Posts for June 16, 2024 (page 8)

Registration photo of Kel Proctor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


My skin is angry and red 
from a day at the pool. I forgot
to reapply sunscreen, and as the sun
toasted my flesh, I relished
the feeling. It showed me
that I could burn on the outside
as I burn on the inside,
rage twisting in my gut
at the insensitive words spilled
from too open mouths. 
I hope they catch flies. 

Registration photo of Donna Ison for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Rumor Mill

They say, during the winter months, she lures in a mountain lion to sleep at the bottom of her bed and keep her feet warm.  

Some allege, she had an experimental organ transplant in France and received a baboon’s liver; that’s why she can drink so much bourbon.

Presumably, if she touches your hair, she can read your thoughts, so don’t let her hand get near your head. 

According to sources, the ghost of Frank Lloyd Wright designed that cabin; she summoned him during a seance, and he guided her hand to sketch the plan.

Word is, every April, she comes to town, takes a lover half her age, uses and abuses him ‘til fall, then sends him back looking twice her age. 

I hear she’s got an army of crows that flies around and finds lost jewelry, then brings it back for her to pawn; that’s the why for her wealth.

It’s been whispered she has a tattoo that says “Ride at Your Own Risk” inked just above her most private of all parts.

By all accounts, for the last thirty years, she’s only eaten Lucky Charms cereal and food she forages from the forest…gets all her protein from crickets. 

Rumor has it, she has a couch down by the creek, where she goes twice a week, to talk to an imaginary therapist. 

Reckon any of it be true?
Guess you’d have to ask her. 
Hell, no, I’m not going near that witch of the woods. 

And that’s just the way she likes it.

Registration photo of Kim Kayne Shaver for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

From a Porch in Colorado

     Black crow feathers glint
          flies at sunrise to her post
               Majestic pine tree

Registration photo of Bernard Deville for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Circle March

An abuser, veins on chemical fire
scorches out on a gurney.  

A father figure slaps the future
out of a victim who will later
scorch out on a gurney.  

A spinster’s ruler splits the knuckles
of a future twisted father figure
because this hurts me more than you.  

And so on. And so on.
Pilgrim dunking parties, tribal extinctions,
racial ghettos, persecutions,
and the feel-good promise of Manifest Destiny.  

Being human, we create truths
that conform to the twisted
natures we possess.

Registration photo of EDL for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Like warriors in the night,
we went to war.
Reclaiming what they,
had taken from us.

Raw screams,
deadly weapons.
An ambush.

We found ourself at the battlefield,
fighting like brothers and sisters in arms.
Until we finally pushed the enemy,
back into the inner corners of hell.

After all, that’s where they all belonged.

We unleashed the demons,
and patched eachother up.
While watching the night burn out,
into yet another day.

We made it out alive.

Registration photo of Toni Menk for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Half way through the month
Poetry well running dry
Need to dig new one


Trigger Warnings

“Didn’t I tell you about the time my mom

thought I had an eating disorder?”
you say, offhand, from the sink.
You are washing the dishes,
and I lock my eyes on your face,
doing my best not to scan you,
a deep-seated instinct,
now I’ve taken too long to say something 
and you’re avoiding my gaze.
So I let the revelation settle in my gut,
one more move in this game of chicken
where we pretend we do not worry
and we do not want
to be worried about.
Take last night.
You cracked a joke and I flinched
instead of laughing like I was supposed to.
But I wouldn’t have let you apologize,
and you knew that,
so you passed me a sleeping pill
and offered to buy me some melatonin
and turned on the air conditioning.
And this morning I laughed,
and said I slept
to reassure you that it was okay.
It wasn’t,
I mean, I wasn’t,
but the whole world is a minefield 
and we can’t tiptoe around it all.
We’ve both spent too many years trying.
Once, we went to a bar,
and I helped you with a glowstick bracelet,
and you said, “Wait,
how did you get yours on?”
and my fingers started tingling
and I mumbled, “Slid it on over my hand”
and you said, “God, I hate skinny people”
and I knew it was coming
but I still thought about how
she used to poke me in the locker room
and say I looked so good
she couldn’t keep her hands off
and I looked so good
it made her hate herself
in the same breath.
I just wanted to change my clothes.
But I weigh maybe 115 pounds,
and I do have skinny privilege,
so I didn’t call you out.
Just waited until you couldn’t hear,
then sobbed into my pillow
because I was so sick
of my body needing to come
with a trigger warning.
The other day I was contemplating 
putting on shorts and texted you,
“I wish I was Violet Incredible”.
A sentiment you share,
although for a different reason,
since you hate the scale
because the number is too high
and you want to feel lovable
and I hate the scale
because the number is there at all
and I don’t want to be sometimes.
But still, you understand the appeal
of going unseen,
and that’s alarming, but
it’s also comforting.
Because you’ve been there, you notice
when I’m too anxious to eat
and find something easy on my stomach.
Casually, so you won’t seem worried,
since you don’t want me to make myself
smaller than I am
and disappear 
And because I’ve been there,
I forced the words down
while you were standing at the sink,
just drove to work.
But from the parking lot,
I sent you an Instagram meme
about being hot and unstable
(like climate change),
my way of reminding you
that you’re beautiful AND
that you can be honest.
So maybe we’re tiptoeing after all,
but at least it’s afterwards 
instead of before.
At least it lets us
drop the lore while washing the dishes,
and for two girls who always pretended
they were okay,
it’s such a relief to be allowed 
to take up so much space
and not even have to apologize for it.

Registration photo of Leah Tenney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

morning prayer

just add hot water to this cup
already prepared with cinnamon and brown sugar to sweeten what is bitter  

just add hot water to this cup
and the saucer will catch the overflow of any exuberant sipping  

just add hot water to this cup
and everything will swirl together into magic, into morning ritual,  into making sense

just add hot water to this cup
and watch the steam rise like dancing prayers

Registration photo of Nancy Jentsch for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

And It’s Even a Pleasure to Say

Joyful — now there’s a word/we haven’t used in a while.” 
– Louise Glück in “Presidents’ Day”

Squeeze the “j” in joyful of its sweet 
juice. Let its taste stay on your tongue,
in your cheeks, till you’re ready to open
wide for the vowel — a diphthong really,
that joins, blends. And think of the good 
in that! -ful‘s “f” is a toothy sound
written as Philly or trough, strong
as a fortress, feather-bed soft,
dreamy as frankincense. I don’t know 
why -ful would end with a wet-washrag
American “l,” except to give your muscles
a break before you shout joyful again.

Registration photo of Laverne for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


In the 1860s great grandfather converted over 500 Indians to Christianity rounded up by soldiers & brought to the fort in chicken wire covered wagons to be taught by missionaries these people were called savages.

In 2023 homeless at the bus stop across from the Lyric were rounded up by police & arrested for loitering these people were called vagrants.