Posts for June 4, 2024 (page 2)

Registration photo of Tabitha Dial for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

International Corgi Day

Follow me unto
the culture and court
of the Corgi.

If you’re in a bad
mood, they
will pester you into play

until they notice
your smile. 
June the 4th
be with you.

Registration photo of Hannah M for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Bug paranoia

Hundreds of ticks jump onto me as I trudge through a claustrophobic section of the trail. Their impenetrable small bodies, which would sooner dent the soft pads of your fingers than squish under the fearful pressure of an index and a thumb, crawl and latch on and swell until unrecognizable. Unrecognizable I am too, a monster worthy of campfire stories, shrieking and stumbling into trees, clawing at my body which teems alive with feasting fiends. If I don’t die from the shock, I’ll soon die from a myriad of diseases. 
Except none of that happens. I pass through the bottleneck unscathed, save for a small beetle skirting across my back. 
A mile away, two hikers look at each other in terror as they hear the echo of my bloodcurdling scream, picturing me getting mauled by Cocaine Bear, my organs spilling out, rather than frantically batting at my empty back. 

Registration photo of j.l taylor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


she lays out her wants
and it isn’t pretty.
her words take shape, like a crescent cut revealing a crater, a red pool of desire,
honest and throbbing in pain. harm is the only thing that seems to reveal truth
and if the exposure is given
enough time to rot, so will she.

Content Warning

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imagine a world where
we’re walking around
in a place all our own
a space we carved out in this wilderness
just for us
because our bodies are in such high demand
we are captured by force
in nets in cages in snares in traps
sometimes we are used as bait to catch the others
we are thrown into darkness
to be taken ever so far from home
on ships mixed with some we know
some we do not
but all we have to hold on to is each other
some of us will not survive
some of us will be thrown overboard
some of us will jump overboard
some of us will fight back
those of us that remain will be bound
in this new place
after being weighed measured and inspected
we are separated and scattered
to meet uncertain fates
the cycle continues for hundreds of years
creating generational wealth for the captors
while the descendants of the captured
continue to press on


imagine a world like that

Registration photo of Dangerfield Yella for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

After Reading Some LexPoMo Poems or On My Block VI

I’ve been watching rain fall
In front of a High pressure sodium streetlight
Across this dead end street
For 20 some odd minutes
This municipal monstrosity 
Orange day glows the moment
I could pop the plate on the pole
And pull the fuse and darkness would follow
I could

Somebody down Price Road just set off
A 500 roll of Black Cats
On a Tuesday in June
It’s either trailer park or trap that way
Whichever it is
It’s cheaper than the bullets
That usually pop the quiet of night

Moments like this should be crumbled 
And rolled in hemp leaves
Licked and sealed
And set ablaze with a fire of some sort
That somebody sets
Then passed to the left

The rain stopped




I sit here with butterflies in my stomach

My heart like a thoroughbred

My mind craving to be loved again


But here she comes

From the depths of my bones

The younger me pleading to run

Speaking venom and spitting fire

“He doesn’t mean it”

“It won’t last”

“He’ll just use you”

“It’s not worth it”


She gave up a long time ago

Made a home in my lonely soul

Tore my memories to weave for warmth


Swore never to express her love again

Stored it in a box under her bed

Poured the pain into a bottle of gin

And chased it with adrenaline

I can’t blame her really

She has her reasons


But I wonder when she’ll settle down

Let go of her doubts

If she’ll ever open the window

To watch the butterflies again


anticipation, learning, harmony

i stopped by death’s door:
love the small joys,
there is never really the grandeur
we imagine as boys

i went to the cradle:
even heartache contains glorious bits,
suffering is never really that fatal,
love comes and goes, but you’ll always have it

one day, i’ll be neither in a cradle
nor waiting to cross through that door,
but the witch who brought you back to me was not evil;
i have this moment of anticipation for you, nothing more

Registration photo of Stephanie Mojica for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Two Different Moms of Friends

Unlike her, you welcomed me.
You didn’t tell your sons to flee.  

Flee what? I still wonder.
She was dedicated to me going under.  

Under is where they dragged him
And where his dreams became dim.  

Dim the one true friendship he had.
At least when you saw me, you were glad.  

Glad that I wasn’t fake,
And expressed all my heartbreak.

Registration photo of Courtney Music for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Afternoon Naps

The humidity lay thick outside
Rain rolling in over the hills 
Heavy, like the week has worn us 
In the middle of a Tuesday 
Late, spring evening 
On a worn couch
With too many bills
Left to pay…but,
All of the kids 
Are all alright
Rain has moved in 
Soft on the porch roof
With the warmth of you
Near and dear at the foot
We’ll save the worry 
For another day
Right now is all we need
Slip into a peaceful slumber 
Cause “it doesn’t matter we’re rich!”


believe me

perhaps you haven’t noticed 
to poor writing surely due
we should think
we believe what we do

so I play a little secret game 
I  now share with you 

step 1 belief right or wrong 
step 2 observe 
step 3 think
step 1 believe still no maybe sometimes etc and repeat 

after many cycles, here’s one

      beliefs that don’t hurt people 
      are better than those that do 

also too many 
skip steps 3 and 2