Posts for June 16, 2024 (page 9)

Registration photo of N. D for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Love bites

adorn my skin with
bruises, let us show the world
how you care for me

*For C.*


All the Nice Ones are Dead

You killed all the
Nice queer people and all
That’s left is me,
With my shaking hands
And cracking voice,
And fear giving way to anger,
And a tiredness that nestles
Even deeper into my bones.

Way back in March was my second
Transgender rememberance day,
Where the community mourns all
Of it’s trans and nonbinary and genderflud
And gender nonconforming siblings,
Because they were killed for
Daring to be themselves,
In a world that would rather
Bury their dead “sons” and “daughters”
Than have a child who changed their
Name and gender markers
To the right ones.
Because being trans and queer
In any time in America
Is an act of deviance and rebellion,
Where I could get beaten up for
Using the “wrong” bathroom,
And it would by my fault
Because I am other,
I am a freak,
They do not understand me,
And therefore that makes
Me the enemy.
But you have sat next to me
In classrooms
And on the school bus,
In the bathroom stall next to me
While my anxiety mounted as
I waited for the bathroom to clear
Out so I could leave comfortably
And I know when you look at me
You do not know what box
To force me into.
And I want to know,
You owe us all the answer,
Of how many more of our
Siblings have to die before
You realize that we are people too.
I am as human as you are.
But you have killed all the
Nice queer people and all
You have left is me,
And I am making my anger
Into a louder voice
That will never be silenced
Because you can cut out
My tongue and you can
Take away my human rights
And you can even kill me
But the truth is that you will
Always be more afraid of me
Than I of you. 

Registration photo of Marta Dorton for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Aging Father

which present will make him
love me   which will calm
his nerves

which present will make him
treat mom better   make him view
me with some value in his eyes

which present will suffice
since presents do not alter
emotions for very long

which present will mark him “honored”
satisfy this year‘s requirement
then I’m on to other things

which present will show him I’m beginning
to understand the time and energy
required to be a parent 

which present will reflect
my knowledge of the father role
now that I’m a single mom

which present does he need
to soften his comfort  ease his pain
remind him  I’m still here

which presents do I find
stacked neat into drawers  
skin bracer and talcum powder
we clear out his room  
family pictures on the wall



I can’t stop waiting for you

It’s like my body doesn’t know any other way to be

I don’t have nightmares anymore

I went to therapy for that

But now that they’re gone, I wish they never left

It was the only way I got to still see you

All of this is so frustrating

I’m finally happy

Finally free

Finally in love with someone who actually loves me

And yet…

I end up going back to my old ways

Like how a train won’t leave its tracks

Like how a prisoner can’t leave their cell

Like how prey doesn’t leave its predator

I’ve always been a creature of habit

I just wish my habit wasn’t you

Registration photo of Bethany Robinson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

She the Goddess

My skin covered in goose flesh as if you are there with me, your own fingers grazing against my bare skin

The fine hairs electrified, standing up towards the sky as if they could pull away from my skin to long even more for your touch

How I long for you to lap away at me like Dionysus in his glutinous ecstasy

Drunk off the flora of my fauna

But your supplication ever so persistent and wanton, a desire you beg for

A steady eagerness, more you state through husky breath, a guttural growl from your loins

You appeal to the longing desires I have sought for centuries

For me to be your chosen one

My ruling power of Venus

Entraps your lust holding you tightly

Deeply now intertwined my power a steady force you can’t resist, but melt into an ecstasy

Letting go of these preconceived notions of what you only allowed yourself to want

Fully surrendering to me

Registration photo of Gaby Bedetti for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Great Blue Heron at Jacobson Park Lake

Near the shore a flapping swoops up from the brush,
a shock of gray-blue feathers scooping air–
what Yeats’ swan must have sounded like,
“its great wings beating still”–

Registration photo of Tabitha Dial for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Burgoo Kentucky Stew (The day before Father’s Day 2024)

Into my Beau’s red Dutch oven, they go. Diced:
onion, celery, into hot oil. Allow to simmer.

Cook and let it smell like the spirits and the 
potential at the fireside table at Talbott Tavern.
Next, 3 lbs chuck and later, 
half a bottle of Tabasco,
made as advised by 
Cheese Shop Charlie.
Set the base now. This is where you
remember your mother: 
the diced tomatoes
and the tomato sauce.
Next remember your grandparents: 
chicken and beef bouillon, garlic powder,
salt and pepper.
A touch of oregano and ground thyme
until you hear an inside joke or earworm.
Add Worcestershire and minced garlic 
until you sense the moments 
that stay with us forever. 
Fresh gold potato, frozen veggies
for those that kept us fed:
Lima Beans for Mom. 
Always a bit extra Okra 
(the secret ingredient)
for Dad.

Registration photo of Melva Sue Priddy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Wild Black Raspberries #2



Leaf and cane like a blackberry.

Sweet, a mix between a raspberry

and a blackberry, once the fruit turns

black. Pulls off with the slightest tug.

Has a center hollow like a raspberry

but smaller than either.

Seeds are formidable

Registration photo of Kevin Nance for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Medieval Execution Tanka

They ask the poet
how he’d prefer to be killed. 
Boiled in oil, he says. 
But won’t that hurt quite a bit?
Oh yes, he says, but that rhyme!

Registration photo of Laura Foley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


we figure it out as babies:
that thumb and forefinger
can pinch, like a crab,
and lift small objects

as a child, when our 
brothers and uncles
(and bullies at school) use
thumb and forefinger
to pinch our skin–
ha ha, funny joke

as a child we learn, usually
from our parents,
that the forefinger can be
pointed at us,
to let us know
we were bad

growing up, we quickly
adopt the pointing forefinger,
to call out something bad
our sister did, or to
draw attention to 
something at a distance,
say, an ice cream truck

not long ago, we used our forefingers
to dial rotary phones, now we
use them to stab at the screen
of our “smart” phones or
peck out a poem on
our keyboards

musicians, playing
different instruments,
would agree few could play
without the forefinger,
which tends to get
a large number of
the melody notes

hell, we couldn’t even flash
a good old-fashioned
without the forefinger

and no better tool was
ever created to dig out
a stubborn booger

we could go on, but
let’s stop to consider
this question:
if the forefinger
is so freaking great
why don’t we wear 
our wedding bands
upon it

I think this is why:
while the forefinger
is supreme among 
the fingers, the
fourth finger is weakest,
unable to rise easily
on its own,
unlike the others

when we wear 
our wedding bands there,
we are commemorating 
a union that helps the 
weakest part of us

but what if you are unmarried,
what if you don’t go around
pointing your index finger
at others

well, there’s always the
middle finger