Posts for June 7, 2024 (page 4)


The Dull Woman Veers from Poetics and Rants About Venomous Flying Spiders

Really, World?
Now you’re loosing some leggy limey creature the size of a Volkswagon on us
As if we didn’t have enough to keep us up at night  

Warring nations
Storms of demonic rage
The earth burning
Insane men spewing hate
Their dangerous sycophants  

Give me a thinker any day
Someone who considers both sides
Someone who still holds out a hand
Someone wild with smiles and kindness  

I double down on peace and freedom and democracy
I double down on rights for all
I double down on the arts
I double down on generosity of spirit  

Fuck the spiders  

I fling my scarf over my shoulder
And head out the door  

Content Warning

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Lulled by languid enthusiasm and marked devotion,

We return to the interplay,
A dance and a theatre amok,
A whirl and a twirl and a loom like a headboard.
Like a bejeweled spinarette,
Eyelids overran with stained glass,
After years of slumber.

Registration photo of Sophie Watson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

It Did Not End Where I Left It

Again, I fell asleep swallowing a series of images,
swallowing a multicolored handful of “how to be normal” and
“how to forget,” and in the venomous silence I try to get over it, 
I try not to rewind the cassette lodged in my cracked skull
behind these shut eyes, crushed and distorted, but the motion
is automatic. These photographs develop better in darkness,
the dark bloating with silhouettes, uncontrollably imagining 
their illuminated hands spidering up my bedroom walls. 
I am stuck in the future. I try to rewrite how the story unfolds,
but I never do it fast enough, never find a satisfactory ending.
The problem is that I cannot any longer suspend my disbelief. 
The problem is that I’m slowly starting to think I’m a prophet.
So I knock myself out with lavender and hot pink Benadryl, 
I let the comforter wrap around my throat, and I do not bother
checking if I can still breathe with my face smashed under a pillow.

Again, I wake from a dream of it. In the dream I felt no fear
but in the morning the light stings my raw skin painted with
the ghosts of stranger’s hands crushing in. And this is how I learn
I can only muzzle my fear for so long, cupping handfuls of water
to throw at a forest fire. I am ablaze inside the locked house
of my mind, the windows will not open, see me banging the glass,
bright in daylight. I am stuck in the past. I am stuck in a half-hearted hell.
I get out of bed, I unfurl my veined fists like two heavy pink flowers, 
make myself non-threatening. There is no one to blame anymore,
no one to blame but myself. I stand with a blank expression
in the living room, where no one can touch me, where no one 
can see me burning still, where no one can see that the photographs
pinned to the inside of my head are twisted still-lifes of myself, my body 
in chalk outlines. This is what I’ve done, this is what I live with,
this is my burden now, and the end that I cannot seem to write

Registration photo of Amanda Corbin for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

VI. The Lovers

In the garden  
two lovers stand
unveiled before one another  

On either side are
the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life
and in the distance
the great cosmic mountain  
connection between heaven and earth  

Above them is 
a bright yellow sun  
and emerging from a cloud  
an angelic figure  
with red wings spread wide  
and arms extended  
to pour down upon them
its Divine influences  

The woman’s eyes are cast upward  
while behind her  
the snake twines through the tree   

The man gazes at the woman 
for it is through  
that he experiences  
Divine love.

Registration photo of Madison Miller for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

A Werewolf’s First Root Canal— or — Dentophobia

I took 3 mg of Ativan
and selected the orange scented nitrous.
I brought a support person.
I told the dentist I was scared.
I had an ice pack on my neck.
I’d applied the lavender essential oil.
I repeated my mantra.

                    –Pain is temporary.-

I’d done all the right goddamn things.
My palms still sweat.
Hair stands up on the back 
of my neck, my arms, my whole body.
My toes cling to the lining of my socks,
begging for leverage to the part of me  
desperate to avoid gnawing my way
to the nearest exit in search of a full moon

                  We review my chart.
                 “Does not respond
                  to local anesthetic.”

I unhinge my jaw before the drill.
I beg them to blast
every nerve root at once,
scrape the distal buccal
bullshit down to dust.
Extract every extractable thing.

I don’t even need a badge of honor 
or that porcelain crown. 

I need every human
on this side of the Mississippi
with a dontist in their title
to come together as one
Tie your most powerful strings
around my every last fang.


If you don’t expedite the heave-ho
of these skeletal growths from my mandible
you’ll learn that something terrible inside of me
is                         all canine teeth and crawling its way out.

The feral thing of me needs the pain to stop
or at least desperately muzzled for your sake.

It growls a slew of words in my ear.
“At least then they can’t touch our teeth.”

Registration photo of Samar Jade for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Mo(u)rning Dove

Your call beckons an inner darkness
There is no staving away
We must make lovers of the grief

Registration photo of Stephanie Mojica for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Step Five

 AUTHOR’S NOTE: Step Five of the Twelve Steps of programs such as A.R.T.S. Anonymous is, “Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.”
There’s a throng
That says I am wrong.  

Wrong for living,
Wrong for giving. 

Giving over my wrongs,
Giving over the same old songs.  

Songs that I’m not pretty enough,
Songs that being Hispanic is rough.  

Rough life full of strife,
Rough events transformed into a better life.  

Registration photo of Carrie Carlson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Winged concrete angel
Standing like a sentinel
Always at the ready
To receive –

The burning sun
The cool autumn breeze
Spring raindrops
Or the weight of the freeze

She stands ever-ready 
For she knows 
Where it all comes from
And trusts where it goes
And her cupped hands



Every life needs sweetness.
I put honey in my tea

watch amber light
fill my spoon, curl around

then settle, the way 
cats do before a nap

lower the spoon into heat
wait while nectar unfurls

sends out tendrils
new shoots reaching for light.

Stir, wait, stir, until all 
is one, smooth, sweet. 

Every life needs slowness.
I put honey in my tea. 


Fly On The Wall

I followed her inside this morning
After I saw her in the park,
She ate her sandwich on the swings,
Drawing the clouds in the sky,
Today she fixes her hair in the mirror,
Singing to the songs on the radio,
Dancing with a hairbrush microphone
In the flickering bathroom light,
When she catches me watching
She swats me away, 
Wielding the towel as a weapon,
I whirr past her face wishing
She knew how she facsinates me,
I die watching her face,
Turning away from me, forgetting me,
Thinking she’s alone
Although the fly on the wall only sees her.