Posts for June 14, 2024 (page 2)


Forgotten Rules

I had such a good time tonight
I forgot the rules of my life,
My day would be ruined any other,
But tonight, I feel free.

Registration photo of Jess Bee for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I’m Sorry You Weren’t in the Birthday Video

It hit me today, while I was eating a grilled cheese.

My dad is the keeper of my childhood memories.
I had always thought that it would be my mom.
But she moved when I was 14, didn’t see my prom.
When I was showing off my Corolla, posing like a swan.
My dad took photos of me in my dress on the lawn.
When I graduated high school, my mom traveled to be there.
But she forced me to take away my dad’s dinner chair.
When I got married, my dad stood by my side,
Tolerated the heat to get a picture with the bride.
My mom had changed her clothes because “We really have to run; My spouse has to make it home to get some work done”
She’s immortalized in her sweats for the official family pic.
Next to my stepdad who was smirking like a dick.
When I graduated nursing school, my mom and dad pinned me.
I put my foot down for dinner and said my dad would be attending.
He was there in the hospital when I had my first baby.
While my mom got to meet her around Day 180.
My husband got cancer, I begged her to be here.
She sent me some money and a healthy dose of fear.
It’s not that she is a bad parent or I think she doesn’t care.
I know that she loves me but she doesn’t like to share.
We all make our choices and the effects ripple out.
And sometimes the stain is too deep to wash out.
Nobody is perfect, but the ball fits the glove.
I still search for proof of my mother’s selfish love.


Friday Night

Late night drinks

In a small town pub

The couches are worn down

And the drinks are strong

My best friend across the way

Going on about some boy

It’s the small moments

Like this, that I feel deeply

They mean the world to me,

A Friday night reoccurrence

But something I dream of all week


truth Unfurled at the bar

we lived in this little house trailer
he said
must’ve been three times
as long as it was wide
and so unlevel
used to toss marbles down
and they’d roll all the back
under my bed
and one day we had this water leak
sure enough
it was two feet deep back there
mom was hysterical about
what were we gonna do
until dad went out to the car
got his .38 out
shot a hole through my bedroom floor
dry by morning


Wild Geese at Dusk at Black Rock Lake

Their harsh honks
echo in that bowl—
That a pair could make such a racket—  
A call and response? 
Or simultaneous prayer? 
My thoughts circle faster
than they swim straight.

Registration photo of Samar Jade for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


it is not held in sameness
it is not perfection
it is not the absence of pain

it is the active pursuit of

again and
again, weaving 
through and 
the ear
to heart

Registration photo of Kel Proctor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

vision practice

my vision’s gotten worse.
i type this without glasses,
trusting my fingers to carry
me thorought line by line,
pressing the right keys.

i trust myself and lean
on the sturdiest foundation
i know. 



The smell of coffee…

Waking up in my childhood 
home, getting ready for school,
standing in front of the fireplace 
warming my clothes.
Mom is there,
a cup in her hand.
She rests it on the mantle. 
Expertly brushing and braiding 
two long braids, over my head 
goes the slip, one arm, then
the other slides into the
freshly ironed sleeves of my
bright white blouse, so many 
buttons down the front, pearlescent,
most of them hidden under the
brown woolen jumper, handmade. 
She takes a sip from the white cup
trimmed in grey, then pulls up my
white kneesocks and feet slipping 
into black patent leather shoes 
with a strap across the top of each foot.
A last drink and she heads 
back to the kitchen to top
off her cup, finishes packing 
three lunches, puts butter,
brown sugar and milk in my
oatmeal, checks on my sisters,
hugs and kisses as we follow 
Dad out the door. 
She stands there, the light 
from the living room behind her,
her coffee steaming in her cup,
the house quiet now.
She will wash clothes with 
a wringer washer, work on
the dress she’s making for Kim,
clean the breakfast dishes,
prepare food for supper,  
her cup will always be full. 


Registration photo of D'Rose for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Maid of Honor

You wore Mom’s wedding dress
I,  big sister chauffeur for the day and Maid of Honor
Daddy sat to your left on that W I D E rear bench seat
I snapped a permanent never-to-fade photo of Dad and Daughter
Never thought of myself . . . never thought, where’s my Prince Charming?

As Dad slipped out the backseat he winked and whispered,
“This will happen for you one day!”
I didn’t feel his vision, wisdom or fatherly protection,
I didn’t feel . . .
Just too worn down trying to figure out how to get my own piece of the ‘Happiness Pie’
and Mrs. wasn’t wired into it

I wore light camel Candies, no nylons, a thin white see-thru cotton blouse and skirt
I felt fat
My dress too casual for a ‘Maid of Honor’
My hair too short, bangs flipped out

Before the ceremony, in the sacristy, we laughed like sisters
light-hearted, poised before the pretend

Your flowered haiku lei, too wide for your head
I tied it round your thin waist instead
Mom weighed 107 when she wore the very dress you were wearing

As you exchanged wide bands of gold ~ inscribed inside to be told
“I AM that I AM”
I cried happy tears when you said, “I DO!”


Reading bell hooks by the Elkhorn

when you slow down,
you realize just how much movement
there truly is all around us:
Whitman’s creek,
your grandfather in the cardinals,
the mama raccoon,
the roly polies,
the wind,
our breathing,
yet somehow everything feels so still

later, the sun
a bright orange orb
sinking into the horizon
beams through the painted, full clouds:
i look over, & your eyes read my poetry

there’s nothing here but love