Posts for June 9, 2024 (page 4)

Registration photo of Sonya Pavona for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

rolling hills of nations past

a golden pedestal sits
fifty feet in the air
dangling from a pretty
golden chain encrusted
with sapphires and pearls
which ancient nations laid
at the king’s almighty feet

the monarchy’s reign vanquished
a crumbling palace remains
looted and left to rot among
footfalls of rolling hills

the golden pedestal remains
tarnished by years of neglect
cradling the idealism
of the precarious king’s nation
which patiently awaits the return
of those lost to precious time
ignoring the hills of gravestones below

Registration photo of Amy Le Ann Richardson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Tree for the Lichens

There’s an oak at the city park
where I have to bend my neck
all the way back to see its tops branches.

Lichens line up from roots to leaves,
woven into the bark, bifurcating limbs
lacing and layering shades of lobed green bodies,

so there’s no separating them from the
substrate of another living thing.
These masses built on symbiosis between

algae and fungi building homes in the shadows,
masquerading as part of bigger being,
a coalition of hidden life.

Registration photo of Pam Campbell for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

American Sentence XXXII

The conductor pinches cigarettes, sleeping pills, troubles unburied.

Registration photo of Stefan Delipoglou for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Droppppped my. Phone
listening to the STROKES
pokkkkking at My gums with floss
and now my haptic has brooooke
Shouldn’t have laughedd
at Kevin Nance’s
writing abboutttt Oscar Wilde’s boooookss
being whisked away to separrrrate noookss
I organize the fridge
the bathrroorom
ad cabinet with. China and otherwise 
bored out of myy mind
only 24 hours
between walkingg 
and reading on. Paper
instead of the safetyy 
of elecctronic. Display !

Registration photo of LittleBird for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


This quiet season stirs my heart.
Restless beats
Coursing blood with nowhere to go.
Fighting the still romance of small lights
I yearn to fly through woodsmoke and starlight,
Beyond the Crisp acrid loneliness and the taste of cold on my lips.

Little bird, take pause.

Close your eyes
Breathe in
Settle and be still.

There is strength in waiting wings.



Lorem ipsum, larksong, lovelorn nonsense,

Loose fluff in the skull, 
A placeholder for later.
Each iteration better, if not without flaws.
Two steps forward,
One back,
Two left feet and lovely choreography.


Perpetual Future

She messed up yesterday,
And so she lives the day again,
Her perpetual future ’til she gets it right.

Registration photo of Victoria Woolf Bailey for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Robin Hood of Rocks

I don’t steal
except maybe pens.
If a pen is in my hand,
it goes in my purse.
I don’t mean to steal it,
it just happens.

But rocks,
I steal them –
nice flat ones
from the landscaping
by Sureway,
smooth and round
from the coffee shop
parking lot.

I paint them
and give them away.
So can’t we say
it’s just borrowing?

Registration photo of Autumn Cook for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

it doesn’t always have to be poetic

I’m so in love with you.
I know this isn’t a song
and my words aren’t very
I’m so in love with you.
I want to catch your
breath in my mouth
breathe it in
so we can keep
each other alive
for a little while.
I want to bottle the feeling
of your hand on my knee
drink it deeply
to maybe satiate
whatever this need is.
I think I more than love you.
I more than love you
so much it’s desperately pathetic.
But for you,
so am I.  


Registration photo of SpitFire1111 for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


by what you say
                            n’t do
    who you are
    how         say what you say
I don’t need to say anymore.