Posts for June 16, 2024 (page 6)

Registration photo of Katie Hassall for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

A child’s delight

A toy firetruck that makes noise
More legos than are ever used
The simplest of crafts
and friends to play with

It really doesn’t take much to make a child
happy and the delight of a child’s heart
can touch the adults they interact with
in a way that refreshes the thirstiest soul


The Blue Etcetera

My friends think they’ll read my poems
one day and I think that’s as likely as
a bear eating Boy Scout Troop 8-0-8,
they think my mental pursuits are like
having someone else move the furniture
from floor to floor., who can blame them?
They think I don’t know how to screw
a screw into a pine board or an adjective
into a noun and give me attributes
I’d rather not have. They think I’m listening 
to birds when I’m listening to poems
and when I write about making love,
to them it’s just another blue etcetera.

My friends think I’m a line short of a sonnet

Registration photo of Ann Haney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

3 Haiku: Minimalism, Surrealism, Impressionism


less is more they say
striped bare, boiled to the bone
essence left alone


umbrellas raining
crawling ants and melting clocks
wearing jello socks


mingling colors fuse
matter turns to fluid light
dashes shimmer bright


Ode to a Thesaurus

Let me see:
you are prodigiously articulate,
erudite, sagacious,  
and astutely discerning.   

You are the perfect mix of
jocularity and sympathy,
sensitivity and wit,
the paragon of verbose perspicacity.  

And how very, very
serendipitous it is
that you are mine.


In the Middle

of the great expanse
of the Fitness Center parking lot,
one tree surrounded
by an island of grass
stands alone in a sea of vehicles.

As I emerge 
from my car I spot
a peculiar and unlikely sight.
I keep inching closer to be sure.
And yes it’s true.

A baby bunny
chasing three crows around
the only tree in the parking lot.
The rabbit charges and the crow
flaps away.  And then again
with the next crow.  And then again.

At first
I thought the hare was aggressive
in its attack,  though the crows
didn’t seem threatened, just
moving out of the way, as you
would brush aside an insect.

Who would believe this?
Seeking confirmation,
I point out this bizarre sight
to another woman getting out
of her convertible.  They’re playing,
she said.  And of course they are.

Our news channels so choked
with conflict, it slipped my mind
play happens spontaneously 
in nature.  I walk into the gym
renewed, a livelier bounce in my step.

Registration photo of Debra Glenn for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

proclamation / admission / response

proclamation: I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be doing   
     somewhere along the way
I stalled out
     or missed a turn
admission: I have a hard time letting go
which leads me to believe I, perhaps, made a way out of little in order to
all the while, the Impetus had other plans
or so it seems
how can one be sure?
today I’m certain of very little, as far as what’s next
I’ve asked, hinted, shouted, cried
yet here I sit
front porch on a hot day
familiar, yet achingly so
response: answers will come because tomorrow is consistent
it always follows today


Nineteen Fifty-Six

First ever ballgame

Chilly night at Crosley Field

Just me and my Dad



Winters, after sowing
flower seeds in plastic trays,
then setting them
in the warm garage
under a special greenish light,
my father watched,
waited, to glimpse
the tiny green heads
pushing through
the soft, silver-studded soil.

Registration photo of Jerielle for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Everlasting Gobstopper

When we were dating we’d sit in a canoe
in Jacobson park
and we’d type pages of poems
on your typewriter
using specially selected
colored paper

You’d let me steal your cigarettes
when they were half finished.

We’d sit at your kitchen table
and draw page after page
of house plans, diagrams for made up worlds,
tarot cards, poems that swirl into curlicues
Or drawings and poems that you fold and add on to,
so that no one sees them in full
until the end

We’d sit in the back yard,
on the wooden swing
sipping cold creamed coffee
from dazzling cups
I’d read to you

Or you’d tell me long elaborate stories
and I’d paint them
Or I’d tell you about the future cloth-bound volumes
you’d make of your stories,
The accompanying art and merchandise
The millions of dollars
floating by on the breeze
like fluff balls
Emanating from your
Bird’s nest hair

Or we’d lay on our backs in the dark
with swirls of orange, pink and
green lights murmering
all around,
Swelling high to the tops of the giant trees
church bells sounding
within my soul

Nowadays we sit in the hammock or on the side wall,
the morning or evening
giving us colorful pulsing planets
or slanted half moons
or neighborhood cats and dogs
Racoons, possums, crows, vultures
a cast of human characters too

Now I listen to all the inspired or
flummoxing parts of your day
you tell me what you think of my new painting
or I listen to incredible music you coax
from the piano or the $6 goodwill
children’s guitar with three strings
or the keyboard, violin or piano

we lay there and play word games
or crosswords
and drink coffee
from those same dazzling cups

Registration photo of carolyn Pennington for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


We rested 
on the bench
under a dogwood tree
she planted 
to shade her
when she visited 
……spouse passed when he was 59..
……son passed  when he was 59.

“He went to war when son was three.
I am glad he got back.”

“How did you get over it?”

“I don’t try to….”