Posts for June 7, 2024 (page 9)

Registration photo of Sam Arthurs for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

stuck at work on a perfect summer day

Sky is blue and clear
Cool, balmy breezes
Not too hot, just right
I stare longingly at it 
From my busy desk
Stuck inside working
Instead of being wild
In the summer sun
Where I truly belong
Who decided that this
Is how we should live?



When dreams are falling
Cascading from the heavens
Tormenting temples
Burning shoulders
Scalding trembling thighs

When the sky no longer cradles the moon
And the stars forget to dance through the night
When the birds lose their morning songs
And the sun calls in sick

Who will place a gentle hand
Upon the weary, crippled back
To offer grace
And absolve shame

“It’s okay, 
I know you’re tired.
Rest now,
I will be here when you wake”

That would be enough
To begin again


down under the rookwood tile

Bus exhaust fumes and

The sweet smell of Klosterman’s

Dixie Terminal

Registration photo of Magnolia for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Topsy Turvy

Glittering glass makes the roof of my car look like a beautiful disco ball

And the open window draws my eyes to the dancing grass a foot away from my face.


I scream at the top of my lungs

But with the pressure building in my head

I’m completely unaware if I actually made a sound.


Everything fades back to black.

Registration photo of River Alsalihi for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

waning 2

summer for feeling the world breathe on you.summer for feeling abandoned.
for hugging at midnight with open eyes              wondering
if cruelty can spread through skin.for shedding more manmade skin each day
until I’m left with the songs God left me for a body

                                      — still, sometimes wondering if I should’ve kept
                                           the butcher                                       just because
                                           she was the only one who knew how to dance
                                           with me and

                                            wanted                        to do it.

after I left she went to every party cross eyed
so she could see herself in the mirror                twice.kissing my own tears
on her flank.dying in
my own childbirth?honestly, I woke up with colostrum
filling my bloodstream.all i remember
is the first breath of unbloodied light, before I started
to dreams now
aren’t from the past or the future, they’re from my animal hot
nights of melatonin tolerance and all fours
                               —  see               how it became
about me,                   not her?that is how my life turned.its jaw
in a bruised hand, initiating
day/night mazurka.


Diamantรฉ 2

Moms fill
Minds with confidence 
To be yourself without 
Fear of reprisal
Courage to


containers for liquid, or out of the cupboard: assimilating into a society with different rules than my family

what is the difference between teal and turquoise
robin egg blue
sea foam green
mint green
my mom always called the teal cup green.
Is she colorblind?

I don’t understand the difference
between manipulation and working well
with others. Getting people to do what you want,
projects going smoothly—
Every interaction is manipulative.

Or so I thought, which
must not be universally true, since
I’m thinking it with my sick brain that I got from my sick stupid parents

my horrible parents who taught me to hate myself, that I was worthy of hate, and tricked
me into thinking they were good.
that stupid teal cup was not green.

and that faded
culturally-malapropos mug with kittens on it
on top of doilies with tiny roses on them, and
the pink was warm.
the warm beverage looked like
how it would look inside of a mouth.
It was chipped and cracked and
broken. my parents wanted to get rid of it.
I felt angry
they never understood* me

*or believed, or loved,
or cherished, or protected,
or celebrated, or witnessed

what’s the difference?

Registration photo of jstpoetry for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

our third conversation

I’m sidelong in a gaze

my neck hurts but I don’t care

I could listen
I could stare
                       until a phase of whitening in your hair

I haven’t blinked,
I won’t dare

my lungs need more air
but I’m enamored in my chair

I’m thirsty for a drink and you’re whisky rare

I’m tipsy
                  mal de mer,
I hear your voice and I’m impaired  

Registration photo of Tabitha Dial for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

*๐— ๐—ผ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ป ๐——๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ป ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐——๐˜‚๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ฏ๐—ถ๐—น๐—ถ๐˜๐˜†*

Available in red June 24 to suit every office, home furnishing, conference room, etc., the Women’s Strike 2024 is made with top-quality mesh material, which is not making any purchases except for from women-owned businesses, stain-resistant, and durable. The revolution’s five-star base is sturdy and durable, with a demand for equal rights, reproductive freedom, and an end to gender based violence. With simple cleaning and maintenance, organized movements will look great for years to come.

Registration photo of Adyson Reisz for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Special Occasions

You are the blue dress
hanging in my closet
waiting to be worn.