Posts for June 17, 2024 (page 9)



Heads pounding
Hearts Racing
Do I think of this?
Do I think of that?

Too much to process
The mania is consuming

I can’t help but spin
Spin around and around in my head
Waiting for it to slow
Waiting for it to steady

Am I ready?
Will it end?
We all fall down

Registration photo of Sean L Corbin for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

When you think you’ve got the world all sussed out

a wood bee buzzes in front
of your face and you flail
across your back stoop
breaking your wife’s clay
flower pots and bird feeders
and tchotchkes from your trips
to Asheville North Carolina
where everyone bites
their tongue and dips their toes
in artisan patchouli oil
and you knock a candle over
as you swipe at the bee
and a dry potted fern
catches fire and starts speaking
to you in riddles about
partisan politics and the smoke
is just thick enough to blind you
so that you step hard
into the wooden post that once
held your pergola, if only
you’d finished the job,
stupid bastard, one foot at a time.

Registration photo of Lee Chottiner for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Free (It Works)  

                            from a hand-made sign
                           seen on a tattered recliner
                           left by the side of a street

I work
I can work
I am free
I see
my friends
like me
go to work
It irks me
to see
those scenes
I see
in that chair
skin raw
at the arms
and footrest
I see
no rest
for me
I see
for me
I need
to invent
a new me  

Registration photo of N. D for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

we have food at home

groceries were bought
but temptation calls, my dear
chinese takeaway

Registration photo of Morgan Black for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Still Life

I’ve stood at the edges of canyons

At the bases of mountains

Toes pointed at the rivers edge

Eyes fixed on the ridge


My memory stores paintings

Of the moments I’ve kneeled before God

Wind whipping in the valley

Birdsong filling my mortal body

A hymnal

Pledging witness

To my human condition

Registration photo of Laura Foley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


you carried on your shoulders
a lifetime of experience,
of unexpected joy and
unspeakable pain

ten children and a
tobacco farm,
kept out of trouble
because of you

you were up before
the sun,
caring for the animals,
preparing equipment

while we slept, deeply,
caught up in dreams
that had little to do
with bringing 
the tobacco in

your wife,
my mother,
would make breakfast,
waking us with
our noses

you often came in
as we were finishing,
a cooling plate of
food waiting for you
on the countertop

you would 
sip coffee,
take a few bites,
then head back out

most of us
would stumble outside
over the next hour or so,
though some of the girls
would stay inside,
on pretense of helping
mother clean up

the boys would, eventually,
start helping with
minor chores until,
at lunch, we would all 
stop and pray
and eat and you
would assign to each of us
some bit of work for the day

teaching us,
without words,
that you, as
the bringer
of all we had, were 
also setting an example,
preparing us to be
of our own

Registration photo of Mike Wilson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Con Game

Failure lies in wait amongst the weeds
with its partners, ego and victory.
They conspire to make me believe I am
the paint, the brush, the perishing canvas,
not the quiet lidless eye that sees it.  

Registration photo of Goldie for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

a transposition of some shrill song I’ve yet to suspend on tobacco staves, ashes already

—a soft shoe whistle
lapped over the bathroom
            the powdery paws of a cat,

slack traces of nameless Pinocchio pacing
the balding switchbacks lolled from a straightening
rem state,
                    what burled blocks piqued proud
                                 of the cat’s tongue tickling
                                 fleas into taciturn
                                 roadside attractions, much
                         like driftwood
                        clumped in a buckling

        that the dry-washing river
        massages or bloodlets
        into this mock-up of
        Hadji Ali, who’d
   gargled the verdigris
scum of a wishing well
into disjointed
music—                                scattershot puce and
                                               mint-to-be shreds of

                                             Pennies from Heaven, perchance.

A mechanical bank
worked down from a rock
with a cat-tongued thong throbbed,
star-cinched grip of a golem
the dippers had churned
from a trilobite fossil
interred in a sleep-rocked spall of slate;

a mechanical bank
relenting—letting the
                     loll of a coin assuage its
                                  its tidldibab
                                  bird bones
                                  as guts of a
                                  cuckoo clock,
                                  to churn

of what frail wish flipped clumsily;
what gruff brush strokes lapped ‘long the velveteen
neck of a catling, eyes licked verdigris green
as abandoned pennies peer up amongst
roiling wellsprings; what lush talcum
                                     so softly alit upon
                                     dander pricked
                                     in the ken
                                     of a velvet Elvis,
                                     in dream; to churn

of which seam-ripped rivet such purring
or whistling summoned from seemingly nothing
more hard and fast than the pass of phantasmal     


which urge our driftwood Pinocchio, Dance—

Registration photo of Donna Ison for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Developing Immunity

She would have been swayed
by that love song you played
on the guitar you made 
out of reclaimed barn wood

oblivious to your confessions
of infidelities and aggressions 
all the sugar-spun indiscretions 
deafened by your beauty

bathed in your drama 
wrapped herself in your trauma 
charged your red flags like a Brahma
then crafted them into a ball gown

was me
no more

I became immune to those topaz eyes
velvety voice and muscular thighs 
knowing too well you’d be my demise
if I lingered on your potential

noted: obsessed with his mother
has children with three other
and simply cannot discover
a job worthy of his unique genius 

loved you at my leisure
accepted four nights of pleasure
then buried them like treasure
and released you to the night

Registration photo of Wayne Willis for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Executive Poet 

I write the best poems
Know all the best poets
The MIT poets
All very intelligent
Especially me

Sharks and batteries
Change weather with marker
Drink bleach
Windmills bad
Tyrants good