Posts for June 5, 2024 (page 14)

Registration photo of Carrie Carlson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


An orange glow grows on the horizon

The dew sits heavy on the grass
Wisps of fog weave through the valleys
The crow sends out his blast 
Though my soul feels heavy
My eyes look toward the sky
I see an ember glowing
The sun’s about to rise

Registration photo of Gregory Friedman for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Why are the gulls laughing?

What do they know,
these tourist-birds circling Rome?
Are they amused at the human pace below,
hustling toward gelato or pizza,
posing for selfies before antique fountains
or the vista from the Spanish Steps?
Are they pleased at the lovers
entwined in public,
enticing discovery and inviting fantasies?
Do they know more than we do
about those builders of deteriorating sureties
that once were the boast of empire,
the braggadocio of tyrants,
the certainties of pontiffs
(their naming rights carved in stone
across this urbs aeterna)?
Or do they mock me,
listening at my courtyard window,
a fleeting visitor like them,
longing to return to the sea?

Registration photo of dustin cecil for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

stump speech (cont.)

rape and stolen gold
wiped out civilizations
twenty twenty four

Registration photo of Jess Bee for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Build-A-Bear for Humans

Sometimes I feel limp

Like my stuffing was torn out
Small grubby fingers reached inside
Ignoring the way I squirmed and cried
And I felt my body deflate
My outside layer looks the same
Pounds of flesh on a sturdy frame
But my strength is just an illusion
Long past the time when hope took flight
Urging us closer to some steady light
Whispering answers in a state of fright
Let out more string for the coming fight
But I hear myself say I’m tired
If I am then they must be too
Fatigue heavy like a noose
Pretending that we get to choose
The outcome

Registration photo of Chelsie Kreitzman for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Breckinridge, Texas, 2010

Stella trots through the living room,
stub tail wagging, pleased
with herself for having found the baby
bird that now writhes in her mouth.

Frantic, I drop the laundry 
I’ve been folding to the floor,
press thumb and fingers against her jaw,
lift her muzzle until she releases the clutch

of her canines and delivers
the nestling into my palm.
Bloodied, it gasps, desperate for breath, 
one of its wings entirely gone. 

I cradle the creature, whisper
Oh, I’m so sorry, baby. So, so sorry
over and over as though my own mouth 
inflicted this maiming.

I’m down on my knees again
in the middle of nowhere, a place I hate 
but plant myself for marriage’s sake.
My husband takes the bird outside.

Maybe the problem is that I love
too much, can’t accept when a thing is bound 
to die. I press my face to emptied hands, 
wait for the gunshot.

Registration photo of N. D for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Pride ’24

Drag Queens at brunch,
dolled up in their finest bedazzled cowboy boots stuffing cash down their handcrafted bosoms

Cocktails strewn haphazardly across the table,long stemmed glasses reflecting the sheen of liquor spilled by stray elbows

Bright decor boasting neon signs, paper umbrellas and extra straws sitting pretty at the endcap of the undeniably sticky bar

Queers and peers and souls of every flavour, shamelessly gathered in celebration of their resilience

Registration photo of PBSartist for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

nature as breviary

breaking through eternal time
life exists in this quivering  
the iron cage of conviction becomes the sight of all things  no thing  the eradicable what if
even the stoics bow down

awaken from long darkened slumber

100% of everyone will see the light they long for
angels appear in your path
cosmos crinkle in the heat
herald the coming  witness the sunflowers
there march willful shoots  proclaiming the next awakening


Dark Out, Getting Darker

Oh, what I’d give to have given my life to art,
and to have been good at it,
so that people might speak
my words aloud,
mimic my breath,
some going so far as to memorize
a stanza or two, or pick up pens
and craft imitations
that outshine the original.

But, I’m no once-in-a-generation talent,
no voice of my times,
no mover of masses,
no Bob Dylan.

So then, what’s the point?

Rubbing two words together
I create sparks 

— even in downpour —

for this one soul to make his way by.

Registration photo of Bing for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

5 – why am i still up at 3am

lost my good sleep streak. 

i can already smell the

coffee i’ll make soon. 

Registration photo of K. Ka`imilani for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Ransom Note: If I Could Write a Poem Worthy

A poem holds readers hostage,
demanding interpretation, its words
stopping the hemorrhaging of all humanity. 
Loving words massage hearts when they stop 
caring, funneling hate into long necked bottles,  
stopping blood and War words that maim
limbs, amputate families, starve love. 

If only a single poem could heal the world 
I would write day and night just to find it,
seeking until swollen eye’d & word-slurred 
breath, I’d write, free, free, free ……..