Posts for June 12, 2024 (page 7)


Embarrassment, Ennui, Anxiety

The three emotions aligned with puberty.


i endured the daily skank eye by 3 cheerleader types
checking me out from hair to shoes, my hair greasy
and stringy. Difficult to schedule my shower living
with 6 others. Too naive and too poor to know the styles.


Never suffered boredom!
Had my bike, my  miniature Schnauzer, Fritz and 
my beloved books.


Had my share of that wanting to fit in.
Once I tried out for cheerleading 
thinking I could be one of “them”.
Failed miserably with uncoordinated 
moves and leaps out of sync.
Am left handed and footed.
Found my niche in English lit
and French where I was a geek.

Registration photo of Jordan Quinn for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Because You Could Have Been My Papaw

It’s now the tenth time today. 
I managed to answer nine of the calls,
explaining each time in a slightly different way
that you have reached a different office.

One of the calls went to voicemail.
You left me your return phone number 
for the fourth time this afternoon.

I gave you the new phone number 
for your desired party twice so far,
because the first time I think
I rattled it off too quickly for you to keep up.
I slowed my pace when I heard the TV 
in the background and you echoing
the muffled voices coming from the set.

You’re calling again for the eleventh time, 
so I’ll pause this poem and answer again:
Good afternoon, sir, how may I help you?

You seemed reassured this time once I told you
I had taken a moment in between the phone ringing
to leave a detailed message for your intended party;
you made sure I had given them your phone number.
I gently reiterated that the new office has your contact info 
and you should be getting a call from them soon.
Hope you have a lovely rest of your day, sir.
You wished me the same, and I can’t help but smile a bit.

Not everyone might have taken as much care with you today,
but all it took was a bit of imagination on my part,
hearing the increased distress in your voice
as you were struggling to get your message across.

All it took was just a little extra patience this afternoon 
to help put your mind at ease and calm your spirit,
and I can’t help but smile as the phone sits quietly on my desk.

Registration photo of storm for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Betrayal (American Sentence)

Betrayal is an inviting hammock that immediately flips.

Registration photo of jstpoetry for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Star Fall (American Sentence)

The dissapointment I saw, over a salty ocean was a star that’d always fall.


Bobby Moved Away

The day Bobby moved away
I had to stay after school
for something I did wrong.
I didn’t get to tell him
the joke I’d saved up.
I didn’t get to say
I was sorry
for eating the last Oreo
in the saltine canister
with the rusty lid
when I knew
he wanted it.
I didn’t get to wave him
good-bye from my hand.
He was a good friend
to me.  

I feel really bad about
eating that cookie.



For every shade of green
greeting sunlight in the lawn,
for cool dew on searching feet,
for bunnies that beckon us
up the length of driveway, inviting us
to play their innocent games,
for the unpredictable dance
between stillness and wind,
for sherbet sunsets and cameras that try
yet fail to capture the real color of light,
for the failing and the trying,
for the trying again, God, thank You.

Registration photo of carolyn Pennington for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Ritual of Adoption

On the 
Date of the birth, 
Each year, 
She lies 
Face down 
In her pillow–

A blacksnake 
On a hot summer pavement
Run over …….. hanging
In two pieces –still alive; 

Her unanswered 
“Will I meet my child 
before I die?

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Family Trees

Roots run deep

When you look at a tree what do you see

Bark, branches, and leaves

When you look at me what do you see

Skin, limbs, and hair

You can’t see my roots

My roots run deep
They spread deep and wide

Branches broken, cut and burned
New leaves rise from the ash
Grow strong and stand tall

Bones broken, crushed, and buried
New generations birthed from the earth
Survive and thrive on the hopes and dreams of our ancestors

Root run deep

Registration photo of Melva Sue Priddy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I May Be a Day Late and a Dollar Short

But don’t measure my height by dollars

and don’t measure my weight by days.

I’m taller than I look. I’m plusher than velvet.

Registration photo of Stephanie Mojica for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Step Ten

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Step Ten of the Twelve Steps of programs such as A.R.T.S. Anonymous is, “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.”  

Did I do my exercises today?
Was I judgmental in any way?   

Did I call someone to say “Hey”?
Was I able to serve others and stay?  

Did I speak in shades of gray?
Was I involved in a judgmental fray?