Posts for June 4, 2024 (page 6)


Further Travels with Jim

The imperceptical slant of Missouri 
prairie has a couple of pimples
at Knob Noster. They are barely knobs,
just slight rises that stick up 
in the 360° of flat.  Like all things
in this scraggly land the name’s
deceptive, singular when it should plural.
Some 19th century pundit declared
that Noster was latin for “our”,
thus the name means “Our Knob”.
There is no proof of this
– maybe someone just had
a sharp-edged mind for alliteration.

Both knobs host housing developments
of well-kept bungalows with a view.
Many Knob Noster homeowners 
work at Whiteman Air Force Base
built in the “Blue Flats” at the south end
of town. (The convenience store clerk said 
you didn’t have to be indigenous 
to appreciate the irony of the AFB name.)
After WWII  the base was used as a site
for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.
A house for nuclear weapons!
This put the people of Knob Noster
in the bull’s eye for a World War III attack.
(The clerk said if that happened, you might
as well get it over with ASAP.)
Today the base contains our country’s fleet
of stealth bombers, capable of flying 
11,000 miles with an in-flight refuel
to deliver a nuclear strike.

I think it might be possible to live
in Knob Noster, picnic with the family
in prarie grass, fish in the local stream,
drive to KC everyday for work, never
look through the fence at the bombers, 
go deaf whenever they took off.
I guess I’d know what to do.

Registration photo of carolyn Pennington for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


While I hung 
Her favorite Christmas towels
On the towel rack,

She hovered 
Behind me 
Over my left shoulder
Straightening her wind-blown hair.
In the bathroom mirrow

I looked up into the mirrow. 

I remembered–she died last year. 



She flew recklessly with no real destination. No guarantee or expectation of ever being seen again. No emotion or thought behind her actions. Once she was set off, there was nothing left behind but a shell. A cold, empty shell of rejection and disownment. A shell that was once used to contain all that she ever was. Her emotions, thoughts, connections, happiness, sadness, relationships, wants, needs, failures, passions, pleasures, beliefs, all of her firsts, all of her favorites… everything. All it took was for someone to cause the explosion. All it took was one single pull of a trigger from the mind of another to end everything. One moment in time. One single second where someone wanted to use her, inducing destruction for their own agenda. She was a bullet in the night. Under the disguise of gunpowder and darkness, only to be seen in the seconds when the fire of the gun lit up the night. She dissolved into nothingness. All that she was just simply vanished at the expense of someone else.

Though, perhaps she did still exist after the eruption. Just plunged into the chest of another. Squirming her way into the heart cavity. Separating left from right and right from wrong. With no sense of control, she sits back and watches as she destroys someone completely. Because she cannot turn back time, and what’s done is done. Once that trigger’s been pulled, the damage has already begun.
– JL

Content Warning

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Registration photo of Renee Rigdon for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

It takes a toll

My words.
They come out cracked and tinny, 
artifacts of the exchange between the distant relays of my alternate reality&

My phone bill is going to be outrageous.

I am placing this call from a place that doesn’t exist for you
My husband is dead here. 
(It’s the only difference I can find.)
I’ve acclimated, some. Assimilated, but 
I don’t speak our language anymore. 
We never had a word for this.
The closest ones I can find here, too heavy,
too precious 
are improbable to collect.

Registration photo of Abelucia Ponzo for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

when i make you

I have written you
I have imagined you
I have missed you
I have felt you
I have wondered about you
I have lost you
I have returned to you 
I very much
look forward
to birthing you


day 4. none of this is real poetry. make space for me

make space for me.
this is a bad poem.
I hate sweat and breath,
unless it’s someone I like.
I don’t hate sweat and breath. I just hate him

and I feel bad for that!
he’s nice, but he’s not for me.

A raccoon in the hole of a tree trunk,
in an owl’s nest, where he doesn’t belong.
birds that live in holes in trees are called cavity nesters.
I’m pretty sure owl’s don’t even do that for real.
Imposter syndrome is made up.
why does it matter if they think you don’t belong?
Unless they have the power to exclude you.
Then it does matter.

Make space for me. I don’t want to make my own space.
I’m tired.
It’s hard to attract people. Where are they?

Registration photo of A.R. Koehler for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

In tomorrow today

I cannot see myself in tomorrow 

It’s not the want for suicide 
I’d like to live until I die
I simply cannot invision 
Tomorrow through my eyes
The present is yesterday’s tomorrow 
And tomorrow’s yesterday 
So maybe tomorrow is just today 
…Or is it yesterday 
Maybe it’s today I cannot see 
Because I’m always in the days 
before or soon to be 
I cannot see myself in tomorrow 
It seems the days I’ve lived have been 
Imaginations of the present 
In which I do not live

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Tap, tap
Rain hitting roof
Clash, crash, bang, clap
Thunder rolls and lightning flashes
Blink, flick, wink, glow
Sights and sounds
Storm traveler’s

Registration photo of storm for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Others tried to warn me  
You were a serpent in friend’s clothing  

I couldn’t see that you were blinding me
Binding me  

I mistook your embrace for friendship
Not noticing as you coiled around me  

Squeezing tighter and tighter
Until I relied on you for every breath  

In the distance, sirens wailed
But I didn’t recognize the danger  

Until you sank in your fangs
Unhinged your jaw
And swallowed me whole—

Then complained of indigestion  






On eclipse day we turn toward darkness
On eclipse day darkness transforms
From deadend to portal
On eclipse day darkness frees us
To speak to strangers
To cheer loudly

We look up at the sky
Eyes protected
Yearning for the rekindling of light
In the totality darkness
 We feel electrical charges
Hear a universal song
And then It’s light again
But the faint vibration
And barely-heard notes 
Float on the wind.