to stitch time
lean into the black night sky
pebbled with a million secrets

~ A found poem, including the title, created from words in Shannon K. Winston’s poem “Ways to View Joan Miró’s Triptych Bleu I, II, III




albums disintegrating
photos of parents and
friends on a
beach long before I was

peerhaps I never was
that’s why they never
saw me

here we are

gone in the blink of an eye

I choose to see
opening light on roses sunlight
on walls
blink and they are gone

in each moment
all else falls

if we are 
vaporiaed and there is no one
to remember us will we ever have
existed at all?

vaporized no fossil remains
what makes us real anyway?

vlue veins in awkward




Registration photo of Melva Sue Priddy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

As I Travel


Some scheduled things will be left undone

like reading and writing and gardening, 

some unscheduled things will be added

like talking and cooking and grandsitting.

Some things I’d like to do will be pushed aside

until I have time because when a daughter needs me

I’ll show up. Time out of time.

Registration photo of Katerina Stoykova for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

If you need permission

to post puny unfinished work that


took the lest effort possible,

follow me for more advice.


Rubber Duck Limerick

There’s a disco-core duck in my shower.

My pouf is her Derby-hat flower.
Oh, give her a smacker,
my Miss Firequacker!
She sparkles! Whose mood could be dour?

Registration photo of Katie Hassall for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Shot through the Heart

As I hear the familiar first line of an 80’s song
I realize that is how I am feeling
Pierced, gravely injured
not in body, but in spirit
I can’t make myself attend an exercise class
when I need it so very badly
but my spirit is injured 
and I just don’t have it in me right now
to meet new people,
and extend an effort to engage,
putting on a smile that I don’t feel
I refuse to wallow,
so I will go on a walk 
or do an exercise video
and push and stretch my body
I will put my pen to paper
and stretch my mind and
restore my soul with prayer
I can take steps to heal my heart
but since someone else
put the hole there,
I think they are going to
need to help repair it

Registration photo of Bethany Robinson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Marriage of Mother Earth

The southern catalpa blossoms
Were spread across the gravel road
Like the flower girl of Mother Earth
Preparing the aisle before the bride
Of the marriage of Her
To the sweetness of spring
Promises of fertile lands
Handfasting Herself to the bosom of blossoms 
Exchanging vows like honey on the tongue
Sweet, clean dewdrops dripping from Her eyes
Even through the thunderous moments
Of icy bleakness that winter carries
When trees start to fall 
From the heaviness of darker days
Mother Earth holds fast to her vows
To be ever present
Singing harmonious songs with the birds
Loving each day and season
As if it were a new opportunity
To find growth and prosperity
To honor all these stages
Of life, change, death, newness