Posts for June 8, 2024 (page 9)

Registration photo of LittleBird for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Moon sliver of hope

Waves upon waves

Salt on my lips and in my eyes

We are a gulf



The Treadmill Stress Test

What they didn’t tell me–
you have to wear a hospital gown
with wires taped to your chest,
an IV in one arm,
a blood pressure cuff on the other
and that every 3 minutes
they increase the speed and elevation.

So there I am–breathless–
in running shoes and pink hospital gown
tied with a loose string
gaping open in the back
while I trudge steadily uphill.

On the wall before me
as I climb that imaginary hill,
a poster of Positano,
the glamour of the Italian Riviera
just beyond reach.

I continue this Sisyphus ascent
watching red numbers on the screen
increase to 134 when the attending male nurse
whisks me off the treadmill
and onto a table where he has 30 seconds
to measure my vitals under stress.

In case you’re interested, I passed
despite my advanced age.  No one requested
my review of the experience so instead,
just for you,
I wrote this poem.

Registration photo of Tabitha Dial for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

What Makes a Good Mentor?

Mother was royal harvest mist

Her Mother was tangerine dream grizzly mud
Her Grandmother was hot cocoa moonwalk porcelain
Father was terra-cotta panther spotlight
His Father was four-leaf clover glacier spinach
His Grandfather was the road less traveled dew drop
All I have is my antique rose thistle disco fever
Using The Writing Prompts for The Empress from “Tarot Rituals” by Nancy C Atenucci and Paint Chip Poetry

Registration photo of H.A. for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Words Like Lightning Bugs

Words escape me like soft-flying lightning bugs
their gentle signals pulsing in the air

Morse Code dashes and dots float in the warm breeze
and I am nowhere close to catching any of them

It must be better to watch in awe
to let them stay free for others to view and read 

Registration photo of Sam Arthurs for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Running barefoot through the woods
Stepping on briars and brambles but
Without much of a care in the world
Feet cut all up, still whooping loudly
A feral Appalachian child, wild and 
Free as the birds in the sky above, 
All summer long in the hills of my 
Eastern Kentucky home; oh to be 
Just another wild creature in the
Cool of the woods,  no cares at all

Registration photo of River Alsalihi for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


a naked
body is
just a naked
someone sees
it. my father wants me to read
a wilting book called God Loves
. my mother
to take
my singular bottle of prescribed
antidepressants. i count the ripples
like tree rings.
years. only after
do i
in and let the cloth
lick up on my
skin. i would live
waiting to look like myself or
at the least
a smeared oil pastel caricature
but then
i wouldn’t


Registration photo of A.R. Koehler for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I’m sorry, microbes (tanka)

Behind the breath of 

life and trees, lie micro things 
overlooked by me
There’s wonder in the smallest
frame, my head too big to see


Self Destructive

I’m setting up camp in the belly of the beast

Prying its jaws open

Crawling down the esophagus

With no intention of leaving

Things could be worse

But things could also be far better


I want to meet my demise by my own hand

It’s much easier than allowing someone else

To lift my chin

Letting them wrap their hands around my throat

Praying that they don’t squeeze

Registration photo of N. D for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Words to my ex

You used to love reading my poetry.

Comparing it to the likes of Dickinson and Bishop,

fascinated by this ability to capture my darkest moments and relive them through prose.


Something tells me you would not be so eager to read my words now.

Because you see, old lover,

time has not been kind to your memory.


And should you ever come across this, and wonder if it is really you to whom I speak.


the fun is all in the mystery.

Registration photo of Philip Corley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I Reserve the Right Not to Have to Kneel Through the Entire Prayer Service

It’s not a question of carnal capabilities
      (though the out-of-practice spine does ache something fierce)
but more a matter of spiritual endurance.
There are so many words on the page to be spoken
in that methodical chanting of a hundred people praying together.

This is only my third time at one of these services,
      (not that I really know why I’m here)
and if anyone wants to think down on me because my butt is down,
they should consider more I’d be involved if just one person
would take time to ask where the hell I’ve been for the last two years.

As it is, I inhale incense while inspecting a cathedral that looks
so much different now that it’s not my weekly home.
I once heard there are over five hundred crowns hidden throughout
in decorations and architecture. I want to find them all.

My eyes brush over alcoves holding statues along the back wall.
One is of Mother Mary holding a playful infant Jesus;
the other is Joseph, patron saint of workers, travelers, and dreamers
                                                                    (among many other things)
and sudden tears threaten to gush forth like Jesus’s pierced side.

I need him now more than I ever have, both for the places I’ve gone
and the tantalizing journeys I perilously hope to embark on.
Maybe this is the reason I’m here. Some Heavenly voice found me
amongst life’s gale force winds and is beckoning me forward.

He’d be proud of me, even if I have to sit for a moment.
It takes a lot of care and nurturing to heal a troubled spirit
and I wonder if Joseph ever had to teach Jesus something similar.
Inspired, I get back on my knees.
         Let’s see if I can last through another page.