Posts for June 19, 2024 (page 10)


early cool

in the magic 
of this early cool
you ask me to sit with you
and listen to the Bee Buzz
under the super-bloom
of Sweet Mimosa,
your internal decible
meter rates the vibration
higher than our refrigerator 

Registration photo of Toni Menk for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Heat Dome

I am on a rock

In ocean of cold water

Winds blow over it

Create natural AC

Star Island, the place to be


Unexpected Shopper

Familiar flitter

Adds a breath of novelty 
Winks above the cans
Wee wing-ed nightlight
Reminiscent playfulness
Alights my wonder

Registration photo of H.A. for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


this illusory itch will not desist
repeated scratching and clawing cannot diminish its persistence 

skin now
ripped raw
bleeds in dashes, dots, and drips

pink punctures populate 
pulled pores pour 


than I am willing to give

Registration photo of Linda Bryant for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Everyday Blue Miracle

My nephew saw a blue angel rise
from a polished copper vase
that cradled gravely bits
of my mother. He was chanting
a poem in Hebrew as the electric
blue feathers fanned out
& flew in pieces to the upper corners
of the sanctuary. The roof opened up
& the feathery blue essence tumbled out–-
woosh–-like a speed train into the sky.
You may notice I use the word blue
but it was a blue vision, surrounded
by blue, illuminated blue & received
by blue. You could say it was a hallucination
but several attendees saw it, scraps
of blue traveling up, disappearing.

Registration photo of Chelsie Kreitzman for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Redbud Leaf

Great, veined ear of a green elephant. Lined palm lifted in prayer.

Hand-washed laundry hung out to dry. Silk permeated by sun.

Lily pad for a flying frog. Eventual pock-marked parachute.

Lost scale of a giant fish. Mysterious scroll unrolled.

Fissured heart strung up high. Parchment paper valentine.


That Night

tw: sexual assault mention

I still remember that night you invited me to sleep in the same bed as you

For years I beat myself up over being too scared to do it

I imagined how you would kiss me

Gentle, tender love

Fueled my delusions with more of the same

Believing the lie that you loved me

Repeated by you so frequently that I had no reason not to trust you

The reality of the situation hit me like a brick six years after

If I would’ve opened that door, you would’ve hurt me

I can see it so clearly, playing on repeat

I see myself opening the door to a dim room illuminated by a single lamp

You look up from your phone, your smirk looks like a villain in a kid’s movie

It’s obvious

Everyone knows you’re leading the lamb to slaughter

Except the lamb, of course

I move the blankets back so that I can get into the bed

Willingly taking part in my own destruction

Hands exploring places no one had ever touched

I never was able to tell you no

You were never able to see my discomfort

You fall asleep with your arm wrapped around my waist

I lay there


Wide awake

And I would wish I never opened that door

Content Warning

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Registration photo of Coleman Davis for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

If You Yearn

“If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love…If you yearn…that is a door.”

                                                   Clarissa Pinkola Estés 
Passionate vine climbs.
Lingers, uncoiling the root. 
All ways become one.
Nature’s seed awakening.
Train the ego, feed it truth.
The breathing is key.
Relax into the deep sea.
Ease into release.
Every doorway is empty.
Simplicity brings us home.

Registration photo of dustin cecil for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

some of: nuns

(since his offering on the 7th,  gregory friedman’s  blank space with a ?  has scratched away at my last two braincells)

clown car          circuit                     aquaduct
clobbering        cache                       chaingang
canolli               charcuterie            chin-up
chiggerbite       clickbait                  charleston chew
courage             clawback                cease and desist
clawful              cyclone                    clickity-clack
cakepop            cranberry sauce    chicago style crust
cottagecore      caroline reaper      cankersore
clippership       cooter brown         collapse
clot                     scism                        clothesline
courtesy           cabinet                      confessional
cotillion            chimney                   coif

Registration photo of Gregory Friedman for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

There are ancient battles  

in these pages, dusty controversies,
mendicants versus clergy, disputes
long forgotten. But for Henri of Ghent,
Richard Knapwell, Gerard of Abbeville,
the great Aquinas, Bonaventure—they were as
contested as our culture wars today,
though couched in Sententie that march
in noble Latin through these penned notes,
a later scholar dutifully comparing
what seven centuries past was hot debate.  

What wisdom can I learn from his staid
calligraphy, black-inked from broad nib,
strolling gracefully on each page?  

Here Bonaventure asks, “Are irrational
creatures to be loved ex caritate?
and how Assisi’s Saint
was seen to be a man
of “great fervor and tenderness”
toward them:
“swallows obey
and are silent”
at his sermons—
what any preacher
might hope for.