Posts for June 7, 2024 (page 11)


Fake Democracy

Inspired by the quote, “The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”

The ballot, a thin sheet held aloft, a supposed symbol of power, but the power feels distant, a mirage shimmering in the heat. Every few years, the ritual unfolds: representatives presented, polished smiles plastered across their faces. They speak of change, of progress, their voices dripping with promises that seem to evaporate the moment the final vote is cast.

But beneath the surface, a disquiet persists. The system, a web of interconnected interests, remains resolutely unchanged. The power brokers whisper, their influence a subtle force that shapes the very air people breathe. Change, if it comes at all, arrives in the form of crumbs tossed from a lavish table, a hollow victory that leaves a bitter aftertaste. Is this all there is? Another face, another name, but the game continues, the rules stacked against those who yearn for something more.

Yet, a tremor begins to rise, a discontented murmur echoing through the night. It’s a yearning for a different path, a hunger for a future not dictated by the ballot box alone. This disquiet speaks of a growing consciousness, a recognition that the status quo cannot, will not, endure. The oppressed, once resigned, begin to find their voices, their collective roar amplified by a shared sense of injustice.

Registration photo of Katerina Stoykova for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

K.S. wants to write

short stories as good as those
by Witney Collins!

Registration photo of Stefan Delipoglou for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.



silver-haired circle jerk 
senior saeculum in need
to be well endowed in poetry
requires tits and/or retirement
and/or overt mimicry—
To hell with all of that
and the need for artificial markers
like an ivy league MFA
to know I am poetry 

Registration photo of Scott Wilson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


a brown
recluse must

have been sleeping
in my overalls, which

hang each evening,
dusty, in the wood shop.

got me on the knee.
been down now for a week,

laid up with my leg up,
lymph node in my groin

swollen like an onion.
what i could have sworn,

at first, was just an
ingrown hair,  a pimple

to be squeezed, now
has necrotized

into an open


Registration photo of Katie Hassall for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Just Breathe

Most days
I don’t even think
about breathing

It comes naturally
and is just
a biological function

But there are days
where pain and circumstances
make me forget

I forget how to 
breathe in and out
and find myself dizzy

Dizzy with the need
for the most basic
life sustaining oxygen

On those days
I have to concentrate
on breathing in and out

I don’t think that
I will ever take breathing
for granted again

And I pray that one day
life calms down enough
that it becomes natural again

Registration photo of Gaby Bedetti for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Hudson River Valley Wedding Venue

in the motionless night
under a canopy of stars
blinking fireflies await
the couple’s unfolding story

Registration photo of Toni Menk for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Brain Washed Horny Virgin: Shaker Village 1840

From my lonely window I see, below
Glorious Creation from west to east
The Lord’s great kindness spread out like a feast
To sustain the faithful and let us grow

‘til He keeps a promise made long ago
To cast out the vile who live like the beasts
To dethrone the pagan’s unholy priests
While saving, us, pure of body and soul

I see the mare with foal, ewe with her lamb
My arms are empty and always shall be
Life’s great miracle I will never see

For Mother did find me, and here I am
Waiting in paradise to be set free

From this mortal body which keeps tempting me

Registration photo of Nancy Jentsch for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Robinsong bubbles into dawn’s
ratatouille of wren and rooster,
cuckoo and crow. Towhee trills
and titmouse’s pee-ter simmer
with woodpecker’s drilling
till dream finds its waning.

Registration photo of Kendall Brooke for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

breakfast in bed

good morning honey, I made you breakfast.

how sweet to taste love that is soft.
to finally know a love that is not sharpened by fists. 

Registration photo of Lennie Hay for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Blue Hour

Long June days
when light
stays with us far 
into the evening.

I struggle
to stay awake
until darkness

Many sacred
moments revealed
as lights
turn on

across the river,
play white
and orange 
on the water. 

These days
I don’t want
to miss 
any glimpse

of a beautiful