Posts for June 10, 2024


Tired Warrior

please God, 
you can stop now
the strongest soldiers
do not want all the battles 
you continue to send us

Registration photo of l. jōnz for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


if i can read
this poem

then i am still

if i am still

then i can write
my wrongs

if i can write
my wrongs

then i can
spell the truth

if i can spell
the truth

then I can be 

Registration photo of j.l taylor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


we are a secret to most
everyone but ourselves 
as we blast queer joy
in your hunked up jeep 
teasing each other about
who we might be if real
ness wasn’t served, if 
we didn’t give up tight
jeans and a septum ring
so soon. what world
have we left behind
this bright side so shielded
ashamed, despite love
in all directions.

I tell you my perversions
during breakfast, eating
eggs stupidly slow. You 
take my plate then hold
me and I forget how to cry. 

Registration photo of D'Rose for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


A teacher has an understanding heart
A teacher is one who is sensitive, kind and musically in tune

A teacher is one who knows the importance of bringing a 3rd grade girl into the life of Christina Rossetti’s poetry
A teacher is one who has ignited human feeling into what could have been a dull subject
A teacher is one who knows that feeling warmth is vital for growing the soul of a child

It was Carl Jung who noted the many significant psychological influences on children especially those who are exposed to the unlived life of a parent,
He also was the one who shined light on the importance of play,
And he capably shared the insightful match, which lights the darkness of being and noted this as our mere existence. 

Gratitude to you C. Jung for your many pearls . . .


To Know Someone

My friend remembers the name
of a show I mentioned to her in passing
two weeks ago.
I told her I loved it
and she remembered
its name.

My brother texts me 
to ask if I’ve made any progress
with the cute guy who works
at the ice cream shop down the street.
I have not–he’s almost left my mind by now,
but my brother remembers.

Little moments
that become grand gestures.
Sentences turned into pages
just to say
“something about you is enough
to keep you in my mind.”

What a beautiful thing,
to be loved.
What a rarer one
to be known.

Registration photo of Courtney Music for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Long Day

With teeth gritted 
head still pounding 
weight of the world 
pressed heavier today 
I know that no matter 
what happened today
how rough our jobs
come nightfall’s end 
your legs will meet mine
beneath our favorite linens 
the world will fall away 
peace will come 
my glimmer in the darkness 

Registration photo of Patrick Johnson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Dried Out

there’s something 
I could write about
by spending the day
painting an old farmhouse
that overlooks a pond
with spiny softshell turtles
who swim away unafraid
while peacocks call out
in that exotic noise
from across a deep river

maybe there’s something
on how the sky looked
with white and dark clouds
in the shifting light
a place where some 
future person will sit
where I spent hours
making sure 
to follow the grain
ensuring that the banister
looks aesthetically pleasing
to someone 
that won’t 
give it a second glance

but this tank is empty
and there’s more painting
to be done

Registration photo of Pam Campbell for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

American Sentence XXXIII

The brindle sniffed the entire story of the old woman next to him.


Mind Wandering

avocado BLT with extra aioli
on a toasted croissant
breakfast at Nico’s Café’
from my table, a perfect view
of Kroger, a dreaded nightmare
aisles of continuous choices
I’d pay someone to shop for me,
probably wouldn’t suit me
an old man sits down with
his back to me blocking
my view /  what giant ears
reminds me of a Disney
character  /  a gust of wind
might do the trick  /  how I’d like
to soar somewhere anywhere
breakfast is good  /  what
was I thinking about?         

Registration photo of Linda Angelo for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Come here she said, let me show you something.  Withdrew
a charm from her treasure box.   This was my mother’s
from before she died. 
She closed the lid, her eyes said No Questions.
Would we know each other by now if I had gambled?