Posts for June 15, 2024 (page 2)

Registration photo of Patrick Miles  for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


If there is indeed divine intervention
then why won’t He come down and fix this
Why does He seem fine 
with all the suffering

If it’s intelligent design
then why do these kids keep dying 

I can’t find the reason why

They say we can’t know God’s mind
or even question his divine timing
Logic aint really lining
up but it’s about faith
they say

one day

might be your saving grace

Registration photo of Jerielle for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Cecropia Moth

Today I heard Ai scraping was not optional to US residents
So, if you make something TRUE
They use it to train their Ai
So basically, if you make something
Meta owns it
So I declined Fb access to my gallery today
Don’t know if that means they would have “scraped” that too

I took several pictures of the moon
With my new phone
And close up videos of bunnies

I feel like I’m using my mom’s telephoto,
But when I look (zoom in) even closer I can see how lines of images have been created or guessed by the trained machine

I’m in awe
Of this powerful tool,
With it’s endless capabilities
As for recording songs you wrote, mixing them, making movies, eternal notepads,
lightning fast video upload and internet, incredible battery life.

We are living in a golden age

I walked to the old schoolhouse
Lined up six *kittle hearts
To pacify the beast

Fireworks for the baseball cats tonight
The breezy sunny day
(Hot, if you stood in the sun for more than a few minutes)
Melted away into a satiny evening
the thing you most wanted
The kind of day
That you sit outside and then sit outside

And sit outside some more

The breeze is the most optimal temperature-I could have a sweater and it was 90 earlier, wasn’t it?

Earlier I saw a small, purple thistle sprouting from
what looks like the ruins of an old theater or department store, held together with those star shaped staples

And she told me that was where you’d have the graveyard. Right there in the city so you could visit your loved ones
Maybe anytime you wanted.

*cat treat



The sky blooms
iron grove scatters
             crystal dewspirals
             their descent
the gentlest drum,
             window pane serenades
a whisper,
             a crack,
                       a point at which
the world breaks in

Registration photo of Maira Faisal for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Hand over stovetop, 
the gap a spark of odd hope: 
the pleasure, why wait?


“To Everlasting Love”

For the most part,
quiet surrounds us:
there’s the stream,
the occasional creak
of the wooden bridge,
the rustle of pages,
but we are still,
& the world is wonderous

There’s a time & a place
for everything:
every bruise
every cut
every kiss—-
sometimes brief
sometimes eternal
& sometimes it’s okay either way

I have never been bereft of desire,
but for a moment,
it would be okay either way:
ending in searing pain
(the course I’m most familiar with, even with you),
although I’d love this to last forever
& you say,

Registration photo of K.A for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


her throat draws back     w     i     d    e 
opens        trapped inside         the     
of her baby      w e e p s 
through blood hands & softend tissue
wants to feed             on the life she 
never             got                                     
                        she’s mine
all mine                    i’ll wear her 
deadened flesh             a makeshift blanket
to keep me warm            mama        her 
hands                the bones            rattle 
like ours 

Registration photo of Morgan Evans for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Something Pretty

Write something pretty 
I can’t 
Im full of ash and my head hurts
My pretty isn’t your pretty
And I much rather 
Deteriorate and peel 
In some sort of uncomfortable honesty

Registration photo of Victoria Woolf Bailey for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Touched Pine

– my mistake,
regretted hours
of sticky pitch
on fingers.

Registration photo of Amy Le Ann Richardson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Let’s go dip our hands in the creek
just to touch the water.
Maybe our toes too.

Cover our skin in crystal cool
pressed up against this heat.
A good kind of sharp,

quick and to the bone.
The kind that feels
refreshing on the other side

standing in sun to drip dry,
rocks stuck on the edges of our feet
sparkles shining, dancing down ripples.

Registration photo of Tania Horne for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


A response to “Mountain Preachers Walking the Path of the Sacred”

I have struggled with the sense
of Appalachian pride
in things that have brought us low.

We can all agree-
the mountains are beautiful,
the creek should run clear.

Gritty and complicated,
our lives can fall to despair
or soar in our lofty joy.

Coal, tobacco, corn liquor,
ignorance and prejudice,
children that fend for themselves.

Cold sweet well water,
and steaming cat head biscuits,
homemade berry jam.

Sitting around the back porch,
radio crackling a tune,
snapping a mess of green beans.

There is culture here –
wisdom and mysticism,
a verse to stop blood.

Strength, passion and stubbornness
are mountain traits we all share-
let’s move forward together.