Posts for June 18, 2024 (page 10)

Registration photo of Melp for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Her heart beats a cadence

That compels my body forward.

Through fire I’ll walk,

They say,

Love will make you do crazy things.


And so I know now that

Love songs have an origin.

That I find myself doting,


On her every soft breath and whispered thought.


Indeed I’m mad,



in love with you.

Registration photo of Wayne Willis for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Well Runs Dry 

Pulling the bucket up seventeen days in a row
More than ever before,
I wonder if I have reached the limit
Of my creative well.
Surprised I didn’t run out sooner.

Registration photo of Lennie Hay for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Camellia’s A Tease

She awoke overnight
under full moonlight.
I saw her popped
pinkness at breakfast. 

Bursting fullness
top a thin green stalk
and bends it sideways.
She greets the sun.

Seven closed buds—
her restrained promise
wait in her scent 
for their turn to please.

Registration photo of Kevin Nance for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Wedding Tanka for Linda & Coleman

Together for years
already, they don’t expect 
magic. But when they 
say their vows, love rises up
& grabs us all by the throat. 

Registration photo of Brady Cornett for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

By The Skin Of My Darling’s Shoulders

I feel it with the touch of my hands.
You fall into them,
You respond,
You want them. 
The future is such a big word
for a present that’s only a second long.
Don’t worry about it.
There’s just today.
Just tonight.
Love like you’ll never love again.
Sweat and wear their spit like a badge of honor.
Kiss every patch of skin you can.
Let the Goddess of beauty know you still worship.
Not with the intent of reciprocation,
It’s about exposure.
Exposure of the self. 
Another person is like a bottomless pit.
It’s hard telling how long you’ll fall.
Because they’ll never be sincere.
Not like this.
But fear not. 
You are always a loss to someone.
Whether they see it now, or never see it at all.
It’s not your fault you can’t share a vision.
The skull is much too thick.
But the touch and the skin are soft.
They demand tenderness.
Nothing is more weaponized
Than a love, sincere.
A bullet in an artery,
Ready to leak in its absence.
Lay down your weapon.
Drop your shield.
Nothing can hurt you. 
Enjoy the night.
Nobody owes us tomorrow. 
Not many want to.
You may feel alone,
But you are always a light.
Even if the struggle to see it takes a fight.
Regardless of whose arms you’re in
in all the other tonights. 
By the skin of my darling’s shoulders,
I show her my light.
Hard telling how long I’ll be a star in her sky.
But regardless, we must always try.
I will always try. 
A curse and a gift, all in the same.
To die with a paperchain of faces
Trapped in our memory banks.
The constellation of our love.
A favorite to someone, at least.
We’re all trying by the skin of our Darling’s shoulders. 

Registration photo of Laverne for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Sensuality of Mind

That place where thoughts & ideas penetrate   theories develop   implementation set      instructions given   acquiescence prevails   submission overtakes   takes over   power & release   excitement   fruition   yes, please   do me do me do me   becomes   tell me tell me tell me   I deep listen

Registration photo of Goldie for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

What I might easily write off as boilerplate cynicism takes the bewildering shape of a half-cracked carnival cudding its niche in a corn field, ears piqued over encroaching escarpments

Chipper old women and giggling, 

jelly-chinned children—
everyone else is as lost as a 
cross-eyed god abandoned 
at raucous Walpurgisnacht, groping
through floundering ducks for prospective
lottery numbers and half-baked maxims cracked
from the anise-lapped bellies of olms and efts,
left laughing at anything daring to fillip an
exit sign, and teasing from leathery breasts
of the geminied banshees chained to the
piqued, hysterectomied belfry nothing more
saccharine, tactless, and pitifully scribbled than
what cold ode, what rubbing rubbed ruddy in
condoms and latex gloves flossed over an 
oak stump, trellised with tresses of brambling,
pea-green bumbershoots, curled out, cup-like,
cudding the gruff guff ghastly gadabouts spritz
and distilling it all into fishladdered simpers
and sentiments cannonballed over the garden wall

Registration photo of Laura Foley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


it’s the entitled, facing the homeless

it’s the popular kids in school, facing the unpopular

it’s the bully, facing the victim

it’s the politician, facing an angry constituent

it’s the consensus mob, facing one who disagrees

it’s one political side, facing another

it’s the race-obsessed, facing another race

it’s the self-righteous, facing the humble

it’s the hater, facing the hated

it’s the government, sending in troops

it’s the abortion doctor, ending a life

it’s also you

it’s also me

Registration photo of Toni Menk for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Dance Party


While mowing the field,
a bluebird swooped by me
after insects the machine stirred up.

I could see its rust belly and
its wings, a slightly different
hue of blue than the spring sky.

It was joined by another,
then another until a half dozen,
or so, whirled and twirled

up and down, round and round
preforming a complicated ballet
around me and the mower.

I was dancing with bluebirds.




My Old Friend

It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen

My old friend

Their face: familiar, sunken

It’s been a while since I’ve felt that weight on my chest

Just heavy enough to make it hard to breathe, but light enough so that I can

I can’t remember the last time I felt this flush of warmth across my skin

I almost missed how I slow down, like I’ve got chains on my feet

Unable to move my body

Unable to recognize the passage of time

Unable to eat

Unable to even speak

Cotton stuffed in my mouth

Squeaking against my teeth

I could cry

The tears won’t come

But they almost do