Posts for June 14, 2024


writer’s block

this poem sounds like 
it was written in a hurry
and there’s no room to dig for
all the thoughts you’ve buried
the hopes you’ve pushed down
the dreams deferred
the thoughts that stay trapped
when you can’t find words
have patience and faith
it will eventually end
writer’s block is temporary
you will be all right


Registration photo of Sue Leathers for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Trending: Bees

It [language] is the most compulsively collective, genetically programmed, species-specific, and autonomic of all the things we do, and we are infallible at it.–Lewis Thomas, Lives of a Cell

Bees trend in titles
drift from pages of bestsellers–
shuttling messages to the dead 
vibrating in veins like magic– 

we hum with them 
collectively aware
of their importance to survival

we feign to preserve them 
as kitsch we cricut on shirts 
camouflaging our own fragility–

even the dumb
too distracted to collect words
like grass catches dew
can wear a bee on their chest

Registration photo of K. Ka`imilani for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

What Feeds Us

Sometimes bounty is forgotten.
The way words seep and escape
in a haze, our mundane self
is stripped, carrying the weight
of the unknown, or of another time.

Our vital being, like foam nutrients
of our hearts, flows downstream,
thoughts obscure from what’s real.

Lift your boots over the steep places.
Bathe your mind in rich, thick loam
and pungent weeds. Gaze at the leafless
Ohia, barren bark, yet standing tall,

still rooted.

Registration photo of Jerielle for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

An Article on Love

People say Birthdays just aren’t any fun
when you get older.
You don’t need to be reminded
how much closer you are to the end,
You don’t make a fuss
             over one more year
when they go so quick and
feel to numerous to count.
      But it’s not about the year,
and it doesn’t matter what the fuss is
      It’s just an excuse
to celebrate you.
And it’s not even for you
because hopefully
you celebrate you
every day
It’s so other people can celebrate you
It’s for them.
A specific time that they’ve all agreed
can gather them all up together
in celebration of their time with you

Registration photo of Patrick Johnson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Can’t Take Them All Home

one of the reasons
I love you
is how you apologized
to a dying plant
fifty percent off
at Lowe’s 
like a rescue pet 
that we couldn’t
take home

Registration photo of Emily Withenbury for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Nine Hours North

a slipstream of thoughts caught
with me in my car
passing two major accidents
a rainstorm
and a drop of thirty degrees
semi’s “super seal doors” simply state
open & close together
I jot a scatter of notes for another day

Registration photo of Courtney Music for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Clearance Sale

We combed through flowers 
You wanted to surprise me 
With a new one or two
 I made my way to the clearance section 
Hopeful I can take them home
Give them a name 
Breathe new life into them 
So they won’t return to 
The Death Valley from 
Which I tried to save them 
I apologized to the others 
I had to leave behind 
An ode the withering others 
Probably begging me with 
Their droopy photoreceptors 
“I’ll get you next time, if you’re still here “
I whisper to them all
Petting their leaves 
As I head for home
With their perennial siblings instead.
Driving home feeling full, 
Hopeful… yet slightly..guilty 
For leaving the others behind 
Only a true flower lovers heart
Will understand the weight 
that guilt can carry.

Registration photo of Jessica Stump for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Nearly nightfall creeps

over violin crickets,

years floating downstream



I had a dream today
About you
Me too
I haven’t thought 
About you 
In years 

I was at a surprise party
For someone 
I don’t know who
And then you walked in
With your familiar
But subtle swagger
We exchanged pleasantries
And I wondered why
You were there
Just as I opened my mouth
To ask
I woke up 

And now here you are
Odd, isn’t it?
What do you think
It means?
And as you open your mouth 
To answer
I woke up again

Registration photo of Katie for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

This Soft Day

This is a hymn of praise.

a pool of sunlight shining on our round table-
my grandparents used it for at least sixty-four years

clear water in the glass vase of grocery store flowers

this handsome stray back from the deep forest again, ready for breakfast-
his tail matted with burrs

tiny wild strawberries-
jewels in moss against the Christ statue

his prayer garden- tended once or twice a year-
it’s better forgotten and doesn’t neglect itself

quiet of this day reaching forward into evening-
today I am loved but not needed 
floors cleaned, bread sliced-
my only work is to notice and to notice and to notice

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.