Posts for June 8, 2024 (page 10)


Feeding My Dog Her Pill On Two Different Days



We hide the pill in a small ball of mozzarella.

Nancy used to eat around the pill

and spit it out,

Angel swallows the entire thing in one gulp.

She is mad for cheese,

thus she is our people.


This morning,

I offered her

her daily cheese ball.

She took it gently from my hand

as always.

But soon thereafter

she was jumping at me playfully

and snapping at my fingers

as if I had more goodness

I was with withholding from her.

It gave me the kind of laugh

I need to start my day.



A few weeks ago,

I did not

put the pill

firmly in the cheese.


Angel bit into the cheese

and the pill fell out.


Before I could reload

another piece of mozzarella,

she looked down at the pill,

sniffed it,

licked it up

and swallowed it.

She is the easiest dog I have ever loved.

Registration photo of K.A for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

real world season 27

have you watched flesh burn? heard the hiss of the singe
seen the skin redden on an already beet red body that
doesn’t even flinch                         real world season 27
robb schreiber is burning himself with cigarettes on
television             they leave dots on the back of his arms
& i spot them in every episode after till they almost fade
                yet the scene burned in my brain the words he
& brandon exchanged                 he did it because a blonde
was playing him didn’t love him & threw it in his face
                & i can’t look away
because he is letting himself be destroyed on
television, letting his demons eat him up
                & not understanding how much
untapped trauma he has just released from
            his body back onto the stage
            he & his castmates find themselves on
            the tiny island of horror
                        days later brandon relapses, a different
blonde tempted him back into his looming addiction
but i don’t think it was the blonde who sent him rock
                                                   it was rob & his sad words
& match stick body & seeing his old self in the chaos of
a man who will not talk about his feelings
                                                                in some men & women
                                                                lies an untapped rage that
                                                               could send another spiraling or

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Registration photo of Liz Prather for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Art of War

My geraniums were tore 
all to hell and I suspected
a squirrel was to blame
his bastard paws parting
the soil to pocket a nut
                                                                                I do not mind battle, the excitement
                                                                                 carries one through

The next morning
the squirrel was laid out
just beyond the swiss chard
as if fainted dead away
unmarred, waiting for
someone to palpate his apron
soft and white and covered in flies –
                                                                            I ate but was not satisfied
                                                                            with nuts in their season

No one wanted to fool
with the dead squirrel
in the backyard except
the new world vultures
who were happy
to apply for the job

                                                                         Two kinds live in this garden
                                                                         The dead and us

Then another showed up
in the bare branches of the pink oak
and another and another
willing collectors of carrion
discussing meat disposal

                                                                        Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver,
                                                                        But when your enemies lay before you, rejoice

Registration photo of Lisa M. Miller for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Talk Of Trees


and me, tree eavesdropping

tips on how to be lighter—

let go my old bark.

Branch out to hold more



Gender Graveyard

Today i walk my gender graveyard 

A stroll through what I didnt choose.
In the expanse of what could have been
Conundrums flow like liquid souls.
I walk through the ghosts of potential
Transported to a path I didnt choose.
A different me, sometimes, 
But sometimes just the same.
A different pronoun can be everything 
Or nothing
But what these worlds seem to reveal 
The people who I might be closer to
If I really think,
Theres a reason they’re not in this version.
One more thing
I can live those worlds as often
Or little
As I choose
If I chose something else
It would be hard to flow so easily. 


thursday night

sitting on the side bouncing in our chairs
to the band on the stage enjoying
watching the older folks dancing
(we are closer to being those older folks
then we care to admit)
trying to get you to dance
nobody is watching you I promise
nobody is going to come up to you
in kroger and say I saw you dancing
and you looked ridiculous
nobody here cares how you look

Registration photo of jstpoetry for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Kentucky Bourbon

I wanted to feel dizzy again,
with the input of experiences leading to ambivalences in emotions I let in

I remember you,

I think

at least I try to remind myself after I drink

I’m not sunk yet, but I sink
admiring the one who drowns themself in ink
as I stare curiously without blinks

I spend so much time thinking about the right questions to ask,

you were here a short forever and gone so fast
memories from a flask, do you also, in bourbon bask?

Registration photo of Goldie for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Escape from Eden, soaked in smoke

Whereby I stabbed my palm 

with a pen in simply attempting 
to put a lid on it—
for all of those moments
when one mutters, something’s
changed today, though I can’t
quite place just what
—would you remember 
the moment you realized
all of the trembling beauty 
of blueberry shrubs come sunrise traces 
the world’s swoln soul, the frail 
echoes of shale and shell bark swept
from the breast bone, splintering
tip of a cigarette splayed to a 
frenzied cherry? 

Registration photo of Donna Ison for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Homecoming Court

In eighth grade, 
I wasn’t jealous 
of the cheerleader
who sat next to me 
in social studies class. 

I was jealous 
of the girl 
who lay next to me
in the critical care unit.

She’d chosen a razor blade,
while I had picked pills. 

Six months
after we were released 
I found out
she’d tried, tried again
and succeeded. 

All I’d done
was get elected
to the homecoming court.

Registration photo of Sue Neufarth Howard for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Though Bonsai twisted
by love, toil and trouble
with joy I go on