Posts for June 8, 2024 (page 12)

Registration photo of Kevin Nance for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Actaeon Tanka

Sun’s too bright today,
Apollo, leave me alone!
I miss Artemis,
so beautiful in her bath,
who gave me these sweet antlers. 

Registration photo of Mike Wilson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Zip-Tied Eyes




Most Wanted posters  


see emotions

no skin
hides them


OMG So Many Opinions

I want to make comments

nice rhyme
vivid images
I can taste the sky

but know I mustn’t 

you see it’s fresh in my memory
the jaw-dropping moment
when someone stated
my opinion was irrelevant

I shut up
what I thought
was allowed
in that safe space
I felt  embarrassed
when with the group
whose ears were privvy
to that life changing sentence 

I thought of suicide
I dwelled     obsessed
even confessed
my twisted thoughts
to a few close peers

then I realized words
like bullets can kill
if one gives power
to  another person’s

I’m just sad
that red white and blue
in this land of freedom
put an end
to one of the best
workshop groups
I’ve been in
I miss y’all 

Content Warning

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Registration photo of YvoArcher for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Jostles of colors soon to fade back into the breathless land
Enraptured by the sudden life that envelopes me, I pause.
Aromatic breezes bring me the scents of my childhood
Nestled in my hands is the vessel that contains my heritage.
I offer to the winds the memories and dreams of a life   
Not quite completed; Not quite finished.
Ending here in the place you loved. 
Blossoms of ash merging into the sand.
Days numbered of both sorrow and joy
Ended in a shroud of acceptance
Holding onto the thoughts of unknown tomorrows
And the remembrance of love that never fades.
Rest here under the vaulted sky in the place that held your soul.
Time for you has stilled and it is only me that now mourns.



My father was so blitzed
he couldn’t get the coins
in the slot of the cigarette machine,
they kept dropping
to the linoleum and he kept
bending over to pick them up
and the high school girls
working the burger joint
started laughing at him
so I took steps backwards
to put distance between us
and saw from my new vantage point
the split in his pants
grow like a sideways smile,
white teeth and everything,
grinning again and again
as I kept retreating
until I couldn’t see
anything more of him.

Registration photo of Toni Menk for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Good morning

Sunrise behind trees
Light and shadowed patterns dance
It will be a nice day

Registration photo of Manny Grimaldi for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Mingus en Enfer

Mingus en Enfer

This meat is the blues, 
meat my favorite, a color— 
the running blues bleeding red. These are reds 
victorious in autumn, from now on there shall be 
no more virgins, and no more marriages
when the street lamps stab the pools of water
in the gutters green, in the orchard flashing money—
the jungle in the pink clubs beneath the curb. 
Taxis! Stop to hear him, pound and hop, Duke’s piano, 
the upright coffin of rumbling stallion’s strings 
break and curl, crack and split, lengthen lacerate an eye 
with the drummer’s fluid crashes and booming toms. 

Charlie Mingus growls a throated cry a tremulous shudder—
a full bodied wine the Spanish waiter flies to bring 
to table for twelve guests of maybe sixes, sevens, nines. 
The swaggering devil lays his head against a wall, 
music is his coronation of roses—yet I remember 
confusion, sifting a comprehensible honor and beauty—yet
music, making speech unable; sent far away and alone;
our pupils were white-a-freezes as if we’d seen God. My God. 

Abigail Adams held her children in the threadbare Massachusetts winter
and the British cannon showed no sign of slowing,
the ground molted no feathers—and the boats brought no coffee. 
Providence-God’s winter gladness was a labyrinth of quiet madness—
and Charlie Mingus perched harpy atop a HiFi speaker at our side—
our intimates mad swollen—limbs congealed—impotent on fire—we were 
souls cleft. My lover’s affluence crumbled slowly with every passing beat. 

The voices of Continental soldiers swelled through the bay whispering—
Mingus—hell. Mingus—blues. Mingus—angel, beautiful and Black.
Mingus—hornet buzzing SoCal sun to a swing and flamenco strum: castanet,                                                                                   guitar, dancer, and drum. 
We saw red spilling on the fields once green, will my Friend return from
Congress in Philadelphia?  We’d seen the scrim of morning lit over the East—
Mingus—now a Nor’easter beating the shore’s eggs and lemons into an emulsion. 

Have you ever been married to a musician?
        Your dowry is a city of dances
        where nothing ever happens.
        Old leftovers, fresh sandwiches.

next time we should spend time alone in a cabin, surrounded by crickets— 

the loudest silence possible.

Registration photo of Laverne for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

How to Feel Better

It is very cold tonight

& there is nothing you can do, Laverne

but give her $60 & drive away

having no idea where she’ll sleep

you lean over your desk

rest your forehead in your hands

a familiar feeling

that anxiety in your stomach

that knot

that hollow hunger


it’s been there before


how selfish of you, Laverne


in order to

get reprieve.

Registration photo of Chelsie Kreitzman for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

they say everything’s bigger

something rustles the floorboards

                                                                                the house doesn’t feel like home

we hope to kill these two birds

                                                                                with one fanged creature

so we adopt a kitten

                                                                                who we name Oedipus

think maybe we’ll call him Rex

                                                                                but he only answers to Puss Puss

falling asleep with the TV on

                                                                                I jolt awake to a goblin’s gobble

toothy crunch of cat food in the corner

                                                                                but my pet slumbers beside me

head a cloud of confusion

                                                                                my eyes focus on a rat

the size of Texas

                                                                                and I scream

Registration photo of Maira Faisal for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

For Secrets

The quick-witted know the best quiet-lipped friends are cabbages and cats.